Chapter 3

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Emily's POV

Waking up the next day was the best thing I had done all week. It was saturday, so I didn't have to go to work today. The memories of yesturday night invaded my mind, but I pushed them aside not wanting to be negative in the morning. Making myself a hot cup of coffee, I made my way towards the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. Nothing interesting was going on, so I decided to take a short shower and go shopping since it normally took my mind off things. Stripping off, I hopped under the shower, letting the water drown all my worries. Soon enough, I came out and got dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a pink crop top. I made my way back downstairs and picked my black bag from the counter and walked towards my door. Just as I pulled it open, I felt a cold liquid being smothered around my face, and before I knew it, darkness took over.

I woke up to the sound of men talking. Struggling to open my eyes, I finally forced them open sinking in the view in front of me. I was in a dark metalic room, with silver walls and a hard silver door at the end. There was a metallic table in the centre with a couple of chairs tucked underneath. A single white light dangled from the ceiling. It almost like a prison cell, except this was far worse.

I started panicking when I realised that not only was I in a place I didn't recognise, but I was tied to a chair with tight chains. I started flailing around with the chains in the hope that it would open, but it was no use. It only made bruises form on my hands making me squeal in pain. Not knowing what do to I did the stupidest thing ever.

"Hey! What the hell is this? Where the hell am I?" I screamed; still messing with my chains. Instantly, a figure emerged from the door. If I wasn't chained to a chair by this guy, I would have said he was hot. He had light brown hair that was sticking in all directions; making him look even more attractive. His bright blue eyes captured mine immediatley. A smirk was drawn on his lips.

"Well hello there gorgoeous." He said casually leaning against the door.

"Hello? That's all you have to say? What do you want from me?" He moved from his position so now he was sitting right in front of me.

"Well I can think of a lot of things I would like from you." He replied, his smirk growing bigger. Pervert.

Before I could answer, another figure enetered the room cutting me off. He had light blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes. He was broad and musculated just as well as kidnapper 1.

"Dude Adam, do you seriousley have to flirt with everyone?" He said with a strong australian accent to my first kidnapper, Adam. Even if I hate to admit it, the accent was hot.

"Oh come on Jack, admit it, she's hot. Just because you are an oldie doesn't mean I can't have some fun." Adam said shrugging at kidnapper 2, Jack.

"Shut up mate, I am not an oldie." Jack said, taking a seat next to Adam. Then I remembered. These were the guys from last night.

"What do you want from me?" I croaked, my voice barely coming out as I looked at them. Immediatley, a third memeber entered through the door. He looked a bit older, he also, had brown hair and blue eyes; much like Adam. But he wasn't as broad as Adam and Jack.

"You, my friend, are here to keep your mouth shut. You shouldn't have seen what you saw yesturday." He said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh trust me, you don't want to know." Kidnapper 3 said. I rolled my eyes in frustration as anger boiled within me.

"Look, I don't care who you are. I know what you did yesturday and I promise not to tell anyone. Can I please go?" I asked him with pleading eyes.

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