An Off Night

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T.W: Implied Assault


Manon settled into the job rather easily. She wasn't as crowded as she expected and to her relief she had breaks. She was kept company in the evening by Daniella when the two would walk home together. Though one evening there was a slight hiccup to the plan. As Daniella had to leave early. While Manon was cleaning she heard the sound of a door slamming open. Followed by heavy thudding. Out of fear for her own safety she ducked down behind the counter as the thudding grew closer. Moving past her space and into the restrooms. Manon remained crouched on the floor for a few minutes. Silently waiting for something to happen whilst also planning her own escape. The person came from the stairs so how long would it take for the elevator to get to her floor. Was that person running from a pursuer? Was she going to be attacked? One minute had passed. Then two, and there was no sign of anything else. Manon slowly poked her head out from behind the counter. Nobody was present. Looking over at what she had there was barely anything to defend herself. Then she remembered the new object she had added to her purse. Reaching inside she pulled out a pair of sewing scissors. Surely these would do just in case. She slowly stood up. The room was empty and there weren't any sounds. Manon slowly inched from behind the counter. Moving closer to the hall, Poking her head out to see no sign of anybody. But she did hear some strange noises coming from her left. She began to inch forward. Having her back against the wall. Looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was approaching from behind. As she crept closer to the bathroom the noises grew louder. Was somebody crying? As soon as she was in front of the women's bathroom the noises were the loudest. Manon slipped out of her shoes. Holding her scissors out just in case as she slowly pushed the door open. Her socks mostly protected her from the cold tile as she heard sobs, and shaky breaths coming from further in the bathroom. Looking down through the cracks underneath the door she could see a pair of legs. She made her way forward. Every step being as soft as she could make it as she heard the sound of clothes rustling. When she got to the final stall she pried open the door. It made a loud creek causing her to be face to face with Peter. The two stared at each other as if they were deer and headlights. Peter was completely disheveled. His hair was messier than usual and his glasses had slid further down his face. Now covered in tears stains just like his cheeks. One of which was swelling and turning a dark purple. The upper half of his shirt was unbuttoned, his tie was undone and his blazer was also completely undone and off his shoulders. Giving Manon a look at a harsh scratch on his right shoulder. Dripping blood onto his shirt. Though that was quickly overshadowed by a pair of two bumps visible underneath the undershirt he was wearing. Peter's lips quivered as more tears began to spill from his eyes. "Madeline, please don't tell anyone about this. Please I need this job, please Madeline please I'll do ...." "Peter!" Peter shut up. Now he was standing, his body shaking badly. Manon looked back at the scratch on his shoulder. "Let me go get bandages for that." Peter looked at his shoulder before nodding. Manon left him in the restroom as she went back and put on her shoes, and to grab her purse. She was stunned to say the least. Peter was a woman. Though she didn't have time to really question it. Nor did she think she could while Peter was as upset as he was. Manon walked back into the restroom to find Peter over the counter. Placing a wet paper towel over the blood. Manon placed the purse on the counter before pulling out her bandages. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Manon asked as Peter let out another violent sob. Manon assumed it was a no based on that. "Hey you don't have to if you don't want to." Manon said as Peter gave a heavy sniff. Manon knew from experience stuff like that can be hard to talk about. Especially since it had just happened recently by the look of it. Peter was probably still processing it. Manon put a bandage over it as she began to wrap it. Though she quickly came across a problem. "Is it alright if I slip it under your... undershirt?" With how Peter's shirt was, it was hard to tell what it was, but she didn't want to be rude and assume it was a bra. Especially if it was causing Peter any more discomfort. Peter took in another shaky breath. "Sure." He stammered. Not looking at her. Manon slipped the roll under the straps on either side and wrapped it around three times. During that time Peter had calmed down a bit. Though he was still visibly upset. "Do you want any coffee?" Manon asked as Peter nodded as he buttoned his shirt up. Following closely behind Manon as they made their way back to the break room. Peter let out a sniff. "I don't have any quarters." He mumbled. "This ones on the house." Manon said as she walked behind the counter and began to make his coffee. Alongside grabbing some napkins and walking over to the table Peter sat at. Manon also made herself some coffee and went and sat next to him. Peter took a sip of the drink before grabbing a napkin and blowing his nose. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this." Manon looked away. She knew how bad someone would feel after this. Even if whatever happened was through no fault of their own. "You don't have to apologize for it. It wasn't in your control." Manon said as she Peter sighed. Though Manon wished she could tell him she understood. Living in fear that someone one day would come back and finish a job. Peter took a deep breath. "Be careful around Wilbur." Peter whispered as Manon raised a brow. "What did he do?" Manon asked as Peter sighed. "I had to stay late to finish some paperwork. I took a break at the restroom but when I came back I caught him searching through my satchel that I brought to work. In case it wasn't obvious I was born a... anyways he saw the tampons in it, and well confronted me about it, and..." Tears began to pour down his cheeks again. Manon moved her hand over to his shoulder slowly patting it. Peter at first flinched before relaxing. "Please don't tell anybody. I really need this job, and I can't afford to lose it." Peter begged as Manon gave him a smile. "I promise I won't." Even if she didn't fully understand why he was this way. She would rather respect it. It wasn't hurting anyone. Peter nodded. "Do you think you can come down with me? To get my satchel, and well leave." Peter asked nervously. Manon nodded. "Of course." She knew how difficult something like this could be. She remembered that evening she felt uneasy when she was by herself. Just wanting to linger in a pair of comfortable arms. Arms that belonged to a familiar head of ginger hair. Yet it wouldn't happen. She would just make things worse for him. Manon walked behind the counter and finished cleaning up before joining Peter going over towards the stairs. Even though the elevator was the easiest to take. She had learned Peter always felt the most comfortable going down the stairs. Manon wanted to make sure he was as comfortable as possible. Besides they didn't have very many flights to go down as Peter was on the sixth floor. Opening the door outside of one light over by the elevator the room was dark. Peter guided her through the maze of cubicles. One of which had a computer turned on. A brown satchel bag was on the floor still wide open with a few tampons scattered on the floor. Peter grabbed the tampons and placed them back in the bag before throwing it over his shoulder and turning off his computer. As soon as he did the two heard the elevator ding. Both snapped their heads in the direction of the door. Manon's heart pounded fearful that Wilbur would show up on the other end. The doors opened only to reveal Bryce. His facial expression showed some concern before quickly fading to relief. "Peter, there you are. You were taking a while. Oh Hey Madeline!" Bryce said as he stepped off the elevator. Manon gave a quick wave before looking at Peter. Who let out a sigh of relief. Manon was also relieved that it wasn't Wilbur. Though she was rather confused on why Bryce was still here? Was he like a CEO or something? "Yeah sorry, and I'm afraid I have to cancel tonight." Bryce gave a small pout. "Why?" His eyes glancing over at Manon seemingly for answers but he noticed his confusion. "Usually on Fridays we go to a bar and get some drinks." Manon nodded her understanding. So that's why Peter did not want to go out tonight. He just got assaulted, being drunk was probably the last thing he wanted right now. Peter gave a nervous look. Manon didn't know what was going on in his brain, but she knew she couldn't just leave him there stuck trying to fumble an excuse. She knew admitting to these things wasn't easy. Even if she assumed Peter and Bryce were best friends there was still some terror. Not to mention that Peter could lose his job if word got around. "Ohh, well Peter was getting something from the supply room and ended up scratching himself, so I helped bandage him up." Manon explained cheerfully. Peter looked over at her in surprise before giving a false smile. Bryce narrowed his eyes a bit, but it quickly shifted into concern. "Oh Jesus, are you okay?" Bryce asked as he quickly approached the two. Peter moved back a bit. "Yeah I'm fine it's nothing much. Madeline thankfully had some bandages in her purse." Peter explained as Bryce gave a smile. Loving look crossed his face. Before turning back to her. "Thanks for patching him up Madeline." Manon smiled. "Not a problem. Anyways shall we get going?" Manon suggested as the two seemed to remember how late it was. "Right." Bryce said as the group made their way towards the stairs. "If you still want a ride home I'll be more than willing to give it to you." Peter snapped his head in Bryce's direction. "Are you sure?" Bryce shrugged. "Yeah I'm sure. Besides I personally wouldn't want to walk home with any sort of injury. Do you need a ride as well Madeline?" Bryce asked as he turned back a bit to look at her. As much as Manon wanted to stay just to make sure Peter was okay. By the way he had relaxed especially around Bryce she knew he would be okay. Besides she was a bit iffy about her coworkers knowing where she lived. Daniella was obviously the exception. Mainly because she lived in the same complex as her. "No thank you. I'm good." Manon replied. "Are you sure?" Peter asked. "Yes, I'll be fine." The two men looked at each other before Bryce shrugged. The rest of the walk was silent until they had to part ways. Though as Manon was about a block away from the office she was tempted to look behind her. Especially after the events that transpired this evening. Looking behind her nobody was there. So she looked up only to see a familiar shadow walking amongst the sky. He was almost directly above her so it could explain why he didn't see her. "Norman?" Manon called out. The man took notice before giving a wave. Manon watched as he basically walked in a bunch of circles to get back down to her. "Madeline! Another conscience I suppose." Manon shrugged. "I guess so." Manon answered with a giggle. "Mind if I join you?" Manon actually did a bit. But soon they would have to split paths. Norman did seem to live on the opposite side of town from her. "Not at all." She said as the two began walking in the same direction side by side. "So how has working at the company been so far?" Norman asked. They hadn't been able to have much of a conversation because of work. "It's been great. A lot of the people are rather nice. Once you get to know them. Though I've been told one too many rumors." Manon said as Norman laughed. "I haven't been up to the latest gossip in the company outside of what Bryce lets slip in casual conversation." Norman explained as Manon nodded. "So you and Bryce are cousins, correct?" Manon asked. "Surprisingly, yes." Manon shrugged. "I figured when he told me his last name. You're right about him having a hard time shutting up." Manon said as Norman sighed. "Oh, tell me about it. He'll come in to drop a report and stay and chat for twenty minutes at least. And it's not just me. I've been told Bryce likes to bother Mr.Nest over his own work sometimes." Manon raised a brow. "Mr.Nest?" "Peter Nest. A blue haired guy." Now Manon knew who he was talking about. No wonder he relaxed around Bryce. The two of them were suspiciously close. Though now that the subject was brought up. Wouldn't it be wise to tell Norman about Wilbur. Surely this would do a good thing. Then again Manon was actually fearful. It was Peter's business to tell. Even if she knew she should. She just couldn't bring herself to do so. "Are you alright?" Manon realized the face she was making might've been out of the ordinary. "Oh yes, sorry just thinking about things." Manon replied quickly as Norman raised a brow. "Do you want to talk about it?" Norman asked Manon quickly shook her head. Now not wanting to continue any more conversation for fear of spilling. But she's kept what's happened to her a secret from her parents, her family, and any friends she had. Yet she was tempted to do so. She had been put in harm's way once. What was to stop someone like Wilbur from doing that again. Wilbur was just a janitor after all. Unlike her abuser it would be much easier to deal with him right? Make sure he never attacks Peter or anyone else ever again. Yet outside of the scratch there really was no proof. And that would mean blowing Peter's cover. Manon couldn't do that to him. "Madeline, if you ever need to talk about something bothering you, please feel free to. Especially if it is about work. I don't want any employees to have additional stress from other workers. Especially if they create a negative work environment." Manon nodded. "Of course." Though by now they were approaching an area where she knew they would have to part ways. It seemed he noticed it too. "Well, I guess this is where we part." Norma said with a sigh. "Yeah, well it was lovely chatting with you." Manon said with a smile. Looking up to see him now smiling back. It was a pleasure to see him too. Even if he did come into the break room for a coffee every morning, and after lunch break. "Have a good evening Madeline, see you tomorrow." Norman said as he waved. "See you." Manon replied as Norman began to walk away. With her following in toe. Though both of their steps were rather slow. Though the longer they took to get home. The longer they would have to wait until the would have to go to work the next day. 

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