Chapter 4--Handed to the Capitol

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Not bothering to join the rest of the group for dinner that evening, you decided to talk to a Capitol attendant and get dinner for yourself. Soon, a plateful of your favourite meal from home, plus a bit more, came directly to your room, freshly cooked and steaming on a giant white dinner plate. You ate your fill immediately, got changed out of your reaping clothes into some night clothes, took off your mother's pendant, and immediately crashed on the bed, landing on the very bouncy and comfortable mattress, your head hitting the pillows almost instantly.

Had it seriously been a day ago when you, Peeta, and Delly were all walking outside together, enjoying your final day of comfort with your best friends? It honestly felt like a long time ago now, in a time that only belonged nowhere but the past. You hated the fact that your life had to take a sudden turn, but if you hadn't volunteered for suddenly pictured her in your very place right now, probably suffering more than you probably are, and you felt yourself harden.

Soon, you felt your eyelids grow heavy, and you fell into a dreamless sleep, the sound of the train rolling along the tracks lulling you to sleep. Next thing you knew, there was some very rapid rapping on the door, followed by a cheery voice calling you up.

"Up up up! It's another big big day!"

You groaned as you rolled over, opening your eyes. For a moment, fear settled in your heart when you finally focused on the unfamiliar surroundings in your room, before you had to remind yourself that you were no longer in District 12, but rather on a train leading to the Capitol. To did Haymitch refer to your end? "Imminent death". That's it.

Disgusted at the sudden echo in your brain, you got up and got dressed into something more casual--a white blouse with black track pants--and headed now to the main compartment in the train. Haymitch and Peeta were already there, eating their share of breakfasts. Effie, who apparently was the one who called you up earlier, was sitting on the plush velvet seat, perfecting her unearthly make-up on her face.

"No, but then I'd start a fire," Peeta was saying as he bit into some toast.

Haymitch shook his head. "Yeah, but that's a good way to get killed."

"What's a good way to get killed?" you piped up.

It didn't take long for Peeta and Haymitch to acknowledge your presence, and Peeta smiled at you warmly, though you couldn't say that Haymitch did the same.

"Oh. Joy," he said sarcastically upon your arrival. "Come on in, join us. I was only giving life-saving advice."

"Ah." You obliged as you sat beside Peeta, avoiding the seat between Peeta and Haymitch since you didn't want to get too close to the latter's horribly strong alcoholic breath. "Like what?"

"I was asking Haymitch about shelter," Peeta shrugged, smiling as he ate his toast again. "By the way, you should try this," he adds, holding out a mug full of brown liquid. "The Capitol calls this hot chocolate."

You obliged as you took the mug from Peeta, raising the cup to your lips and experiencing a very warm chocolatey taste coat over your tongue and disappear down your throat. It was very fiery and sweet, and it made you smile as you continued to take small sips of the hot chocolate.

"So, Haymitch," you said finally, putting your mug down as you helped yourself to a tart. "How do you find shelter?"

Haymitch seemed to ignore your question with a toss of his head. "Pass the marmalade," he simply told you.

"Seriously, Haymitch. How do you find shelter?" you repeated, a deadly edge evident in your voice as you demanded him for an answer.

Haymitch shrugged. "Give me a chance to wake up, sweetheart," he told you. "This whole mentoring thing is really taxing."

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