I should be so lucky.

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a/n: There was far too much temptation to put Crobby in this chapter, but I resisted.

Crowley followed Bobby. Anna tried to signal him to stop, but both of them ignored her. Jenny sat next to her and tried to reassure her. Needless to say, it didn't work.

"I don't know what you did or how you manipulated her, but I want it to stop." Bobby growled as soon as they were out of earshot.

"I didn't make her do anything except tell me what she could remember. The rest was all of her own volition. Even the deal was her idea." Crowley smirked.

"What exactly were the terms of this deal?"

"She allowed me to posses her because at the time I was unable to be moved. We were surrounded by the rogue hunters she mentioned. In exchange she made sure I could never hurt her. I believe her exact words were 'Were equals now."

Bobby clenched his fists, "Leave her alone, are we clear?"

"I don't think you have a right to tell me what my wife and I can and cannot do." Crowley looked like he was going to lose his cool, then began to walk away.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Bobby nearly shouted.

"What do you think the equivalent of a King is?" Crowley condescended. Bobby wrestled in his own mind for a moment, trying to convince himself he was wrong.

"His d**n Queen." Bobby cursed before storming back into the house.

When Crowley didn't return with Bobby, Anna went out to find him.

"Did you know they were married?" Bobby looked deflatedly at Jennifer.

"No... I thought she told me everything. I guess I was wrong." She sat at the kitchen table next to Bobby. "When did that happen?"

"When they made their deal." He said somberly.

"That was before I met her. No wonder she didn't tell me, she probably thought I couldn't handle it."

When I found Crowley, he was trying to pick bits of rock-salt from his shoulder without burning his fingers.

"Let me." I mumbled, looking at the chips of shrapnel in his shoulder. I leaned closer than I meant to. He tilted his head, leaned in and kissed my cheek. My cheeks burned and I couldn't focus on the task at hand.

"I need tweezers." I mumbled and turned away walking back to the house.

When I entered the room the air was thick with silence. It was the type of silence that would  make even the most confident of people suspect that they have caused it.

"Does anyone have tweezers?" I asked in a confident tone, hoping it would trick the atmosphere of the room into a more welcoming disposition.

"I do," Jenny dug through the satchel she had acquired on the way. She whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. No. I- I need some time to think, can you take care of him?" I hated to hand this off onto her, but knew that, at least for the time being, she would be safe with him.

"No problem." She said.

I went upstairs, hoping to sit on the bed and think things through. I had driven all night, so I should have been prepared for the wave of drowsiness that came as soon as I sat down, but I wasn't even aware of dropping off until a knocking sound woke me up.

Fear gripped me as soon as I realized that the knocking was not coming from the door, but from the window. I was on the second floor. I took a deep breath, walked boldly to the window, and flung it open; nothing scared me anymore. There was nothing out there.

"Boo." A dark voice said from behind me. I quickly turned my head. He stepped closer to me and put his arms around me.
"I don't know how to feel about you." I whispered, allowing him to hold me.

"Is there anything I can do?" Crowley said, running his hands along my back and sending chills with every touch.

"A few weeks ago you were my enemy. What are you now, lover, enemy, or both?" I pressed myself closer, burying my head into his shoulder.

"I'll be anything you want, so long as you keep doing that." He muttered, lips just shy of kissing my forehead.

He began to pull me towards the bed and very suddenly, the same nervousness from that afternoon struck.

"Wait," I whispered. "Not yet, if we do this now, I won't be able to think straight."

"That's the point." Crowley whispered, "If you can think straight, it won't be nearly as much fun."

I pulled away, mockingly (truthfully I was relieved to find a way out) "If that's what you think of my mental faculties, then you've got a thing or two coming." I sat down in a chair and crossed my arms.

"I know when I'm not wanted." He turned around.

"Stay exactly where you are." I said firmly, taking advantage of the chance to check out his backside. "Not the best, not the worst." I mumbled.

Crowley turned around and glared, "Did you just-?"

"Objectify you?" I finished for him, "Yes, I did."

His eyes glinted.

Before I realized what was going on he had picked me up and had pressed me gently into the bed. He straddled me and leaned down to whisper in my ear.
"You should be so lucky," he mumbled. Before I could blink, he was gone.

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