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Someone entered the room it was the one person I didn't want to see.

"Excuse me Mr Jackson." He said.

"What can I do for you?"

"Ms. Smith would like to speak to Xavier."Mr. Jackson nodded in approval.

I looked at Xavier. He gave me a small smile, telling it'll be okay. But still didn't feel okay about it.

I watched Xavier walk out the door with that monster, not knowing what could happen.

And so it continues...

Xavier came back minutes later, I questioned him on what happened but wouldn't he wouldn't answer me. He wouldn't look at me, not even once.


The last bell rang.

Xavier had ignored me for the whole day. He change after Brandon called him out. What did he say to him? I suddenly had this feeling like a part of me was gone, a huge part of me.

As I left the school, someone pulled me by the arm. I didn't need to turn to see who it was. I already knew. This person was Brandon.

"What did you tell him." I asked. He pulled me into a nearby tree tell.

"Xavier!" He knew exactly who I was talking about.

"I told him the truth." He said. "I told him that I love you, and that you love me.

"That's not the truth." Xavier wouldn't have just believed that, I think. Now that I think about, I didn't know Xavier that well.

"It is for me."

"Let go of me."

"I'm picking you up at six-thirty pm." He left, not caring on how I felt.
What is Xavier thinking right now?


The clock strike six pm. I didn't want to be home when Brandon came. He didn't have my sister, there's no point of us going out. Brandon will know I wouldn't go out with him. When he does, I don't want to be home. I don't want him to find me.

I couldn't go to Xavier's house. I didn't think he would let me stay. Destiny would really go out with Brandon. The only other person that I know and I would let me stay is Vanessa. I grabbed my bag and went to Vanessa's house.

"Haley, what are you doing here?" Vanessa asked. The words she used might of sounded mean to others, but she wasn't being mean. She was being worried.

"Could I come in?" I responded. Vanessa opened the door wider, letting me

"Haley, I have a lot of homework to do.

"Vanessa I'm really sorry to bother you." I feel like I've annoyed Vanessa so much with my problems. "But I can't stay home." She closed the door once I entered.

"What's wrong?" Her blue eyes show concern it reminded me of Xavier's. The thought of him made me hate Brandon even more. Why me? Why did Brandon choose me? "Haley, you can tell me." Vanessa took my hand and sat down on the couch with me.

"So much is happening." I said "It's like the world is falling apart." I glanced at the clock that was hanging on the peach colored wall. It was six-thirty already. It's possible to Bremen is looking looking for me right now.

"It's not falling apart." She said. "There's going to be some depressing time but there will always be times that are the best."

"Thanks Vanessa."

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