Chap. 10: Always Remember

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(A/N: So this like, a flashback on what happened to Kauro before she met Law inside the SAD factory, but not exactly. You'll know when you read it. Soooo, bye. Pls. continue.)
Kauro's POV ~
Once I stepped on the island, I just randomly teleported somewhere near the snowy place... It appears I'm inside a building or a lab. There were so many green liquids I saw, and it had a SAD labeled onto it. I kept on observing around. But then I heard a sword unsheathed. I turned a little and saw a familiar spotted hat."Kauro?" he whispered.'Damn, why now . And why am I so nervous. I can't let him see me yet. not until I prove myself.' He walked closer, but i panicked a bit and teleported some place wide in the building. I looked around and saw a man surrounded by gas."Shirororororo. And who might you be? Are you one with the Strawhats? Because if you are, prepare to be destroyed by the world's greatest scientist. Shirororororo." He said and laughed, weirdly.'We just met, and this talks too much!' I thought."Oh. An enemy I see. Time to have some fun." 'And to prove I'm worthy.'

Time Skip ~(I really don't know how to explain fighting situations. Gomenasai minna.)
"Woohh. Well that was easy." I said aloud and dusted my coat and hands. Then I heard footsteps coming from the Big Entrance door, coming this way, using my Observation Haki. I ignored them and looked back at the unconscious Gas man, Ceasar."Everyone, hurry up! Before the poison gas catch up to us!" I heard a woman said. 'Did she say poison gas, I don't see any.' The footsteps came closer, until it stopped. I turned around and saw seven people. I examined them each and saw the green haired swordsman feom the Auction. What was his name again? Ah, Zoro."Hey you, green haired guy. Zoro was it? Where's that Strawhat guy friend of yours." he just looked at me with a serious yet confused expression on his face. But before he could protest, a familiar blue film like spere, surrounded the place.

Then he appeared near the entrance, qith Strawhat guy. Law and Luffy. He stared at me shocked. They all did except the swordsman, and Luffy's expression was a bit furious."What's the big idea! I was supposed to kick Ceasar's butt! " Luffy shouted. Then Law was suddenlyon his knees, down the ground." Oi, Tra-guy are you okay? Luffy asked concered, but Law ignored him. I looked at Law and smiled at him.. I walked closer to him, atill smiling. I knelt doqn to his level and looked him in the eyes. "Nice to meet you. My name is Kauro D. Yukira. " I said, letting him know that I was in front of him. His eyes widened. " You're lying. She's gone. " he said. I can sense the nervousness in his voice. Everyone was silent, they just stared at us."I'm not lying, Trafalgar Law. Or should I say, Captain. " I said and smiled again. I think he was about to say something, but I immediately hugged him.

I didn't care anymore, I missed him. And I whispered to his ear."We finally meet again, Captain. Sorry for not showing up for so long. " I let go of him and looked at him. "I wanted to get stronger. I didn't want to be a burden anymore. So I spent those two years of training with Rayleigh-san. " I almost teared up, but I held it in. "I'm sorry if I didn't come back sooner. I understand if you're mad. I understand if you don't want me on your crew again. I-" I didnt get to finish what I said, as I felt lips smashed into mine. I stared shock at him for a while, but aoon melted int the situation. I felt him smirk through the kiss. 'So he's not mad. I'm glad.' I thought. We broke the kiss, in need for air.

"Hey minna. What were they doing?" I heard Luffy asked them. I shot him a questioning look and looked back at Law. His grey eyes stared into mine. He lifted his arm and cupped my cheeks. "You look as beautiful as ever, but more mature. Kauro. " he said. I can feel my face heat up. Yup, I'm blushing. I smiled at him and said. "You look mature and hansome too. You look stronger also." he smiledat me, not smirked. "You're stronger yourself too." he said. " Kauro." he said, sounding seriously."I-I love you Kauro. Please, I hope you always remember that. No matter what happens, I will always love you." I was speechless at his words. he doesn't really ahow affections to anyone, or anybody . Until now. " I love you too Captain. I always have. With all my heart, I had loved you, ever since I met you and even after two years. I'm so happy to hear those words from you." I said, tearing up a bit. "Me too. Also, Bepo told me that you had loved me, after we got separated. But I wanted to hear you say it yourself." he said. " He did? Hmm, I guess it's ok." I smiled.

"Awww, They're in love. Why can't we be like that, Nami-swan, Robin-chwan." I heard a man said. "In your dreams." the woman from earlier said. I looked at them."Now we know there can still be lovw in Tra-guy's heart, no?" a raven haired woman said. "Hate to disturb, but we still have unfinished business." Zoro said. And we all turned our attenrion to the knocked out Ceasar.

(A/N: Yeah, another finished chapter. Please don't forget to vote guys. Thank you.)

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