Chapter 25

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Logan's POV

I couldn't believe that everyone was in on the maximal dangerous plan that Emily had planned. I knew the extreme limits she was willing to cross in order to save her brother, I could see the determination in her eyes. There was no way I could tolerate the thought of my enemy and the girl I had an interest in for two reasons. Firstly, it was highly dangerous; she might have dated him in the past, but that didn't stop Deklan from being a criminal, but then again, so was I. Second reason being that the mere thought of Deklan and Emily together made me sick to the gut, in other words, I was jealous. I was past denying that my feelings for this woman had intensified, but the fact that I was in no place to have her didn't change. I wanted to end Deklan in all ways possible, but it wasn't as simple as the thought was. If someone would have told me that I would inherit actual feelings for a woman some day, I would have thought that they were nuts, but now the thought was more intriguing than anything else I had ever experienced.

I laid back on my chair taking a deep breath. A million thoughts flew past my mind on how to alter the situation, but I agreed with none. Soon, I walked my infuriated self out to the coffee room, where I was suprised to find Emily and Larissa already present, laughing casually with the guys.

"What's going on here?" I urged. Their eyes popped in my direction, their smiles faltering.

"We were just going over the plan once more" Austin commented, raising from his seat. "We have started searching for Deklan, as soon as Adam pin points his location, Emily will get into action" he continued. My rage was building up once again, and before I had the chance to explode in front of them, I charged out of the room, back to where my office was located.

Slamming the door shut, I sat myself back on my seat, resting my head in the nest of my hands, taking deep breaths.

I hadn't even noticed the faint sound of knocking on my door until I felt my eyes pierce through Emily's bright green ones. She sat silently on the chair in front of my desk, no one uttering a word for the first few minutes. She finally took a deep breath, starting her speech.

"My brother started dating this girl in college. He fell in love with her quickly; what he didn't realize was that she was dying. The doctors had suggested surgery, but the probability of her survival was only a 20%. My brother was desperate, so he went for it. The girl he was in love with, came from a poor family, and couldn't afford it. My parents had denied my brother the money, they didn't agree with him. I helped him as much as I could, but it wasn't enough for the surgery. Soon, he started getting money illegally, I tried to stop him, but he didn't listen. He managed to gather all the money, but despite the surgery, she didn't survive. He owed a lot of money to the people he got the money from, but he couldn't pay it. He drank his sorrows everyday, and decclined every possibility of help, I tried so much to help him, but he's a stubborn man. One day I decided to follow my brother when he left the house. He met up with them, the people he owed money to, he tried to explain his situation to them, he needed more time to pay the money back. They didn't accept, they shot him. And I was right there, hiding behind a wall, like the pathetic human that I was. I didn't do anything to help him, or even stop the situation. I can't go through that again. Deklan did this to him, he even had the audacity to use me for three years and I will make him pay." She finished. Her head was facing downwards, and she was fiddling with her fingers on her lap.

I processed her words. Her face held pain and agony, and I couldn't see her like that. I leaned forward slightly, thinking my words through carefully.

"What you did in that situation is what any other normal human being would have done. I understand that you want to save your brother, but putting yourself in danger is not the way to do it" The words seemed foreign to me, I was a criminal, nothing mattered to me before. But things had changed for the better.

"Logan, this is my brother. My twin brother. I can't just sit back and do nothing" She argued.

"So you think that putting yourself in immense danger is the solution. You'll be no good to your brother if you somehow don't know how to play your cards right. Deklan is a smart man. He looks weak from the outside, but there is a reason why I haven't been able to take down Deklan in my years of being in his competition. He knows what he's doing, he is good at reading right through people. If by any chance he finds out, neither will we take him out, neither will you get your brother back. Think this through"

"I have. I have been with Deklan for three years, he might have been able to put up a facade back then, but there is no way I will fail my brother now, I know it." She shot back, clearly not giving up anytime soon. I took a deep breath, dragging my level of patience higher.

"I know you're determined Emily, I know you want your brother back. I know the guilt consuming you is controlling you, but you cannot let that get in the way. This is dangerous. Deklan is a manipulative man who never plays fair."

"And you do? You're as much of a criminal as he is. And if it weren't for our mutual enemy I wouldn't be working with you Logan!" She snapped. Her words pierced through my heart, a new feeling of pain consuming me. It was selfish of me to think that after making her life hell I could actually want to be with her. But I couldn't.

My mouth was open, words about to release, but the door burst open, startling us both. Austin popped his head through the door whole.

"We have his location"

And the plan is officially going to start!! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictionss??? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Logan to the side--->





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