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The scenery bled together outside of the window as the train sped on. In one of the compartments sat man in raggedy clothing, swirling glasses, and messy black hair and his companion was dressed in a simple dress with matching shoes. Their faces were of boredness and seriousness.

"He's not going to stay long, you know." Road stated casually as she looked out of the window.

"What will you do when he goes?" Replied Tyki; eyes shifting from his book to his niece curiously.

"Go with him." The way she said it was as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What about you?"

"I suppose someone needs to keep you two out of the trouble that seems to follow him."

"You care for him, don't you?"

"We're a family." Pleasure paused to light a cigarette before continuing. "I don't think the Earl would appreciate this."

"Yeah, well, I don't care." Dreams boldly declared. "Allen needs us. I know he'll never say that, but it's not hard to tell giving his history."

The duo fell into silent for awhile. The eldest having closed his book to focus on the scenery while his smoke burned away. The youngest seemed to be in serious thought. After an hour, the silence was broken.

"Is anyone else coming along?"

It was a minute before the lolita replied with, "Wisely, father, and the twins. At least, that's who I know of so far."

Nodding slowly, Tyki crushed the butt of his cigarette. They were really abandoning the First...and felt no regret about it. Had they all really gotten close to the Musician? It hadn't been long since he joined their makeshift family.

But he supposed that the albino had gotten them beforehand. He was kind, caring, selfless. He put others before himself, even if they treated him wrongly.

How could they not appreciate that?

"So we play the waiting game, then?"

A small smile painted the Ninth's lips at the simple question. "Yeah, I suppose we do."

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