Chapter 23

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Emily's POV

Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.

"Hello?" Score!

"Hey Adam, it's Emily"

"Duffy? How the hell did you get my number? And why the hell would you be calling me?" He yelled through the phone. We had made our mind up. There was no way we were going to sit back and wait for our brother to come back to us. We had developed a new sense of bravery and we were willing to do whatever it took to bring him back home to us safely. Our lives had been a rollercoaster of a tonne of events, mostly negative. But the tables were about to turn, and we were going to take control of our lives. Joining the gang that had kidnapped me for sevral days, made me commit illegal hacking, and had put me in danger was our first step. It sounded demented to take such a step, but it was the only way, and the safest. Any ordinary human would have probably called us crazy and shipped us into a mental asylum for taking such actions, but there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel. I focused my attention back on the phone to answer Adam.

"Firstly, I'm a better hacker than you are, and secondly, I need your help" I stated. There was a bit of a pause on the other side before he replied.

"Does Logan-"

"No he doesn't" I halted "And I would really appreciate it if you would keep this conversation between us both" Another long pause followed before I heard him sigh.

"Alright, what is it?"

"I need you to get Logan and the guys to my house. Emergency meeting"

"What?" He responded, clearly confused by my request.

"I need you to get the guys and Logan to my house. Right now."

"And you're asking me to do this instead of yourself because...?" He trailed off.

"Because Logan does not do things on a no questions asked basis" I replied in a duh tone.

"And you think I'm going to do it on a no questions asked basis because...?"

"Because I have an extremely hot friend" I lied.

"On our way" He replied, hanging up. He fell into our trap. Typical Adam. I had no hot friend, but it was worth the lie. I smiled at Larissa and nodded.

The wait was long and exhausting. The outcomes were still unknown, and there was a probability we would lose the case, but that wasn't going to stop us from trying.

After half and hour of painful waiting, the doorbell rang, and I ran to open it. Blasting it open, Adam, Jack, Austin and Logan stood in front of it. I opened the door wider, letting everyone in. Leading them all into the living room, I made them sit down on the couches as me and Larissa stood at the front. A moment of silence conquered us as we just observed each other. I wanted to speak, show my new bravado, but no words came out of me. Absolutely nothing. Suddenly all my words were running around a strange world I had yet to discover, and I was utterly lost with words.

"Well? I don't suppose you called us here for a staring contest?" Logan approached, breaking the silence. His words were cold, as usual, but I wasn't going to let that bother me anymore.

"We want to make an offer" I started.

"Go on"

"You said Deklan's organization was your enemy right?" Their eyes narrowed on me but they agreed anyways. "And you want to destroy them?"

"Where are you going with this Emily?" Logan snapped. I looked at him and smirked. Long gone was the flinching Emily, this was the new me. The braver me.

"I will help you destroy Deklan's organization if you let us enter your crew to bring my brother back" And we got four reactions at the same time.

Austin: "How?"

Jack: "What?"

Adam: "Hell yeah"

Logan:"Absolutley not"

"Well, I'm going to take that as a yes" I started, unfortunatley was soon cut off with Logan's roaring. He elevate from his seat, pointing his accusative finger at me.

"Do you know what the hell you're talking about? This is not a game Emily. It's a dangerous world, you should know what you're-"

"I am very well aware of what I am getting myself into. I do recall being tortured by a criminal. But this is my brother, and I refuse to sit back and do nothing. So wether you like it or not, I am doing this. Besides, it's a win win for both of us." I looked up at him through the tense air. I could feel our rough breath travel the air, mixing with each other. Everyone else's eyes were still on us, but we didn't speak. He looked at me with a different eye. Something that showed...proudness? Lust? But he would no longer be a distraction for me, I wouldn't allow it. I could feel his eyes snap back into reality, and I could sense his rejection coming next, but the universe had other plans for us.

The sound of the front door opening was heard and all of a sudden a voice arrived the room.

"Hey Ems, you there? You took a sick day and I just thought I would pop by and check i-" She paralyzed as she walked into the living room. It was a rather horrible position, another problem to add to our list.

"Jordan, what are you doing here?" Her hands travelled to her mouth, and she covered it in shame, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude" She was at the point of turning around, when she changed her mind, fixing her eyes on Adam. Confusion striked the room as the both of them just stare at each other for a long moment. Then, she spoke:



So Jordana knows Adam??? How? Chapter throughts?? Future predictions??? Comment below and tell me what you think!! Sorry for the short chapter:(

Picture of Jordana to the side--->





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