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A male player with white and striped red hair, red eyes and was wearing beginner's clothing was running through the dense forest as fast as he could. A few meters behind him was a rabbit with red fur jumping after him ready to give him a kick in the back that would for sure one shot him.

'Dammit! To think that I would meet a boss monster after leaving the beginner village for the first time!'

Usually it is impossible to encounter a boss monster this early in game, but this player called Qiang was unlucky enough to meet one the moment he took his first step out of the village.

Also, as to make things even worse, the boss's aggro was immediately set on him seemingly aggroed by the look of the red in his hair.

He had no choice but to run into the forest since when you are in battle mode you can't walk into the beginner town since there are no guards.

If a player try to run into the beginner town with a monster after them they will be stopped by a invisible barrier. So even if they want to escape into town they can't.

When he ran through the forest he got a lot of attention from other players that saw him. Some of them started laughing but no one helped him.

"Look at that idiot, he thought he could fight a boss monster at lvl 5!"

'Ugh. No, I never thought that. This god damn rabbit just started chasing me the moment I got out of the village!!'

Qiang thought to casting a quick glance over at the pleyer who just called him an idiot while still keeping up the pace of running away from the rabbit boss.

'Anyway I need to find a place with as little players as possible and solve this situation quickly. I don't want more attention then I already have.'

A few minutes later he found a cave.

'This is perfect maybe I'll find something usefull inside of there. I'll also be able to hide from other players.'

He ran into the cave and the red rabbit boss follow him. But Qiang soon found himself cornered at a cliff.

'Damn, it wasn't so perfect after all.'

"Are you sure you saw the red rabbit boss follow a player in here?"

Qiang heard a male player say not far away.

"Yes, I'm completely sure. Soon we are gonna defeat that rabbit and get that amazing quest reward."

Another male answered.

"Yeah, and maybe we can help that player that was chased by the rabbit too."

This one was a females voice.

"I think we probably shouldn't... Ah, there they are!"

The second male Qiang had heard said as the group turned around the corner and spotted Qiang. The group was a party of five, a female mage, a female healer, a male thief, a male mage and a male warrior. The two mages immediately started their incantations.

'Thank god, I'm safe.'

Qiang thought to himself.

But he was mistaken. In the next moment he was hit by a spell and fell backwards, into the depths at the bottom of the cliff. The male mage had decided to get rid if him immediately oppon sight in case Qiang wouldn't want to give up on the loot later when they defeated the boss. The last thing he saw was one of the girls in the party that was after the boss, shocked as she saw him fall of the edge to what may be his first death in game.

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