Chapter 21: Work affairs

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Ivory was indeed a handful. At the end of the day, everyone went out of the office with grumbling voices and tired bodies, she had worked them to the bones and they dreaded their future with her as their manager.

Madison was not excluded, she usually avoided Maximus by taking the bus but this time she was the one who called him to take her home. Upon getting home, she hit the bed after other formalities and retired early. She hadn't seen Robert since the day before so she told Gabriella to inform her when he comes home.

A little after 11pm, Gabriella came rushing into Madison's room. Robert had returned and he came home completely drunk.

Madison who was already fast asleep, got up immediately and rushed outside with the maid. She was surprised Robert had returned in such a manner, what could have happened in the space of 24hours?

Robert was a mess, he reeked of alcohol and he kept staggering and talking gibberish. Madison first of all took the bottle of alcohol still in his possession and kept it away.

“Robert come on let's go inside so you can lie down” Madison said as she tried to guide him a little.

He pushed her hand away and said, “Stay away from me, don't touch me” he warned.

He continued to stagger around, almost hitting a ceramic vase, Madison didn't want him to get hurt so she was confused on what to do when he kept pushing her away.

“Where is my mom? Mom, where are you please?” He began to say, searching everywhere frantically. Under the couch, by the door, inside containers and what not, he was searching for her everywhere, the desperation in his voice increasing with every passing moment.

Madison was thinking of how to get him to bed when she finally got an idea, “You are looking for your mum right? I know where she is” she said to Robert with wide eyes, keeping her acting in check so he doesn't think she's lying.

“Really? You know where my mum is?” he stopped searching and asked eagerly.

“Yes, follow me, I'll show you where she is” Madison felt bad about lying but it was the only way to get him to follow her. She felt immense pity for him, it was clear he missed his mother so much and her death was one that traumatized him deeply. She remembered what Helen had told her about the tough time Robert and his mother went through in the absence of George, she was yet to hear Robert's side of the story but she could already imagine what it was like with the way he was behaving at the moment.

She went closer to him and this time he didn't stop her from holding him, she supported him and he rested his side on her and they began walking up the stairs to his room. As they walked, Robert eyes began dropping slowly and he kept saying inaudible words. They finally got to his room and Madison directed him to the bed and let him fall on it. His eyes were completely closed now but his mouth kept saying gibberish, Madison remained quiet and began to help him remove his shoes, socks and assessories on him. She also removed his pants belt and suit sleeve so he could be freer while he slept.

Once she was done, she proceeded to cover him with a duvet and tuck him in. While she was tucking him in, his eyes suddenly fluttered open to look at her. She froze stunned and waited for him to say something and then he said,

“Madison, stay with me, don't go” He said in a slurred voice. Then he proceeded to grab her hands and rest on it. He eyes sealed shut again and he looked completely peaceful.

Madison was speechless, her heart fluttered at the gesture. She tried to retract her hand but it wouldn't budge so she just sat down on the bed beside him. His phone suddenly chimed from the table and Madison took it to look at. She saw the eye glass case she bought on the table and she smiled knowingly before focusing back on the phone.

It was an alarm and label of it said, “12:00pm, End of mum's death anniversary”

Madison gasped in shock, everything made sense now. The absence, drinking, late night and everything he's been saying all made sense now. Today, yesterday rather was his mother's death anniversary. He must have been a painful day for him that's why he left the house early to have some alone time to himself. He probably paid his respects and proceeded to drown his sorrows with alcohol which led to him coming home drunk.

Madison ran her hands through Robert's hair gently, her heart went out to him. She couldn't even imagine how it would feel to lose Joyce because the mere thought of it broke her heart. Her mother was her best friend and they have been together through the toughest of times, losing her would be devastating and she was not sure she would ever be able to heal from it. So in a way, she understood Robert's predicament.

They both have mothers who gave a lot to make sure they, the children had a good life. They both also have deadbeat fathers who abandoned them in their time of need even when they were filthy rich. They were too busy taking care of their other family and forgot all about them. The only difference was that Robert's mother was dead and Madison's mother was alive.

“Oh poor child, you saw way too much for your age and here you are, broken” Madison muttered before letting out a small yawn, she was feeling sleepy so she adjusted so she could lie beside Robert on the bed.

“Don't worry, I'll heal your broken heart with time. Just give me time” Madison said before answering the call of nature and succumbing to sleep's embrace.

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