This is Going Beyond Coincidence

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Small chatter from the television provided background noise as Manon twirled around the kitchen. Moving over to pour the batter into the pan. She smiled as she used a spatula to get the remaining batter into the pan. It had been a long time since she last got a chance to bake. Moving around from hotels, and saving up money to move out of the country had all made it rather difficult to engage in something she personally enjoyed. The t.v was broadcasting a reality television show about an average family. Manon personally didn't care much for it. It was something to pass the time at the very least. Or some background noise to not leave her alone with her thoughts, or any other memories she wished to not think about. She set a timer after putting the batter into the oven to bake. Now she was just left to clean up after herself. It probably wouldn't hurt to clean the rest of her apartment as well. It felt refreshing to have the day off. Even after working for two weeks the last few days had been almost unbearable. Rebeca had nonstop been talking all sorts of crap about people with oddities. Her customer service appearance had faulted significantly, and it was clear her friendly mask was slipping. Manon could care less for it at this point. It did make her reconsider finding a new job, but as far as she was aware no one was really hiring, and if they were she definitely did not have the skill sets to work there. Most of them were office jobs that required a higher education. One she unfortunately did not possess. Perhaps she should try to go to college. Maybe enter culinary, or perhaps something else. She could worry about that later. After all, she would need to raise the money to go back to school as well. For now she scrubbed the bowl, washing out the utensils and placing them in the drying rack. When she was done with that she put the ingredients back in their respectful places. Before moving around the rest of the apartment dusting it, and vacuuming. Which in turn blocked out the audio of the television. Though she did not mind too much. By the time she was done her timer was almost up. She grabbed her oven mitts as the timer went off opening the oven as a fresh smell hit her nostrils. She took it out and placed it on the stove. Letting the smell go off into the air. Now all she needed to do was let it cool down. Though she didn't want to sit inside. Especially since the weather was now nice. Maybe going downtown to walk at Central park. That would be nice. You know what she would do so. It was still light outside. She smiled as she walked into her room and grabbed a pair of shoes that matched well with her outfit. She grabbed her purse, and considered grabbing her umbrella. Then again it was not raining, and she had her doubts she would be out long. So she just began to walk out. 

The streets were naturally packed as it was the afternoon. Many people move in different directions. On their own lives. It gave her some small comfort. Though every now and again she would look over. It was out of instinct she was sure, and even if someone was heading the same way as her. She knew they were likely off to somewhere else. Eventually she made it to Central park. It wasn't as big as she expected it to be. Yet it still felt rather large. The trees reached the height of the skyscrapers. Several people were already wandering around. A few were walking their dogs, and some were out exercising. It felt rather relaxing. She followed along the sidewalk. Letting the sounds of background chatter and nature bring peace to her. Though every now and again she would glance over her shoulder. Just to be safe. At one point she passed under a bridge. As she stepped over she stopped midway in her tracks. Quickly ducking back under the bridge. Her heart pounded as she looked over once again to see if her eyes had deceived her. Sure enough there he was. Norman Stryker was sitting on a bench along the path. Manon didn't know if she wanted to approach him or not. After all, she barely knew him. Even if he did seem nice. She figured she would just continue on her walk. If they ran into each other again then perhaps she would start a conversation with him, but for now she would keep her distance.

That proved much easier said than done. As almost everywhere she turned Norman was either approaching or already there. She swears she wasn't following him. Was he following her? She couldn't tell at this point. Though aside from that her walk was rather relaxing. Yet every sight of Norman made her a bit more stressed. She wasn't entirely ready to have a conversation with him. Her stomach grumbled. Manon groaned, feeling the hunger seek in. It was quite a walk from Central park to her home. A bench next to her seemed like a good option for a rest. She sunk onto the bench. Tempted to close her eyes. Yet the sight in front of her was one that was too beautiful to ignore. The sun reflected down upon a lake. Causing the water to shimmer against the blooming environment. It was a wonderful view. A view that she wouldn't mind sharing with someone. Maybe that someone would come. Maybe they wouldn't. "Fancy seeing you here." Manon's head snapped in the direction of the voice to see none other than Norman. He took a seat on the bench alongside Manon. Though he kept his distance. "I could say the same for you." Manon replied quickly. Her tone sounded a little more aggressive than she meant it to be. "So are we just going to keep ignoring each other, or are we going to actually talk?" Norman asked as he crossed his leg. Manon felt a twinge of red come on her face. So he did notice her as well. How long had he spent debating whether to approach or not? Had he even been debating to approach her as well? She could ask him those questions. After all, he was right there. "Well considering one of us came up to the other I think we might as well." Norman let out a small chuckle. "Okay then. Let's get one thing straight. Who is following who in this scenario?" Manon raised a brow. Norman sighed. "Every time I have been somewhere you either are walking away from the area, or are currently there. And I have to ask, why?" It seemed Norman was just as confused as she was in this situation. Had he also been trying to enjoy his day as well, and yet here she was. "I don't know! Literally the same thing has been happening to me!" Manon exclaimed as the two were left staring at each other. The momentary tension subsided into laughter bursting from the two. It was unexpected to say the least. Yet it felt oddly natural. Even if there wasn't much of a tension outside of the two just appearing in the same place continuously. Eventually the laughter died down leaving a small smile on both of their faces. "So how have you been?" Manon asked. Norman shrugged. "I've been doing well. How have you been?" Norman asked. "I've been good." Manon lied. She hadn't been doing her best. Especially with Rebeca being on her ass every day. But Norman didn't need to know that he was merely an acquaintance. He didn't seem to pick up on it. Just nodding his head. They sat in silence for a minute or two before Norman spoke. "I was thinking about walking down the street to a local cafe if you would like to join?" Norman said out of the blue. Manon raised an eyebrow. He'd want to talk to her more. Well considering she's kept running into him it wouldn't hurt to do so. Not to mention she was rather hungry, and now had a stable income. "Sure." She replied as the two stood up, and began walking back the way they came. Their bodies had to walk close together because of how crowded it was. Especially after they left the park. As they walked Manon noticed while a majority of by standards left them alone, there were a few stares. Some were rude and filled with disgust, others were scared. Manon could hear small whispers from others. Crude comments about the gray man who walked next to her. Of course she noticed the glares were being given by people without oddities. It puzzled her greatly, and made her feel rather uncomfortable. She looked up at her acquaintance to see him with barely any reaction. He seemed to keep that same thin smile, and high posture. It was rather impressive to say the least. Eventually the two arrived at a local place. Though not the one Manon worked at it. It was rather spacious with multiple tables, and a few other patrons sitting down and enjoying their items. With a few other people in line. Manon looked up at the menu. Scanning over each and every item they had to offer. Eventually she decided on a vanilla latte, and a slice of orange meringue pie. That sounded rather appealing. Eventually it was their turn to order. Unconsciously or not they ordered separately. With Norman asking for a plain black coffee, and an oatmeal raisin cookie. The cashier gave him a funny look. Manon couldn't blame them though. It's not everyday someone actually would eat an oatmeal raisin cookie. Even Manon really wouldn't eat them unless her mother made them. But that was mostly because her mother made actually good ones. Probably helped that her mother overly critiqued any food that was placed in front of her. The two waited for their orders before eventually receiving them. Looking around they opted to sit at a table shoved into the corner of the cafe. It was placed quite a bit away from all the other tables but neither seemed to mind. Though Manon wanted to continue the conversation. "I'm rather surprised you got an oatmeal raisin cookie. Not a lot of people like that cookie." Manon said before taking a bite of her pie. Norman gave a small chuckle as he swallowed his cookie. "A lot of people say that. I've been told I have a strange taste when it comes to sweets." Norman replied as he took a bite from the cookie whilst maintaining eye contact with her. It made her feel a little awkward. Was this something he did every time someone brought up his sweet tooth? Manon did not wish to know. A gasp from the window caused both to turn to see a child pointing at them. A man quickly grabbed the kid's hand and dragged him away. Norman gave an annoyed look, but didn't say anything. Manon felt a small amount of guilt boil in her. Norman seemed to notice her facial expression. "You don't need to feel sorry for that." Norman replied. As Manon remained unchanged. "Still, they shouldn't be treating you like that. You seem like a nice person." Norman rolled his eyes. "That won't make them care. Just like your coworker." Manon's shoulders slumped. As she looked back up at Norman. "Yeah. Also I'm sorry for how she reacted. She's been nothing but a bitch lately." Manon said as Norman froze for a second. Before taking a sip of his coffee. "At least you aren't an asshole. More people would benefit in life if they were less judgmental like you." Manon gave a small smile Though the compliment didn't come across as one. She knew how her judgment had failed her in the past. Now she wasn't quite sure if she would take it as well. Still, she couldn't break down. Not here, and most certainly not in front of him. She had to change the subject somehow. Yet nothing breached her mind. She guessed she could keep the conversation going just for a little while. "I guess so." Manon said though it was rather quiet. Norman didn't seem to mind. "It's part of the reason I usually don't like days off, nor particularly going outside much." Manon raised a brow. Currently her work has been nothing but a pain. Surely Norman's must be similar. He seemed like the type to work in an office. If the suit he was wearing when they first met didn't indicate it she didn't know what did. "How so? Surely your work doesn't fare much better." Norman gave a small chuckle. "A majority of my company is made of people who have oddities. Very few actual humans work there." Manon nodded before his words sank in. "Wait your company?" Manon said in disbelief. Norman let out a laugh. Though it was a bit more quiet. Likely due to them being in a public space. "Yes, I'm one of the ceo's of the company." Manon nodded, keeping her cool. Now she was intrigued. "So that's why you're working all the time." Norman nodded. "Yeah, I have to give everybody at least Sunday off at this point. Though I personally find myself going up to the building and doing other tasks, when I usually finish with every other house chore." Norman explained. "Do you have any hobbies outside of work, and more work?" Manon half asked, half joked. It caused another laugh from Norman. "I like to read sometimes, but mostly gardening. What about you? Do you have any hobbies?" Norman asked. "I took up sewing at one point. Though I ended up not liking it as I kept pricking my finger a lot. Though I do love to bake." Norman nodded, raising his brow. "What type of things do you like to bake?" Manon shrugged. "Mostly smaller desserts like brownies, and cookies. Though I occasionally bake bread, and cake. Though I mostly like baking brownies." Norman nodded leaning forward slightly. Manon could tell he too seemed rather interested. "So what encouraged you to get out today?" Manon asked as Norman sighed and leaned back a bit. "A cousin of mine. He also works alongside me, and was very instant I got out and about. Seriously the man can be the definition of an asshole sometimes." Manon giggled at his response. She could tell it was mild annoyance, the type you don't really deal with outside of close family. "Do you have any relatives down here in the states?" Norman asked. "I do. I have an aunt, an uncle who lives here, and a few other cousins who have mostly scattered around the state." Manon explained. "Any family left behind when you left France." Manon took a sip of her drink. "Just my parents." Manon said as Norman nodded. 

The two spent around an hour at the cafe. Just eating and having a casual conversation. It was rather nice. Though eventually the two decided to leave. Manon still had some chores to get done, and Norman wasn't really a staying outside for long periods of time type of person. Though Manon felt a little joy knowing she had momentarily changed that. Before they left Manon momentarily used the restroom. When she returned Norman was politely waiting for her by the entrance, and the two left. The two once again walked back in the direction of central park. Causing laughter to escape from the two at the strange coincidence. Though when they got back to the area the two now were able to part ways. "Well it was lovely seeing you again Norman, and getting to know you better." Norman gave her a smile in return. "Likewise Madeline. I'd expect to run into you again soon." Now it was Manon's turn to smile. "Perhaps. We'll just have to wait and see. Though if you do want to make it happen earlier..." Norman held out a napkin. Manon took it. Rather curious what was on it. "You know how to make it happen." Norman said with a wink. "Goodbye Madeline." He said before turning around and walking off. "Bye, Norman?" Manon responded rather confusedly as she looked down at the napkin. It was folded so she unfolded it. A gasp slipped past her lips upon seeing the string of numbers with the name Norman Stryker written on the napkin. 

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