45.I fucking hate you!

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" Yeah... " he replied gazing at the road ahead

I wanted to say I love you. But I bit my lips preventing the words from rolling out.

" Thanks..For today."

" Well I am known for being creative" He winked with his charmig smile

My urge to bend and kiss him just reached its peak .

But I couldn't..... He was so close to me and yet I couldn't.

It felt like a curse.I looked out the window. Today was really special. All that he did for me and all his gestures were lovely. Now that ge gave me his ring my thoughts felt secure.

" Flo.. Thank you"

" For what? You were the one planning the exotic yacht date. "

" No.. Thanks for not giving up on me..It's actually good to be normal for once and not fight or argue or prove someone wrong."

" I get it. Sometimes life just has to be spontaneous even you guys can't plan some unprecedented event." I replied

His eyes were constantly moving as if he was nervous.

" Fort is everything alright...? " I asked

" Yeah.." He mumbled. He pursed his lips and tugged on his piercing in anticipation

" Fort, The tell-me-your feeling thing works for you as well.So spill it" I demanded.

" Flo.. I am having a really bad feeling about something. Shell is sending me signals... Something bad is coming up." He was tapping his fingers against the wheel.

" What will happen? You should know right? "

" It's not related to your fate but something to do with you nevertheless." He was fiddling in his seat. " I have to get you home."

"Okay But what -

My phone started buzzing.

It was Mom. That's strange.She knows I am on date and won't call unless its urgent.


" F-F-Flo.. " Her voice was barely audible.It was cracking and trembling.

" Mom! What happened why are you.. crying? " I askerd. Suddenly my entire body froze with the unimaginable chill.

" Flo... Your Dad.." She was sobbing terribly. I was clutching the phone tighter with
every second.

" Dad? What happened to dad? Mom? please speak up!"

" Flo.. Your Dad... He... Is no
more... I couldn't save him..I-I-I let him die" She broke down there and then.

But I couldn't hear a thing. My vision and hearing sense felt weak. It felt like the entire world was just whizzing past me and I was standing there glued to the spot.

Dad was dead.

The words echoed constantly and reverberated in my heart and my mind. It felt as if a wall of glass crashed over me.

" Flo? What happened? "

Suffocation clouded my lungs.

" Dammit Flo! What happened "

Forts word couldn't even reach my ear.

" Dad..." I weakly said.

Fort's eyes widened.

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now