Itchy ears and revelation

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I slept well, but cannot promise that my dreams were lacking Crowley, or were entirely pure. Jenny woke me up and told me that the Winchesters were downstairs.

I was now sitting on the edge of my bed, trying to convince myself not to run downstairs and slap Dean right in the face. I walked down and acted as cool and collected as possible, right up until Dean wrapped his arms around me. That's when the tears came. I tried to ask him if he had tried to save me or if he had missed me, but all that came out were unintelligible sobs as the closest person I had to a brother held me at the bottom of an old staircase.

"Did you try to save me?" I tried to ask again.

"Yes. I'm so sorry. I looked back and you were gone. Crowley wouldn't let you go. We were getting everything ready to take you by force when we got the phone call." He said letting me pull back, but still steadying me with an arm.

"I called every number I had, why didn't you answer?" I asked, try not to sound angry, but concerned.

"You weren't the only loss that day... Baby... The cellphones were with her." For a minute I thought he was going to cry, but he quickly changed the subject.

"I don't know what he did to you, but he will pay for it. I promise." He whispered. At that, I stopped feeling sorry for myself. I had to say something to let Dean know that Crowley was no longer my enemy. I opened my mouth. I shut it. I smiled at him weakly before hugging Sam and whispering a request to speak with him privately.

Jenny looked like she was meeting a couple of superheroes when I introduced them. After the newness was gone, I caught her taking secret glances at Sam. After a while, everyone found something to do and Sam and I went out back to talk. I told him everything even about my uncertainty and about last night.
"I really want to wait until I'm married, you know, but asking that of... Of a demon? It sounds almost like a contradiction in terms."

"Listen, I've had a relationship with a demon... I know how off the reservation it feels. There is only one thing I would worry about and that's him controlling you. Is he using his blood to... coerce you? Are you addicted?" Sam said.

"No!" I spoke too loudly, "no. Ew. No, I didn't know that was a thing."

"It is, I found out the hard way." He scratched his jaw nervously.

"I'm sorry. That sounds terrible." I didn't really know what to say.

"My advice is this, tell him how you feel. It sounds very cliche, but a lot of times, it works." He smiled and we both went inside to see Jenny and Dean arm wrestling. I'll let you figure out who won.

I went upstairs to grab my stuff, judging by the usual rate of those hunters, they'd be here tonight.

When I opened the door, Crowley was already packing my bag for me, he and I seemed to always be on the same page, except when it concerned my emotions.

When I saw the article of clothing he had, I snatched it away quickly.
"I'll do that." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"My ears have been itching all afternoon." He put one of his hands lazily on my shoulder.
"Don't worry, I didn't listen in."
After I finished, I sat down in the bed next to Crowley and put my head on his shoulder. Nervous as I was, he made me feel better.

"What's the plan?" He asked.

"Warn Bobby and the bros, get Jenny somewhere safe. Do something obvious very far away from her to protect her, then go so far into hiding that no one can find us." I didn't speak in complete sentences, but he nodded at every idea.

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