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Boots clicked as their owner walked down the passageway, seemingly determined about something. Recent events have taken a toll on the figure in black but not as much as the person in the center of it all. Disbelief and doubt etched themselves in a few after How could they do such a thing?

It was typical of humans to repeat past mistakes and victories. History is an endless loop full of those who wanted to change something; whether it was for good or bad intentions, it didn't matter. War, in this sense, is inevitable. With war, came sacrifices. Lives were lost-innocent, guilty.

It was ugly.

But then again, humans were. So, it would only make sense that what they create would be ugly was well. Calm brewed from the remnants of chaos, peace from war. The concept itself sounded ridiculous. Peace and war are, in reality, the same side of the coin. Humans find peace knowing others are fighting for them. It wouldn't matter if they came back or not.

Mankind has failed to recognize and acknowledge this, thus continuing the cycle of ignorance.

But Lavi knew.

Having seen wars firsthand and fight in one, how could he not? His training had opened his eye to the truth.

Lavi knew but he wasn't supposed to tell. Humans would have to figure this out themselves.

Lavi knew, but couldn't do a thing.


The redhead entered the library silently and looked around. Spotting Bookman in the back, he made his way over. A secret meeting was always fun. Maybe he would get out of studying and go on another mission. Perhaps he could go to town with Lenalee and Yu-

"We're leaving."

-or the old panda could drop this on him.

"What do you mean? Do we have a mission?"

A sigh. "No, we're done studying this side."

A brow raised in question at this. What had suddenly brought this on? This definitely was out of the blue, unless he had tuned him out if or when this was first brought up. But he highly doubted that.

"A new side is about to form." Bookman started, eyes looking around subtly, before continuing. "We need to be there to record it."

Lavi's visible eye widened before narrowing in determination.

Ever since this war began, only two sides have been recorded. The idea of a third side was reason enough to go. Though the thought of leaving his friends was a bit sad, but he was a Bookman and he was supposed to be neutral.

There was no time for friends in war.

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