Chapter 2: External sacrifice

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Shockwaves were felt across the room when Madison decided to accept Dana's offer. While Dana and Michaela grinned triumphantly, her father, Jacob, appeared divided between relief and concern.

"Well, it appears like we have a deal then," said Dana, evidently pleased with the turn of events.

"You'll wed Robert Salvatore, and we'll pay your sister's medical expenses."

The gravity of what she had just agreed to astounded Madison. She knew little about Robert Salvatore other than that he had a troubled history. She had always imagined getting married to her first husband for love and not as a pawn in a business plan.

In an effort to reclaim control of the situation, Jacob spoke up.

"Are you certain about this, Madison? You're not required to do it. I can assist Mandy in another way."

Madison fixed a determined stare in her father's direction.

"Dad, you understand that we have no other choices. Mandy cannot suffer as a result of my ego," she said.

Michaela sighed under her breath, displeased by Madison's choice,

"What a desperate move."

"When do to get to meet this Robert?" Madison asked.

"You won't be permitted to meet him until the altar on the wedding day. Oh, and the wedding is on Saturday," a smirking Dana added.

"It's that soon?" Madison asked surprised.

"Yes; is it too early for you? We can break the contract now and your sister doesn't get the money for her bills or we can start getting you prepared for your big day," Dana said.

After taking a deep breath, Madison responded,

"Okay, I'll do it anyway."

When Madison got back to the hospital, her mother, who was staying with her younger sister, questioned her on her whereabouts.

"Where have you been all day? I was waiting for you to come take over from me in watching your sister while I go to work," Joyce, her mother said.

"I went to see Dad," Madison replied.

Rage and fury filled her mother's face as she slowly got up from her seat unable to believe what her oldest daughter was saying.

"Tell me you're joking, Madison. Now for real, tell me where you're coming from," Joyce said.

"I'm saying the truth mum. I really want to see Dad," Madison said.


"HE'S OUR FAMILY TOO," Madison yelled back.

"NOT ANYMORE MADDIE; NOT ANYMORE," Joyce said still yelling.

They noticed that their yelling was about waking Mandy up so Joyce reduced her voice and asked,

"And why did you go over there?"

"Mum, look at Mandy..."

Joyce turned around to look at a frail daughter lying half dead on the hospital bed.

"...she's dying and we have no means of helping her because we do not have the money pay for the Medical bills. I went to Dad with the hopes that he was going to give us some money for Mandy's treatment."

"And did he give it to you?" Joyce inquired.

"I was asking him for the money when Dana and her mother barged in. They offered to give me the money on one condition: on the condition that I get married to the man that Dana was supposed to get married to. Apparently he is a rebel child of a multi-billionaire and has been in and out of prison a couple of times and Dana didn't want anything that would ruin her reputation," Madison replied.

"And why couldn't your own father give you the money? Why did he sit back to listen to Dana give you such condition when he could have easily giving you the money himself?" Joyce asked.

"Mum, if you had been watching the news, you would have known that dad's company is experiencing some financial setbacks so I guess that's why he arranged the marriage between Dana and that stranger," Madison replied.

"Well none of that concerns us. That is their problem. It's a good thing you didn't accept it, right," Joyce said but Madison was quiet.

Joyce looked back at Madison and saw the look on her face. She immediately understood what it meant. She called Madison's name a couple of times but Madison avoid eye contact with her mother.

"Madison, look into my eyes and tell me that you did not accept to marry a total stranger in the place of your step sister who doesn't care about you," Joyce said.

Without looking at her mother, Madison replied,

"I did it for the sake of Mandy; I couldn't sit back and watch my sister die before my very eyes when I knew I could do something to prevent it."

"You won't be getting married to that stranger and that is final. We would look for another means to get money for your sister's medical bills. Have I made myself clear Madison?"

Finally, the determined gaze in Madison's eyes met her mother's. Even though she knew that her sister's life was in danger, she could still hear her mother's desperation in her voice.

"Mum, I recognize your worries, but I won't let our pride cause Mandy to suffer."

Madison remarked in a mournful voice,

"This marriage may not be perfect, but it's a method to guarantee her treatment."

Between her love for both of her daughters and the decisions they had to make, Joyce struggled. She was aware of the price Madison was prepared to pay, but it broke her heart to watch her oldest daughter taking such a risky turn in life.

Joyce sighed, tears welling in her eyes,

"I am against you doing this, Madison, but I can't bear to lose Mandy either."

Madison comfortingly held her mother's hands and softly squeezed them.

"We'll find a way to make this work, Mum. I swear. I'll go with the marriage, but we have to make sure Mandy has the greatest care possible."

Without wavering, Madison said,

"We won't let her down."

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