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 The first few employees entered the break room. They were a little surprised to see her there. Maybe it was because they never expected it to open. Though none of them approached her. Probably because they were a little too nervous too. Maybe they thought she was some ploy put in by the CEOs. Who knows? To be honest Manon was a little thankful about it as well. She wasn't sure how much she really wanted to interact with them now that they were actually filling the room. Even if it wasn't a lot. Maybe about seven people. Though that changed the minute a tall blonde entered the room. Manon recognized him as one of the men who had entered the elevator with her the other day. Almost immediately his green eyes landed on Manon and the counter. He raised a brow before taking strides over. "Hey I remember you, you're the woman who was here for the job. Glad to see you got it." The man said loudly. Manon gave a nervous smile. "Yeah that's me. May I help you?" Manon asked. "Uhm yeah. I'll take a coffee with two packets of sugar, and milk. And one of those brownies." The man said as Manon began working on the coffee. Though it seemed he was determined to talk to her. Nobody else was waiting in any line so she didn't mind too much. "By the way what's your name?" He asked. "Madeline. And yours?" Manon asked. "Bryce Stryker. Make sure you don't forget." Bryce said with a wink and a smile. Manon rolled her eyes a bit. He seemed friendly but at the same time probably more insufferable. Though she didn't want to make judgments based on first hand experiences. "So how long have you been working here?" Manon asked. "About twelve years. My first interview was flawless and got me a rather high position so they pay me rather handsomely." Manon felt her eye twitch a bit. Yep, he was definitely going to be an asshole type. "I see." Manon replied with no real warmth in her tone. "You know you're kind of short. Are you a human?" Bryce asked, causing Manon to raise a brow. "Yes, aren't you not?" Manon didn't want to believe it. Sure he was taller than most other men she had ever seen. Yet he looked like an average human. Bryce burst into a hearty laughter. "Oh, no. My genetics most certainly gave me the average look of a regular human, but I can do something normal humans can not. Such as walking on the sky." Manon raised a brow. "Is anybody here even human?" She asked slowly as she placed the finished drink on the counter. "Oh yeah Peter is. The nervous guy I was in the elevator with." Bryce let out a small chuckle. "He's usually here at this time. Guess the poor man's running late. Also why I'm getting the brownie. Fairly creating he hasn't had anything to eat." Bryce said as Manon grabbed a brownie and placed it on the counter. As she did she notice a look in his eyes. His face became a bit more nervous, and was that blush? Was he blushing? Manon said nothing, but something was definitely going on between the two if she had to guess. "Your total is one dollar." Manon replied as Bryce pulled it out. Manon took it and placed it in the register. "Wonderful chatting with you. Hope you settle in alright." Bryce said loudly. Wish I could say the same to you. Is what Manon wanted to say. Instead she just kept a friendly smile. "Likewise." And with that Bryce was off. No doubt she would run into him again. Though after he showed up a lot more people began to do as well. She had about five customers. Unsurprisingly their purchases were about fifty cents since most of them only really wanted coffee. Though when Manon had her back turned she didn't notice when someone else approached the register until her name was called. "Madeline?" Manon turned around only to see Daniella standing behind the counter. Though her more laid back style had been replaced with an uptight business suit. Though her wings were still visible, It made her wonder how she even got the shirt on. "Oh Daniella. This is where you work?" Manon asked. "Yeah I'm surprised to see you here. But hey at least I get someone to chat to." Manon smiled. At least it was better to see another familiar face. "I agree, anyways do you want anything?" Manon asked. "Oh yeah I'll take a coffee, and a bag of chips." Daniella said as Manon got to work right away. "So what encouraged you to work here?" Manon was a bit hesitant to answer. Afterall when she first met Daniella she had a lot of negative things to say about her boss. Maybe it wouldn't be too wise to admit she knew Norman. If it came up it came up. "Saw it in the newspaper. One of my coworkers at my old job was just being a real jerk. To put it nicely. Not to mention the workload was pretty exhausting." Manon explained. She wasn't too sure how much she could curse on the job. "Damn, that sounds awful. Well, hopefully things are more chill here." Manon smiled. "Thanks." She said as she put down Daniella's order. "One dollar." Daniella sighed. "Of course they're charging for food as well." Daniella muttered as she pulled out four quarters, and handed them to Manon. "Well see you around girl." Daniella said as she took her food. "See you." Manon replied, and with that the break room was now empty.

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