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Allen had never been on a picnic.

When he told Tyki of this-after Road had brought up the topic a day earlier-he hadn't expected the entire family to plan one out.

It started off with Dreams dragging the albino out of his room with the statement that the weather was just too beautiful to ignore. Now, he was going to make a sarcastic remark-he thought she was referring to the weather in the Ark-but was silenced when he stepped out of the door.

They were in a meadow, several yards away from a village. Colorful butterflies fluttered around them and bees buzzed softly as they gathered pollen. Birds chirped their merry tunes as the wind teased them with gentle touches. The sun shone brightly above and few clouds painted the azure sky. It was truly a beautiful sight and only grew happier as he looked under an oak tree.

A red giant plaid blanket was spread upon the spring grass, decorated with baskets of food and drinks. The other Noah sat on it, with the exception of the twins who had taken to chasing each other around. The Earl sat with his back against the tree while Lulubell laid across his lap as a cat. Tyki was in a deep conversation with his brother as Wisely listened in. The others either watched the twins with amused expressions or chatted amongst themselves.

Road took a few steps forward, her hand grasping the Brit's in an attempt to continue dragging him along.

He didn't budge.

The scene was too perfect, too pure for it to be real. No, this is what families did. Real, rich familie who had no worries. This was something that stories told of.

He didn't deserve to be here.

Removing his hand from hers, Destruction then hugged his arms around himself and closed his eyes. This was a trick. God was playing a trick on him. That had to be it. Any second now, they'd start laughing at him or chase him out. There was no other explanation.

"Allen?" The lolita began quietly, concern laced her voice. "Are you okay?"

To the question, Allen shook his head.

Footsteps could be heard approaching the two, similar inquiries were asked to Road about the youth. Her response was lost to him as he tuned everything out; a self-defense to protect himself from the hurt.

When he came back to his senses, however, he was utterly surprised. He was sitting where the Earl had been, propped carefully against the tree. The sounds of cheerful banter and laughter aroused him from his mind. Slowly, silver-gold eyes opened to see what reality had presented him.

Everyone now sat around Allen; Road on his left, Lulubell on his lap, the Earl on his right. Wisely sat next to the Earl and Bonds, Desire and Pleasure sat next to Dreams. The others completed it off as a circle; everyone had equal access to the food and to each other this way. Wisely was the first to notice the Fourteenth's awakening and offered the other whitette a small smile.

"This is reality, Allen." He stated calmly, eyes watching his reaction.

It went silent after that. Everyone else focused on the two, not wanting to interrupt but wanting to at the same time.

Allen shifted slightly. "I-It can't be..."

"Why's that?"

"It's too perfect. Too...human."

Wisely nodded at this, taking in the information. "And why is it a bad thing?"

"Because..." The former exorcist looked down at his hands, specifically his left. "Monsters don't deserve this, right?"

If possible, the Earl's everlasting grin slightly shifted downwards. A common thought spread through the other Noah:

Did he really picture himself a monster?

That couldn't be so, yet here he was calling himself such. It had to have been the work of those blasted humans and pesky exprcists who implanted that image into his head. There was no doubt about it.

They would pay.

"We're all monsters, Destruction." Wisely's smiled increased a bit before continuing. "We're a family of imperfect monsters. That's why you should enjoy this piece of perfection."

How could he argue with that? And so, the rest of the day was spent with laughter, food fights, and a promise to avenge their damaged musician.

No matter the cost.

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