A Rescue in Pink

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After the new of the sudden trip had started to wear off, Jenny cried and shivered. I comforted her this time, no need to be hard on her when all she could do is sit there and wait. She sat there with her head on my shoulder. I wrapped one arm around her since the road wasn't busy.

"We're about 20 minutes out, you should cheer up. You don't want your Dad to think you've been mistreated, do you?" I knew she wouldn't want to, but I needed her to be ready. Something told me we would have to get in and get out if we wanted to live.

"Fine." she sat up and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her hoodie.

"I think I stashed some snacks in the glove box" I said, turning off the highway.

"Thanks." she whispered.

My stomach had dropped to my knees by the time we pulled into the parking lot of the store. Something felt wrong.

The doors were already wide open and the first thing I saw was blood. I pulled Jenny back before she saw it.

"I need you on lookout." I only half lied, "Those hunters could show up at any time."

She rolled her eyes, but obeyed. I went in knowing what I'd see, but that didn't prepare me for it.


When Crowley arrived at the store he was running from a group of hunters that had tracked him since he returned to his meat-suit. He could feel them closing in with their hex-bags and special weapons. He walked up to Jennifer and spoke:

"You know who I am. Go get the car and pull it to the entrance." he said directly.

"But, Ann-" she began.

"I'll get her. They're close, you need to hurry." He walked into the store without waiting to see if Jennifer had done as he asked.

Anna was crumpled on the floor covered in the blood of a dead stranger.

"We need to leave." he said. She didn't move. A car horn honked and he saw Jennifer impatiently waiting, still unaware of the scene just inside the doors.

"S**t," he cursed and lifted Anna's shaking body up. Time was running out.

She thoughtlessly wrapped her blood-soaked arms around his neck.

He thought he heard her repeating "I did this."

He put her in the back seat just as she passed out.

"She's covered in blood!" Jennifer shouted.

"It's not hers." Crowely said and signaled Jennifer to slide into the passenger seat.

"Not hers? Oh, G*d! Daddy!" Jennifer slumped down and put her hand over her mouth.

Crowley sped off in the direction of Bobby's place. Maybe he knew what to do with these seemingly brain-damaged women. After a few moments, It was the quietest drive he had experienced with either of the two.

"Why are you going into town? We should keep going." Jennifer said.

"Look in the back seat." Crowley said, "Do you honestly want to leave her like this?"

"Why did she collapse? She didn't even know my father." She asked.

"Shes been a breakdown waiting to happen since I caught her." He said.

"Caught?" Jennifer asked.

"She broke into my compound with two other hunters. I don't know what their plan was, but they failed. The others escaped, but she wasn't fast enough." He surprised himself by being so open, it felt good, but in a wrong way. He snapped himself out of it and went back to planning. He pulled up to a hotel.

"Get a two-bed room. I won't be sleeping." He said.

"Why me? I don't look old enough." She said. "Isn't it a bad idea to show I.D.?"

"You are the only one not covered in blood. Smile pretty and slip them an extra fifty dollars. Do not show I.D." he said firmly.

"Fine, I'll be back." She got out of the car and walked into the office. He turned the car off and opened the back door.

"Wake up, love." He shook Anna's shoulder gently.

She groaned and stretched, "Oh, no. Did I?"

"Yes, move over." He sat next to her in the back seat, "Understandable, really. Someone who won't shed a tear in captivity might get a rain check."

"Thanks." the corner of her mouth twitched into a partial smile.

"You are only human, you have the luxury of weakness." He said this mostly because he knew how attracted she was to dry humor and because he preferred to keep her on the edge. It wouldn't do at all to have her realize just how much power she had. Knowing her connections, she would probably ruin Hell for everyone.
"Okay, I got one on the bottom floor." Jenny announced herself. "You ok?" She asked Anna.
"Nothing that can't be fixed, you?" Anna returned.
"Nothing I can't live with." They shared a conciliatory smile.
"Alright, ladies. I think it's time I get out of here before the sweetness defiles me. Key?" He said.
"Oh, well in that case you better stand a little closer to me, I want to see if it'll turn your hair pink." Jenny laughed.
She turned around victoriously and marched to the room.
Crowley followed but hung back just enough to make sure Anna was alright. Anna noticed and rushed ahead, aggravated at the special attention.

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