Alone Together

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I expected one of Crowley's lackeys, but it was the king himself. I stood up immediately.

"Sweetheart, I hate to tell you this, but we need to expedite this process." He plugged in the razor and pulled a chair to the wall. "Come, sit. Hopefully this is just a formality."

At that moment I realized that fraying the razor's cord was the worst thing I could have done. "Just... Get it over with." I sighed.

"Feel free to stop me at any time." He switched it on and the cord shocked his leg.

"That wasn't very smart." This time in I heard reluctance in his voice, true reluctance.

He reeled his arm back. I began to panic, he had hurt me without really putting effort into it. If he was drawing his arm back, the blow was more serious. The question was not should I tell him, but how much force could he put on my skull. Enough to cause brain damage? Enough to kill me?

"Wait!" I shouted when his arm was mid-swing.

"Well, don't we like to cut it close? Pun intended." He said. His relief was almost obvious. I didn't have a choice now, I should have kept my mouth shut and dealt with the consequences.

"I forgot everything of importance the moment I arrived here." I said. As the words left my mouth I realized I had sealed my fate; I was no longer useful. I immediately cowered.

"Please don't kill me!" I whimpered, hating myself for being so weak.

"As if our contract would allow that," he exhaled dismissively "If you had told me that the moment we made the deal you could have saved us both time an-" he stopped suddenly. "Every one in this compound is dead except the two of us. Humans and Demons alike." His expression changed to a pained one and he disappeared.

I curled up in my corner once more and tried to sleep, hoping whoever it was would rescue me or kill me peacefully in my sleep. Sleep wasn't as peaceful as I had hoped.

Hours later Crowley appeared again. His eyes were nearly wild in terror as he half sat, half fell on the floor across from the door and took deep, panting breaths. I sat up and tucked the scissors into the back of my jeans. Something was different about him and I didn't know whether it would benefit me or not. I watched him until his breathing slowed then I started to move closer.

"What's going on?" I said gently, not wanting to provoke him.

"Nothing you can do anything about, just a few hunters posturing outside." he breathed. "Before you ask, not the Winchesters. It would be safer for both of us if it were." He winced as he reached into his torn jacket and I saw blood on his face. I pulled his face to look at the cuts.

"Does it make you feel better?" He coughed when he tried to chuckle.

"Not really," I said mindlessly as I noticed his hands covered in his own blood. I pulled his jacket off to see his white dress shirt stained with more blood. I began to unbutton it.

"Blimey, I don't think now is the time, sweetheart." He said.

"Shut up or I won't help you." I pulled the shirt down off his body and arms. My hand went to my mouth. There were long vertical slits from his inner elbow to his wrists and deep bruises on his stomach. Someone had hit him on the jaw until it was swollen and broken. They had even used brass knuckles.

"I've done worse." he muttered, "Now draw a devil's trap and help me into it before they summon me again." He pressed a piece of chalk into my hand and I started to draw. I put one of the chairs into the trap and helped him into it.

"What could do that to you?" I asked.

"If I knew, they would never have gotten the chance to use it." he grunted. "You run in hunter circles, have you heard of something that could keep me from healing even afterwards."

"I- I may have at one point, but I can't..." I didn't finish my sentence. I realized at that moment that I had been a good deal safer with Crowley than I would be with his pursuers.

"Anna, do not zone out. If they get to us they will kill both of us, not just me." he snapped me out of my frozen position, "Now, can I have my shirt back?"

"Not until I check you over." I replied.

"You can check me out later." He muttered uncomfortably. I looked at his wounds, all of them could be taken care of. A few broken ribs wouldn't stop someone like him. I put his jacket over his shoulders because putting his shirt back on him would just hurt. He kept rubbing the palm of his hand.

"What's wrong?" I pointed to his fidgeting hand.

"Oh, nothing..." He looked at his palm and knit his eyebrows together.

"Not nothing." I said. I took his hand and examined the mark, "A crosshair?"

"Close, It means wherever this meat-suit goes, they know about it. Normally I could burn it off with a thought, but whatever they did... It weakened me."

I looked at the symbol and thought for a minute. I broke the devils trap with the edge of my foot.

"Come here." I crossed my arms without looking him in the eye.

"Even as lovely as you are, I hardly think your embrace could stop them." He tried to stand, but I had to support him.

"No," I took off my anti-possesion charm and put it in my pocket. "Come here."

"You are a smart little thing," he teased and tried to lean closer, but I backed away, almost letting him fall.

"There are conditions." I was finally comfortable being firm, "From this moment on, I am your equal. You will not hurt me or force me into anything. I am in control by default, you are just a passenger and if you want anything done you will discuss it with me. Deal?"

"All that for one little soul?" He asked.

"No, all that and I don't get both of us killed. In your condition you can't stop me from leading them right to us. Live with my conditions or die without them, either way I'm keeping my soul." I said.

"Deal." he said flatly. He leaned into me and I had to back into the wall to support his weight. His lips met mine and this time I didn't forget how it felt. Suddenly the smell of sulfur filled my nose and eyes and his body went limp. I couldn't lift the dead weight so I dropped the poor dead banker that had carried the demon for so long on the floor.

"Ow, I'll be feeling that in the morning." Crowley said through my lips, "I think I have enough mojo to fix your arm, we're going to have enough trouble escaping without being a gimp." It felt like someone had set my arm on fire, but afterwards I could take the sling off and move. I put my necklace back on to prevent them summoning him again.

"Well aren't you an intelligent meerkat?"

"Alright, keep your mouth shut and we might just get out of here." I muttered before attempting to open the door of my cell

"I pick-pocketed myself while you were... distracted." He pulled a key out of my pocket, muttering as it clicked in the lock.

"Yes, I admit that someone whose job is kissing people is good at kissing. Bite me." I hissed.

"I'm not the on-" I shushed him and moved to the wall. I heard approaching voices.

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