Chapter 5

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Emily's POV

"What do you mean you can't get in? Damn it Adam do you want to get busted?" I heard yelling as I walked down the hall, following the source of the sound. Logan's voice was loud and clear.

"I can't do anything! This girl's a freak!" Adam shouted. I finally reached the pitch black door, pushing it open carelessly.

"What the hell is going on here?" As soon as the questioned was posed, all faces turned towards me, except Adam's. He was typing away familiar codes on the keyboard.

"What are you doing here? Go back to your room." Logan commanded me coldly. It had been three days since I last saw him and the first thing he says to me is that? I don't think so.

"Hey, you kept me prisoner here remember? And Adam, why are you using a Visual Basic software?" I questioned.

"You know this stuff?" Logan asked, suprised; Austin, Adam and Jack looked at me, confused.

"Of course. I work at your IT department remember? I have a masters degree on this stuff" Before Logan could continue though, he was interrupted by Adam's irritated voice.

"Somebody discovered us, and now this freak is trying to steal all the data on my computer, I'm trying to block her, but I can't." I stared at him, and laughed. And he calls himself a hacker? They all looked at me curiousley, waiting for me to explain my reason for laughing.

"You can't because you're doing it wrong. That software is useless." I said under my breath.

"Is there something you would like to share?" Logan questioned after I stopped laughing. I shook my head and lied. Even if I could help, I wouldn't. I mean they did, afterall, keep me hostage. In addition, they are also a criminal organization and helping them would just be a crime, so no thank you. However there was one thing I didn't learn from life: lying. Logan sensed the hesitation in my features and walked intimidatingly towards me, making me walk backwards. "Let me rephrase that, would you like to go home or would you like to spend the rest of your eternity locked up in here?" I froze.

"He's using the wrong software" I blurted. He smirked and motioned me to take Adam's place. I took small steps until I arrived Adam's seat and replaced him. My hands were shaking and I couldn't believe what I was about to do.

"Now if you save us from being outed, I will let you go, and if you don't I will kill you. Your choice." He said, sending shivers down my spine. Suddenly, all I felt for him was hatred. Sure I hated him, but never like this. I placed my fingers on the black keyboard and took a deep breath, before relocating my gaze on the coded screen and focusing on what to do next. As soon as my fingers started moving on the keyboard, I felt myself evaporate into a different world and all I could see around me were words and codes. I erased all of Adam's steps and accesssed a programme I had made when I was sixteen for emergencies such as these. The purpose was it to make the enemy think they were hacking your system, when in reality, they would be hacking their own. As soon as I clicked enter and put my programme to use, I felt myself smiling at the screen. Once again, my mind was in a state of confusion. On one side, I was proud of my accomplishment, but on the other I felt ashamed to be helping save a criminal organization. I turned around in the chair, facing four very amused faces.

"What did you just do?" Adam spoke, his eyes still wide as he looked at the screen in pure amazement.

"I used a programme I had made when I was sixteen. She thinks she is still hacking your system, except she's hacking her own." I shrugged and got up, walking over to the coffee machine. Caffeine was needed.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" Logan asked, as amused as the rest of them.

"I don't know. I learnt by myself, now will you please stop looking at me like that. And you-" I pointed at Logan "-you said you would let me go if I saved you. So, whose escorting me outside?" I asked, placing the mug of coffee back on the table. A big smile was placed on my face, and for a minute a puddle of hope swam through me. Logan's eyes wandered between me and the guys, thinking what to do whilst I stared at him with anticipation.

"I'll think about it."

"What? NO! You said you would let me go! You lied to me! Come back-"

"Listen here princess, I am a criminal, I do what I want, I say what I want. I am agreeing to letting you go, just not now. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life here, I suggest you zip your mouth and go back to your room." He replied, towering my small figure that was stuck to the wall. And with that, he walked out, leaving me totally horrified and despised by his actions. My breath was shaken and I stood still for a minute, processing everything through until I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me towards a chair. Jack placed my coffee in front of me on the table as he sat next to me.

"Look, he didn't mean to be so hard on you, but with everything that's going on he just doesn't have the patience anymore. So calm down." I looked at him and just wondered how a person like Jack could be a criminal. He was nothing but nice. All of them were.

"How did you become one of them. All of you. Why would you become a criminal. Why would you join him?" I questioned, sounding disgusted and letting out an exasperated sigh. They all stared at me before Austin placed himself on the other side of me and started explaining.

"Look, you may think that we are the bad guys, and I mean we are criminals so we aren't exactly good. But we aren't merciless either. Logan has a past, a very bad one, that caused him to be this. But he never goes around killing people for no reason. And we joined him knowing what we were getting ourselfs into, and wether you believe this or not, but working together all these years has made us a family. We have our reasons for everything." As he spoke, I suddenly found myself interested in Logan's past. I wanted to know more about him, I wanted to unravel his layers and see what was behind all the ruthless. I wanted to know him inside out. For some reason.

"What happened in his past?" Austin shook his head and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"That's not my place to tell. You should ask him."

"Yeah like he's going to tell me" I scoffed, not even being able to imagine the situation.

"You say that now, but if you keep your patience with him, you won't have to face the version of him you faced a few minutes ago, and he might tell you. I mean afterall, he has never lasted this long with anbody but you." I smiled back, not knowing what to say. A weird spark was itching me at the back of my mind and I didn't want to know what it meant.

Just then the door yanked open and Logan walked in.

"We have to go." He told the boys.

"What about me?" I intruded, not wanting to be left alone. Logan looked frustrated and traced his hands thorugh his hair, thinking about what to do whilst I stared at his flexing muscles; vivd images racing through my mind as I did so. After a few minutes of thorough thinking, he finally replied.

"You're coming with us." The rest of the crew seemed surprised at his decision, and so was I. I had never gone on a trip with criminals and I didn't want to go now. But for some reason I also didn't want to be left behind. I nodded silently and followed the crew outside.


There you go!! Where do you think the crew is taking Emily??

Picture of Jack to the side---->





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