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Today was the day Allen had concluded that he most certainly is insane.

How else could he explain the voices? The dreams? He definitely did not dream of blood and death on a daily basis before the change. But, he supposed, it could be a side effect of becoming a Noah-a Noah with Innocence, no less. It also didn't help the fact that Neah had lost his mind at one point, too. After it all, it fit.


That's what he was. So it was natural for his mind to be destroyed, right?

No, he was just under a lot of pressure and emotional stress. None of this was normal-well, he wasn't but that's old news by now.

Road had seen him at his low yet treated him just the same. Something to be grateful for. And after the whole ordeal, she had whispered a temptation.

"You can leave, you know. Just say the word and we'll go. You, me. Tyki. And anyone else." A pause. "We'll start fresh, no more fighting. I promise."

It had been an hour or so, the offer long since pushed into the back of her mind, before he had quietly whispered in agreement-out of complete nowhere.

But were they really willing to drop everything; their lives, memories, family behind for someone who was borderline mental?

Hadn't he done the same?

The situation wasn't very different than when he went with Mana.


The albino released a sorrowful sigh at the memory of his adoptive father. The War had been cruel to him even before he knew of its existence but he would suffer through all of that ten times over if it meant he could have Mana back.

"Don't think like that, Allen." The teen scolded himself. "Just keep walking. No looking back."

And once they left, there truly was no looking back.

Not anymore.

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