Chapter 13

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Emily's POV

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. Images started flying through my head and I jumped up, expecting to be raped and sprawled across the same red bed, Ashton's father - Draco - had kept me in. Instead, I was sleeping in my own bed, covered in a suit coat which I was 100% sure was Logan's. A smile made it's way to my face as I realized that he had saved me. He kept his word. I sat up frowning, every inch of my body aching and pushed myself off the bed. As I arrived my living room, I noticed Logan dozed off on my couch, looking cuter than ever. I stifled a laugh and walked into my kitchen, making myself some coffee. Just as I placed down my hot mug after my first sip, I heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen before Logan emerged through the door.

"Hey" I commented, slightly nervous.

"Hey, can I get some coffee?" He asked, tired as ever. I nodded and poured some coffee in a mug before placing it in front of him.

"So what happened yesturday?" I questioned, sitting in front of him; not meeting his gaze properly.

"I found you. He was about to rape you. I brought you back here and stayed just to make sure you would be safe." My heart swelled at his words. So he does care.

"Thank you. For saving me." He nodded and continued sipping from his mug. "Is he..." I tried to say the words I never thought I would be saying but thankfully he responded, feeling my discomfort.

"No, but he got away." He simply replied.

"If you find him-"

"I will kill him" He growled, almost animalisticly, making me flinch back slightly. Just then, an awkward silence conquered the atmosphere before I heard my front door burst open and my sister walked into the kitchen speaking very loudly.

"Emily, where are you? Oh my god I got a job. You won't believe-" she stopped mid sentence when she noticed Logan in the kitchen. My cheeks burned of embarrassment as she eyed Logan up and down and let out a low whistle.

"Larissa, what are you doing here?" I snapped, suddenly feeling ashamed. She smiled at Logan before facing me.

"Oh dear sister, not happy to see me?" She mocked walking next to me. I rolled my eyes and her childness but she cut me off before I could even reply. "So who is this dashing young man you have here?" I was about to reply when I was cut off again, but this time by Logan.

"I'm Logan Miller, Emily's boss" there was a pause before he continued "and boyfriend" My eyes popped out of their sockets as I looked at him with utter shock. He seemed calm as he shook my sister's hand and she introduced herself.

"Larissa Dufon, Emily's older sister." She then looked back at me and wiggled her eye brows, making me blush even more.

"I was actually just leaving so I'll leave you two. Thanks for the coffee" He said dropping his mug in the sink.

"I'll walk you out" I commented, wanting to talk to him about his actions. But just before we did, my sister interrupted again.

"Oh Logan! You must come to our Christmas dinner in Chicago with Emily next week!" I glared at my sister who was happily looking at my so called "boyfriend" whilst he accepted the invitation. And then he walked out the kitchen towards the door. I followed him outside and broke down when we approached the door.

"Boyfriend?" I whisper-yelled. He smiled and reached down, his mouth right next to my ear.

"I'm doing it to protect you" after that he placed a soft kiss on my cheek and dissapeared out the door leaving me absolutley petrified.

My boss, a criminal just kissed me. I didn't move until the sound of my sister awwing us from behind jerked me up. Oh so that's why he did it. Refocusing my attention on my sister, I walked back to her.

"Did you have to invite him to out family Christmas dinner? I mean, you know how Mom and Dad are. Why would you do that?" I yelled, frustrated with all the drama.

"Oh come on Emily, he's your first boyfriend after Deklan, Mom and Dad are going to love seeing you move on."

"Or they will just embarrass me" I whined.

I dreaded what was coming. But I knew I had to face it.

Logan's POV

I walked inside my office, throwing my coat carelessley on the sofa on the other side and loosening my tie before placing my self on my chair. I picked up my phone and dialled Austin's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Did you find him?"

"We're close Logan"

"Did you find him?" I repeat myself, getting angrier by the minute. When I found him, I would kill him with my bare hands for touching her. How dare he?


"Then hurry" I snapped and hung up, unable to converse with anyone without all hell breaking loose. I tried my best to focus on my work after that, but everytime my brain kept replaying the moment where he had his hands all over her while she struggled beneath him, trying to break away. Finally I lost it and made another whole through the wall. Just then my phone beeped and a message came in from my secretary.

"Sir, Miss Dufon is here to see you" I relaxed a little with the sound of her name and clicked the button on the keypad before responding.

"Send her in" I collapsed back on my chair, masking my furious expression. Not a minute later, my door opened and she walked in looking gorgeous as always. "Miss Dufon" I stated as she shut the door behind me and walked up to sit on the chair in front of me.

"So now it's Miss Dufon, because last I checked you were my so called boyfriend" She seethed. Somehow, the thought of being her boyfriend - even a pretend one - made me feel satisfied. Whatever feelings I developed were getting stronger by the minute even if I didn't want it to.

"I told you, I did that to protect you"

"Protect me? I will be just fine by myself!"

"Last time we tried that you ended up beneath a criminal almost raped." She stopped, I could see the memory flashing through her head as she tried to push it away. I felt a pang of guilt and my words but covered it up quickly before being the ruthless person I was.

"Look, I get that you did it protect me, but you don't have to come to my family's Christmas dinner, I can make up some sort of excuse. Besides, it's in Chicago and I'm sure you have other plans" She waved her hand, slowly rising from the seat.

"I'm coming, that's final. I'll book both our tickets."

"Oh you don't have to do that-"

"Emily it's final." She looked at me suprise but quickly nodded before hurrying out of the office.

As soon as she did, I fell back on the chair and a sigh escaped my lips. What was she doing to me? As much as I wanted to push her away, I couldn't. She was changing me in a way I thought never could be possible. But I couldn't allow it to happen. I couldn't. And I wouldn't. My soft spot for her had to dissapear. And it will.





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