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"Where is she?" Who was it? I knew that voice, but who did it belong to?

"With me." The voice was the one from Six Flags. The one I talked to on my cell phone, not long ago. "She's fine."

"Put her on the phone."

"Haley?" That was my sister's voice.

"Heather? Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm-"A hand came from behind me. It passed over my shoulder and pressed the button that hung up the phone. I turned around... Brandon

And so it continues...

"Trying to call someone?" he asked

"I thought you would be in handcuffs by now."

"You thought wrong." He said. "We need to talk, but not here." He grabbed my lower arm, but not forcefully like he usually does. As if he was posing, he was posing, there were cameras outside the station.

He took me to an alley a block away from the station. He let go of my arm.

"Don't ever try to put me as guilty." He said.

"Where's Heather?"

"Same place she's been."

"You're lying."

"What makes you say that?"

"I just spoke to my sister through the phone." She's not with Brandon, and on the phone, she didn't sound as scared as she was before.

"Brandon, there's nothing between us. I never liked and I don't think I ever will." Brandon punched the wall.

"I love you. Why can't you love me back?"

"This isn't love." He grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me. I kept my mouth shut. He kissed over my lips.

He let go of me. He noticed what I did. He noticed that I blocked his kiss.

"Haley, I don't feel any emotions. I can't feel anything at all, that goes on every day. But you make me feel something." Sociopath, he's sociopathic.

"Don't mistake it for love."

"I rather have any emotion." He hand touched my neck. "I don't care what the feeling is." He his fingers dug into my neck. "Even if that feeling isn't love." He pressed harder.

I tried to get out of his grip, but I only managed to sketch him. The sketch got a pleaded off his skin. I tried to say stop, I tried to call for help, but the words couldn't get pass my throat. Is this the way how I would die? I would die not knowing where my sister is?

All of the sudden, Brandon gets pulled away from me.

I fall to the ground and gasped for air. I looked over to Brandon. He was also lying on the ground. His eyes were closed. Was he dead?

"Are you okay?" A hand touched my shoulder. I faced the person behind me, and was glad to see who it was. Xavier.

"I'm fine." I said when I finally caught my breath. Xavier moved to Brandon's body and searched his pockets. "Are you planning to mug him?" I asked. I got scared when Xavier pulled something out of Brandon's pocket. But then I wasn't when I realized it was just Brandon's phone. I guess I was expecting Brandon to be carrying something deadly.

Xavier dialed three numbers on the phone. "I found a body." He said.

"You can track the address with this phone." Xavier hung up the phone. He whipped his finger prints off with his shirt. Then, he dropped the phone next to Brandon. "Haley, let's go to my house." Xavier held out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me up.

We walked to Xavier's car. Xavier opened the door for me. I got in and he closed the door. In the car, I touched my neck. It ached, it hurt. It was too much pain. That meant that there was a bruise. I move my hair so that it covered my neck. Once he got in, Xavier closed the door from his side and he started the car.

I looked out the window and saw Brandon. He was still lying unconscious on the ground. I couldn't just leave him. I could take him with me. No, he didn't deserve that. I kept on watching Brandon as Xavier pulled away from the curb.

Xavier kept bulleting me with questions. He asked me if I was okay in a million different sentences.

We got out of the car and went towards the house. We were about to enter the house, but we stopped in front of the door.

"Haley, please tell me why you were with Brandon in an ally." Xavier said.

"I'll tell you inside." I said. He opened the door, and we went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Haley, please tell me." At that point I told him what I knew. I was tired of keeping secrets. I was tired of covering for Brandon, I just felt like I had to tell someone what I knew I case something happened. I almost died today; maybe tomorrow I would be dead. If I died I want someone to know what was going on before I died. I would want Xavier to know. "Is that all that happened?" he asked.

"Yeah." I touched my hair. It was still hiding my neck.

Xavier moved closer to me. "You know you don't have to live this way."

"I'm Okay." I lied.

"No, you're not." He moved my hair, exposing my neck. "Jesus." He touched the marking on my neck. "Haley, you don't deserve to be treated like this."

"Like I said, I'm fine."

"And you don't deserve to be involved in this." I grabbed his hand and took it off my neck. I held on to his hand. "Why were you there?"

"After I left you at your house, I stayed there for a while. Then I saw you and your parents leave with the cop." He signed. "I thought that you would be in trouble for something. So, I walked to the police station and there I saw you leave with Brandon." He squeezed my hand. "I was worried about you. So, I followed, and thankfully I got there before it was too late." I squeezed his hand back.

"I'm not with Brandon anymore." I said. "I'm with you." He used his other. The one he wasn't using to hold my hand.

"Haley, you are a very good person. Everything you've done for you sister, it's just...astonishing." I looked into Xavier's eyes, and he looked back, into mine. "You are astonishing." He moved my hair back, exposing my neck completely. "You need to put something on your neck."

"No, it's-" Xavier put his lips on my collar bone, kissing my collar bone.

He stopped. "It's what?"


"Haley, talk about something." He said. I gave him a look as if he was crazy. "Talk about anything."

"I don't know what to talk about."

"You." He said, and continued kissing my collar bone. I gave in to him.

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