A Job Interview

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Manon looked up at the tall building. It appeared around nine stories tall. With rectangular glass windows forming in even spaces around the building. Evenly spaced out between lines of light brown brick. She took a deep breath in before walking inside. The lobby was surprisingly packed with multiple people. Some chatting but then again she wasn't aware of what time their work started. She walked over to the reception desk. The receptionist was on the phone, and waved her off. Manon just shrugged as she walked over to the elevator. Her interview was on floor nine. Norman had said so himself. She pressed the button for the elevator. A singular ding rang through the room before the doors opened wide. No one was on the elevator and no one was getting on alongside her. She pressed the button for floor nine as the doors remained open. She looked out into the crowd of her room. As her eyes scanned across the room she noticed a few people staring back. Then her eyes landed on a mysterious man who walked in. Everything else looked normal about him. Except for his head. It was completely black. Inky looking with a pair of white eyes staring right back at her. Shivers were sent up her spine as the doors closed slowly. Manon let out a breath as the elevator started going up. Though as it was she felt like shaking. Or maybe it was the elevator. Whatever it was nerves began to pool in her stomach. Then another ding caught her attention. She expected to be on floor nine, but rather instead the door opened on floor six. A blinding light shone behind a pair of shadowy figures. Manon felt her heart pounding as she stared at the tall figures. One shaking heavily before the blinding lights vanished. Giving a good view of the office in the background. Workers moving around and some sitting in their cubicles. Eventually giving the view of the two people. One was a rather tall blonde who strolled in with complete confidence. Followed by an employee struggling with a large box with paper overfilling it. Manon moved to the side as the two walked in. "Pardon me." The shorter of the two said. He was around her height, and had tan skin with dark blue eyes, dark blue hair, and rectangular glasses. "Sheesh newbie, you gotta watch where you are going." The tall blonde said as he pressed a button. The blue haired main let out a low growl before noticing Manon. He raised a brow. It seemed the blonde noticed as well. "I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you new?" The blonde asked. "Actually I'm here for my interview." The blue haired male became stiff. All the color drained from his face as the blonde let out a good hearty laugh. "Well it looks like I won't be having to call you newbie anymore." The blonde said as he slapped the blue haired man's back. The blue haired remained staring in fear. Manon felt her heart rate accelerate again as the man remained staring at him terrified. "What floor did you say these needed to go to again?" The blue-haired man stammered out. The blonde rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Did you forget already? We gotta take these to floor eight." The blonde said as the blue haired became visibly more upset. His grip on the box tightened. All color vanished from his face. "Are you alright?" Manon asked as the blue haired male looked back at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said even though he sounded like he didn't believe his own words. Manon felt the uneasiness alongside him. She wondered who the blonde leaning against the wall was so nonchalant until the elevator dinged. The blue haired male squeezed his eyes shut. Manon looked back at the door in anticipation only for the sounds of an office to fill the elevator. The blue haired male opened his eyes and took a peek around the stack of paper he was holding. His expression seemed confused. Shocked even. Manon looked over at the blonde. He too was definitely surprised, but hid it much better than his coworker. A chuckle came out of his mouth. "Aww, come on, newbie. I told you we would be fine, or should I say Peter since you're no longer a newbie!" The blonde exclaimed and soon the duo was off of the elevator. Leaving Manon by herself. She remained confused about the whole ordeal. Was the blue-haired man's experience in the elevator really that awful? Or maybe he just had a fear of elevators. Still it unsettled Manon to say the least. The ding brought her back into reality as she faced towards the doors. Though nothing could have prepared her for the sight. There Norman sat on a floating chair, in the middle of the sky. Manon hesitated even stepping out. "Oh, you're here!" Norman said as he approached the elevator. "Yeah." Manon replied as she looked down. "Is this actually in the sky, or is this glass?" Manon asked. "It's the sky." Norman replied as Manon nodded. "Well let's start the interview. First of all, how was your journey here?" Norman asked. "It was well." Manon replied confidently, though she didn't hide her confusion much. Norman nodded. "What made you apply to our business?" Norman asked. Manon knew he probably had an idea, but this was probably a standard question for any job interview. "I wanted a different change in life, and it felt natural to join a bigger company." Manon replied, part of it was a lie. She mostly just wanted out of her old job. "In your application you wished to run the cafe in our break room. What qualifications do you have that best fit the criteria we need for that role?" Norman asked. "I know how to bake, brew coffee, interact with consumers, and keep calm in situations." Norman nodded, clearly taking every word she spoke into account. Every word at this point was one step away from being rejected or not, and at this point she was rather desperate. "What would you say your biggest weakness is?" Manon's heart began to pound rapidly again. She hated to admit it. She didn't want to admit it. She feared what would happen if she did so, but this was a job interview. Not saying you have one is even worse. Then again she could make up one that came close, but wasn't something she didn't want to say. "I'm not sure entirely." Wow, really smooth there Manon. Norman raised a brow. "Pardon?" Norman said. "Well I'm sure I do have one, I just don't quite know what it is." Norman nodded. "If that is the case you may want to start paying close attention to yourself. Figuring out one's strengths and weaknesses makes things such as building alliances, and taking care of the competition easier. Knowing where you stand will also make it harder for others to take advantage of you." Norman said. His voice was rather gentle. It didn't come off as condescending, or brash, but rather polite. As in a friendly bit of advice. "For the final question. Why should we hire you?" Norman asked. Probably the most important question she had been asked, and honestly one she should've seen coming. "I am a hard worker who always gets the job done right." Norman nodded. "Well that's all the questions I had. I look forward to seeing you as a future employee here at the company." Norman held his hand out for a shake. Manon took it. His skin was smooth, and his shake was firm, but gentle. Manon gave him a smile. "Now if you excuse me I have a meeting to attend to. We'll give you a call once we make a decision." Manon smiled. "Well thank you. See you later." Manon said. "See you." Norman said as he waved. Manon waved back as she pressed the button leading down to the first floor. She breathed a sigh of relief. That was probably the most relaxed interview she's had. As she walked out she could feel more eyes staring at her. Or rather one specific pair. She looked over to the side. While the lobby was mostly empty there was the black headed man. His eyes wide and fearful. Manon looked away quickly and walked towards the door. Making it out to the sunny streets. She really hopes that guy doesn't stay there all day every day. Otherwise she may quit this job sooner than expected. If she even gets hired at all.

The sun was already setting over the horizon. Painting the sky in hues of oranges and purples. A knock came to the door. "Come in." Norman said as Bryce strutted into the office. He placed a pile of paperwork on Norman's desk. "Here are those reports. Though I have to ask, what the hell happened earlier today?" Norman raised a brow. Bryce didn't appear to be angry. He looked more confused. "May I ask what you are referring to?" Norman replied as he moved the stack closer to him. "That woman who came in for a job interview around noon. The elevator wasn't set up like it usually is. Why is that?" Bryce asked. Norman became on edge. He didn't do that. He knew why, yet he was fearful to say it. Bryce would not tolerate the real answer he would give. "She was applying for the cafe position. It isn't as important as a regular worker." Norman replied before a sharp gasp came from Bryce. Norman looked up confused, though the look Bryce was giving him told him everything that was about to come out of his mouth. "That was her? The women you met. Oh, my god, you do like her." Bryce teased as Norman sighed. "That is not why the elevator wasn't on for the interview." Bryce sat down. "Relax, I won't tell anyone. But come on man, are you actually going to hire her?" Bryce asked. "I'm looking over her answers, she seems like a good candidate for the position. Though I'd still have to go through some of the other CEO's. I think she'll be hired." "Yeah, yeah, just don't get too distracted by her." Norman let out a chuckle. "You're wanting to talk." Norman replied as Bryce sat up. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce replied as Norman stared at him with a brow raised. "Bryce, everybody in the office knows you've been distracting Mr. Nest for quite some time. Bothering him even when not on break, and having him help you with tasks you should be dealing with by yourself." Bryce looked to the side. "We don't talk about that." Bryce muttered as he got up. "I do hope you at least help him when he asks for assistance." Norman replied teasingly. "Ciao Norman." With that the door closed behind him. Norman heaved a sigh. Bryce was right for a few things. Still Norman didn't want to move too fast. Especially since they hadn't really spent much time together. Maybe if she got hired this would be a chance for the two to start forming more of a friendship. Though he'd just have to wait, and see.               

Clouds Cover the Sun Because they like the warmth Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora