Chapter 31--Nothing But the Truth

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A beautiful white dress with a puffy layered skirt and a few golden sequins here and there on the bodice was donned over your body the very next day, just moments before you were called in for your interview with Caesar. The sapphire necklace was back on your neck once more, your hair showering down in gentle waves down your back, very minimal makeup dabbed on your face, your nails done with clear polish infused with a gentle golden shimmer, golden flats on your feet. You brought your arms around yourself now as the cold air hit you, and you shivered again, closing your eyes as you tried to imagine someone's arms safely wrapped around you, keeping you warm...

"Go on in," a Peacekeeper commanded now, and you nodded as you entered the room, your flats gently padding on the floor, eyes widening as you saw that the love seat from the night before has been moved to this room, flowers of many different kinds surrounding you in several huge vases and pots on the floor. The array of colours made you smile, and you felt yourself smile wider when you caught sight of Caesar, still in his signature midnight blue suit and wig, beaming at you as you entered. 

"Why, hello (Y/N)," Caesar greeted you with a hug. "How are you faring?"

You shrugged in response. "Bit nervous. But hopefully alright."

"Well, it's just this interview, and then you can go home with Peeta. You can do this," Caesar encouraged you, and you nodded back, hoping that this was true. 

Soon, the door on the opposite side opened, and Peeta entered with a black tuxedo on, his hair gelled once more. He smiled the moment he saw you, and you didn't hesitate to enter his arms again, grateful for the warmth he brought to everything. 

"You look beautiful, (Y/N)," Peeta whispered. 

You smirked as you looked up at him. "Well, don't I always," you teased, pinching Peeta's cheek playfully. "Anyway, it's just this left, right? Just this,  and then we're heading home."

"Shame Haymitch was bent on keeping us apart last night," Peeta murmured. "I honestly wished to see you, but I had to suffer through a night after the Victory Ceremony."

This remark made you nod. Last night was a good night, with Capitol citizens congratulating you and Peeta while you stuck with him, your hand always in his. But in all honesty, you couldn't have felt more endangered and scared. Then after you got to bed, images of your dead allies took up most of your dreams again, just like in the hospital after you got out of the arena, and it took you all your will not to open your mouth and scream obscenities again, the way you always had, knowing that with trouble on your side you would probably be monitored every single moment. Even Cato's sweater around you, all through last night, didn't really help much. But all you said was, "I suppose it was for the best. He has been pretty responsible lately, you know."

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Caesar finally said, eventually making you and Peeta let go of your hug as you both went over to the love seat, holding hands. At first, you decided on just sitting formally with Peeta. But then Caesar chuckled. "Oh, you can go ahead and cuddle with him. It was very cute when you did it last night," he encouraged.

So that was what you did. Once more, you kicked off your flats, imagining Haymitch scowl behind the sets at that, and wrapped your arms around Peeta's waist, while on of Peeta's arms draped over your shoulders, pulling you close to him. This made Caesar smile, and he looked like he was going to tear up but luckily did not. 

Soon, you heard the cameras roll, the music play, and then Caesar was now talking to Panem with his usual wit and charm, just as he did in the interviews before the Games. And now he turns to you and Peeta, and the interviews begin.

"Good morning to all of Panem!" Caesar cried. "As you know, today is a very exciting day. Sitting right behind me are the victors of the 74th Annual Hunger Games--(Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Peeta Mellark, and we will be interviewing them for the next little while--"

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