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God, I miss him voice. His voice was always so calm. It was kind of risky but I love the sound of it. I miss the soft black hair that emo hairstyle he had. I missed the deep shade of green that they were the way he had a flash of gold when the Sun shines on them. I missed his gentle touch. The way he held my hand with such care. I missed his lips, the red shade of color they were. The sweet taste of his lips. The slow dramatic way he kiss me. I miss the way he made me laugh, the way he could see through my lies. The way figured it out, the way he cared... the way he saw me.

And so it continues...

"Haley?" Vanessa waved her hand in front of my face. That got me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" Vanessa sighed.

"I said that Xavier is going to find Brandon before Brandon find him."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know." Vanessa said. Disappointment fell on me. "The guy you like is Xavier, isn't it?" I nodded. "Haley, I'm sorry for pushing you to be with Brandon. I didn't know."

"You don't have to apologize. I should have told you sooner." She hugged me as if I was a teddy bear.

The clock ticked, it was around one in the morning. I haven't slept at all. I don't know if it's because of the couch is uncomfortable or because of what's going on.

I got off the couch and headed to the balcony. I strolled carefully trying not to make any noise that would wake up Vanessa.

I looked at the street being lit up by the street lights. The street was empty and quiet. The only sound was the sound of the wind.

I looked up to the night sky. Stars so many stars well, I was in constellation the Little Dipper.Vanessa's house was underneath the Little Dipper.

The wind began to pick up and it brought my hair over my face. I move my head towards the wind and facing back to the streets. It wasn't any empty anymore, there was someone standing in the middle of the streets. I couldn't tell if it was a she or he, I could only see a shadow. But one thing I could tell was that the person was watching me.
The wind picked up again and my hair was all over the place. Once I got my hair under control and out of my face, the person was gone. I looked around,gone. Who was that?

I close the balcony doors, the curtains and the hallway door. Then I laid back down on the couch. It might have been Brandon but what if it was Xavier?

I'm overthinking it

I closed my eyes.



My eyes swag wide open.

I sat up from the couch and saw a shadow moving towards me. It seemed to be the same shadow from before. "Vans-" The shadowy figure covered my mouth with his hand and pinned me back on the couch with the weight from his body.

"Nice to meet you, again." The shadowy figure said.

That voice, it was the very same voice that keeps coming up telling me that he can "help me". He wore a black ski mask covering his face except his eyes. they were brown.

"You have to find her soon before it's too late." He whispered to me.

"Where?" I said weakly. His weight was crushing me, making it difficult to breathe. But I had to find Heather, she's my sister.

"A rose grows when the sun rises and when the water is near." He gave me a riddle.

"What doesn't that mean?" I questioned him, but he didn't give me any response. "Why are you here?"

"You missed our appointment today." He stood up and looked at me. "And I missed you." Missed me? He doesn't even know me.
"Who are you?" I asked. It's a stupid question, but I asked anyway.
"You'll remember me soon." He replied.

Birds chirped, it was morning already. I could hear Vanessa making groans, not fully awake yet.

"Haley!" I looked over at her direction she had a pillow over her head. "Make the birds be quiet." I looked back to the person I was talking to before, but he was gone. I looked around the room, the balcony doors were wide open. I could see the sunrise.

He said something about the sunrise. The sunrises in the east. Is she someone in the east? That's a start.

"Haley, I don't like birds." Vanessa said,finally awake and out of bed.

"I don't like them either." I said as I got up and collected the blankets and pillow.

"You can leave those there." She said "I don't think you should go to school today, in case you run into Brandon."

"I don't feel like going to school, to be honest."

"And also you have black rings around your eyes." She moved in front of the mirror started getting ready for school. "I think you should go to the police."

"My parents are stressed about my sister, they can't be stressed about me too." That was a flat out lie. My parents have been acting as if she never went missing.

"He's abusing you that's against the law, and you have the right as a human being to live without physical harm." She was right, she always is. What have I been doing? I've lost my senses.

"Would you go with me?" I asked to afraid to go alone.

"Of course. I have your back, Haley." With that Vanessa left to change in the bathroom. After that, she huge and left for school.

A rose grows when a sun rises and when the water is near...

The sun raises in the east but the nearest water location isn't in the east but it the west.

You'll remember me?

Who is he? Brown eyes, I know too many people with brown eyes.

Think, Haley, think!

Hello eveyone! Sorry for the late update... I've been stressing over my grades. I have a D in Trig... *cries*. Also, I've been trying to be more social. I realized that I don't talk alot.

But!!!! I got the highest score in my chemistry exam!! And I made a new friend. He's a freshmen WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE HARRY POTTER!!! *huge smile*

Please let me know what you think and feel free to point out any mistakes in my writing.

Thank you for reading this story and this chapter!

Have a good day!!!

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