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“Weren’t you ever sick of being second place?” The last time I was second was in swimming class. I almost drown the time we had a competition. My sister won that competition. She was so happy that day.

“I was never second place to her! She was second place to me.” I was standing with my hands on the table. “My sister is an incredible person! She’s always second place, but she’s amazing.” I was filled with exasperation.

I got out of the house and ran.

And so it continues...

I got of the house and ran. I didn’t know where I was running to until I reached the park. I leaned against a tree in front of a bush with roses. I sat down with my back still on the tree.

A while ago, my sister and I planted the roses. It was because of an event that the park held. They gave us a white rose seed to plant. We took care of it. We were going to stop, but then it because so beautiful. We couldn’t just leave it. We took turns taking care of it from then on. It was Heather's turn to water them.

“You alright?” I looked around and there Xavier was standing feet away from me. He had a small smile, that can barely be seen.

“I’m fine.” I said. He sat down next to me. He was also facing the rose bush.

“I know you’re not.” I looked at him. “I can tell by the tone of your voice.”

“Okay, I’m not fine.” I turn back to the white roses. “The cops think I did something I didn’t do.”

"That happens a lot. Cops don’t trust teenagers.” He also looked at the rose bush. “What does that bush mean to you?”

“It doesn't have a specific meaning, but it does give me hope, and it brings me happiness.” I sign. “But not anymore.” It reminds me of Heather.

My phone rang

Where are you?
Get back home now

“I have to go.” I got up. “I’ll… see you tomorrow.” Xavier nodded, and continued looking at the roses.


I walked down the sidewalk of the street of my house. Brandon was sitting on the stairs of my house, waiting with an emotionless face.

“Where were you?” he asked. He said standing up from the stairs, and making the space between us disappear.

“Nowhere important.” He looked into my eyes with a serious look. He knew I had something to hide; he grabbed my arm and pulling me into his car. His arm was too tight, sending shocks pain.

His actions were different today. Instead of throwing a blind fold at me, he put it on me. He did it while being careful that it didn't get stuck to my hair. He didn't say a word as he tied a strong knot.

“We’re here.” I took the blindfold off. In the middle of the woods, again. He opened the door and I saw Heather with bruises on her face. Her face was red, and she was crying. Her clothes had turned to rags. They were only covering specific places of her body.

“Heather.” I went up to her and hugged her. “I’m sorry. I'm so sorry for everything." She was shivering from the cold and the fear.

“Time to go.” I didn't move the away from Heather. I kept hugging, trying to picture a happy memory of us. "Now." He remained calm. He was a heartless jerk, not caring for us... for her.


When I got home, I didn’t go strange into my room; I went into Heather’s room. My mom hadn’t changed the way the room was; even the window was still open; clothes on the floor and the bed unmade.
I walked down the hall, outside dad’s office. I heard commotion, mom and dad were fighting again. It was mostly likely about my sister. If not, it was about our family.

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