Time For Something New

22 1 0

T.W: Misogyny, and some form of harassment(idk the specific type)


Manon groaned as her alarm began to go off. She slapped her hand down over the clock. She groaned as she turned over onto her left side. Her bed felt more comfortable than it usually does. Its soft plush mattress felt like it was sinking her body further into the plush mattress. She didn't quite want to leave it. She wondered why she needed to get up today. Work, she had work. She groaned as she rolled onto her back as she rubbed her eyes. She hated that she had to get up. Especially after the crappy day yesterday. Slowly but surely Manon forced herself out of bed. Walking over to her closet she settled on something darker in color today. Just in case her stitches popped again. She probably should just call in today, but she had her doubts she would actually get approved of considering she wasn't sick, and admitting to the stitches may be suspicious. Removing her nightgown Manon walked into the bathroom. She removed the old blood stained bandage and replaced it with a new clean one before walking back into her room, and changing into the clothes she laid out. She picked out a black turtleneck with a pair of gray bell bottom jeans, a silver necklace with a white diamond charm at the end. She brushed her hair and held it back with a black headband. Looking at her face, perhaps she should put on some makeup. Maybe something simple like some eye liner, and mascara. It would do for the day. After that she made breakfast, and ate it. Looking at the time did she realize she was going to be late. She snatched her purse off of the counter and quickly dashed out of the door. Double checking she locked it before dashing as quick as she could without popping another stitch. Just barely making it to work on time. She got a few stares from her fellow coworkers. It was reasonable considering she was almost always there early. She quickly grabbed her apron and walked out to the counter where everyone else was waiting. A few raised brows but no snide comments. Though she could feel a pair of eyes on her. It immediately put her on edge as she looked over to her left. Rebeca's eyes quickly looked back forward. Manon could tell she wanted to make some sort of comment but kept her mouth shut. Manon quickly looked away as the chime of the bell signaled the beginning of a new day.

As per usual they were packed in the morning. Eventually slowing down as evening drew closer. To the point barely anyone was even there outside of her other coworkers. Though most of them had gone out for a smoke break. Leaving Manon behind the counter once again. She didn't mind too much. It was when she was left alone did she find the most peace. It surprised her that Rebeca hadn't made any sort of bigoted comet. Maybe she was just in a good mood. Manon hoped it would stay that way. The chime of the bell caught her attention as she moved back over to behind the register. She put on her usual customer service smile as she looked at the customer who had just walked in. He looked to be in his mid thirties, with brown hair cut close to his head, big brown eyes, and bright shining smile. He had the appearance of a classy, rich, business man in his navy blue suit. Though something about him gave her a bad feeling, she ignored it. Her coworkers were in the back after all. At least one had to be in the kitchen. "Hello, I'll take a chocolate mocha pretty lady." The man said in a flirtatious tone. Manon cringed eternally as she placed the order into the register. Her smile faltered as she gave an annoyed expression. This crap again. This time she didn't have the cover of a rush to keep the customer away. "Will that be all?" Manon asked through gritted teeth. The man looked her up and licked his lips. "Your number would be nice." Manon had to restrain herself from slapping the man in the face. "Your total is two twenty four." Manon replied, trying to keep a distance away from the man as he pulled out a ten dollar bill. Manon took it with her fingers barely touching his. He gave a smile as he let go. She quickly pulled it back. "I hope that can buy something else." The man said as he leaned over the counter. His lips puckered up. Manon just slid him his change before walking over to prepare his drink. She heard the man pocket his change before letting out a whistle. "You know a pretty woman like yourself shouldn't be working. You should have a man taking care of you by now." If Manon could she would actually switch out with Rebeca. If she would even appear. It made her wonder how long her smoke break had to be. Manon didn't comment. If she just kept ignoring him maybe he would just go away. Or at the very least stop talking. "It's a miracle no one has tied you down yet. Considering you're rather quiet. Men would be trampling over you. I guess I'm just lucky." Manon slammed the coffee down in front of him. "Enjoy." She said angrily before turning around. Almost in an instant her arm was grabbed. She pulled back before her hair was grabbed and yanked over towards the counter. Manon let out a yelp yet no one came to her aid. Where the hell were her coworkers? Her arm was straining against the counter. When he grabbed her the mocha had split. Causing the hot liquid to spill near her hand, and down the counter. The strain was causing a scratch in her stitches. By now she was faced with the man. The aggression in her eyes brought back chilling memories she wished to forget. "Listen here. No woman will treat me in such a manner. If you think you can treat me disrespectfully because you can be independent and all that then you can..." The door chimed. Manon freed from his grasp, and immediately pushed herself up. She stumbled forward, and caught herself on the counter across. Her hand burned from the mocha with some of the liquid having seeped into the lower area of her shirt pants. Manon was taking shaky breaths as the man began to scream at her. "YOU STUPID WOMAN! HOW DARE YOU SPILL COFFEE ON MY SHOE! YOU SHOULDN'T BE..." "That is no way to talk to a woman." Manon looked over to see Norman approaching the man slowly. The man seemed more cowardly as Norman approached. Even if he did have enough room to walk around and get out the door. Norman was now staring him down. Though Manon noticed a distinct difference in his eyes. No longer were they the black eyes, they were white. The man stammered for a second trying to find words as Norman continued to approach him. "After all, it was an accident when the coffee spilled. Right?" Norman said as the man continued to quiver his lips. "Right of course. I'll be leaving now." The man said quietly as he quickly rushed out of the cafe. Manon remained where she was. Still shaking as she stood up. "Are you alright?" Norman asked, concern laced his voice. His eyes had turned back to the normal black she had once seen. His voice showed genuine concern yet he remained distant to her. Manon appreciated it, but was holding back her tears. Shaken after the encounter Manon nodded. A gasp came from Norman. "Do you need any help cleaning up?" Norman asked. "No, thank you for the offer." Norman nodded. "If you want me to, I can stay here if you'd like." Norman suggested his face showed a sweet smile. Manon gave him a smile back. "Actually...yeah that would be appreciated." Manon replied as Norman nodded. She walked into the back. Just as she did, Rebeca and another employee named Walton exited from a restroom. The two looked rather sweaty, and were actually panting. When the two made eye contact with Manon a red flush covered both of their faces. "Hey Madeline, I thought you were cleaning the front?" Rebeca replied with a smile. "Hey are you okay? You look a little shaken up." Manon looked over at the other cubby holes for employees. Most of them were empty, except for three. "I'm fine." Manon replied. "I'm sure you two want to clean back here anyways." Manon replied as she grabbed a mop, and a wet rag. Not caring for any further questions she left the two. At this point she was on the brink of tears. She took a deep breath as she entered the dining area. When she did she wasn't expecting anything. Yet Norman was over by the counter. He had moved the cup over to the side and was using napkins to wipe the liquid. Barely having his fingers touch. Likely for the reason the liquid was still rather warm. "You didn't have to." Manon said as she walked over and took the cup. "I am aware. But after that batshittery it's the least I could do." Manon nodded as she began to wash the dish. She could finish the counter later. The two cleaned in a somber silence. Manon's hands were shaking as she placed the cup in the drying rack. When she turned back over Norman was already using the rag to clean the countertop. "Thank you." Manon said as she grabbed the mop and began to mop before walking out from behind the counter. "It's alright." Norman replied with a gentle smile as Manon walked over to the floor. Norman moved out of the way for her. To mop the space. His back pressed against the wall. "Are you sure you're alright? You..." "I'm fine!" Manon exclaimed. Quickly taking notice of Norman's taken a back look. Guilt immediately flooded through her. The one person she was making good connections with, and she was already trying to burn the bridge. Why did she say that? He was only trying to be nice. "I'm sorry that was out of line." Manon apologized. Looking back down at the puddle that had started on the floor. "No, don't. I should apologize. I was pushing. That reaction is completely justified." Norman said, giving her a reassuring look. Manon felt rather comforted by this. She gave a small nod. Norman remained by her until she had mostly finished up. "If you want to talk you can call me. Have a goodnight Madeline." Norman said. Manon nodded. "You too Norman." Norman nodded before he turned around and walked towards the door. His steps were slower, more as if he didn't want to leave. Yet as soon as he left he once again began to walk up into the air. Going back to his home. Leaving Manon alone with just her coworkers. Even though he just left. She was already missing him.

Manon entered her dark apartment. Her legs shaking beneath her as she locked the door. Ensuring the dead bolt was also in place. She dropped her purse on the floor. Not caring much for it. Though she quickly dropped alongside it. Leaning against her front door as the tears began pouring out. A quiet sob escaped her lips as she began to tremble. Burying her face in her hands. As more tears began to pour out. She didn't want to have to put up with stuff like this anymore. Annoying and rude customers. Men who would threaten her. She had spent nearly a year saving up just to escape one man. Only to be thrown into a situation where she may encounter more. She knew unless she ran to an old timey convent she'd be stuck dealing with stuff like this. Yet was it wrong for her to have hoped for some form of escape. The cafe was stressful, and was she really going to get fulfillment out of job like that. It would be never ending. Something just to pay the rent. It reminded her of Rody. Stuck working dead end jobs only to quit them to lavish her. She wanted him to find his own fulfillment. Even if it meant she wouldn't be there. Maybe it was time for her to find hers. She ran her arm over her noses as she stood up. She walked over to her phone. Dialing the number that had been given to her not too long ago. The phone rang for a minute before it picked up. "Hello?" Norman asked from the other end. "When can I come in for a job interview?"  

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