Chapter 12: Friendship and love

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It was already late and everywhere was dark when Madison stepped out of the house to return to her husband's house. It has been a hell of a day, being that Mandy was discharged today and their deadbeat father's reappearance. Buying gifts and flowers was a quick way to Mandy's heart so as soon as he presented it, she was beaming with all smiles and attention. Joyce had a frown all through, it was clear she didn't appreciate his presence in her house but she kept quiet just to please Mandy. Madison was like a middle man, trying to calm all the tensions in the house and making sure her mom didn't burst out in anger.

Jacob eventually had to leave despite Mandy's pleas for him to stay which was unavoidable and was the best choice because the tension between him and his ex wife couldn't be fixed in just a day, it was wise of him to leave but he promised to come back home tomorrow.

As much as Madison wanted to stay with her mother and sister, she needed to time alone. She has been with them for weeks, now she wanted to return to her husband's house for some reason and think about what her mom said about ending the contract marriage with Robert.

Madison was only a few steps away from her house where a figure suddenly stopped in front of her. She gasped in shock to see Morrison, her best friend. She had been avoiding him and his calls ever since she got married because she didn't know how to face him but now that he was here, she couldn't avoid him anymore.

“Morrison, did you k..know I was here?” Madison stammered.

“Your mother told me. But what is going on, why have you been avoiding my calls huh? Didn't you think that I would be worried about you?” Morrison asked in a little raised voice. They have been friends for years, best friends at that and they tell each other everything, but Madison suddenly ghosted him one day and refused to take his calls or texts. It was normal for him to be angry.

“I'm sorry, I …” Madison didn't know where to start so she just trailed off.

“Why are you outside anyway? Let's go in and talk so you can tell me why you are acting so weird” Morrison said and was about to pull her hand when she pulled it away. She thought he had already found out from the news that she was married but with the way he was acting, he must have not seen it yet. She didn't even know which was more heavier to confess, him knowing beforehand or not. But she knew she couldn't hide forever, she must tell him no matter what today.

“I am married, Morrison” she broke the news to him while avoiding his eyes.

“What are you babbling about now, you sure you didn't hit your head somewhere?” Morrison asked as he walked closer to her and turned her head with his hands while searching for head wounds.

Madison slapped his hands away and stepped back from him, “I'm serious, I got married to Robert Salvatore three weeks ago, it's everywhere on the news” she said with a heavy voice filled with underlying tears then she raised her left hand to show the marriage ring on her ring finger.

Morrison's eyes doubled over in shock and he asked, “You are not messing with me right? Because if you are, you got me” he ended with a dry chuckle.

Madison shook her head with sadness evident in her features, “Search Robert Salvatore's married on Google” she said.

Morrison brought out his phone quickly with shaky hands and went straight to Google. He gasped as he scrolled, pictures, videos, articles of Madison marriage with the billionaire Robert Salvatore. “But how, when, why?” He asked, looking at her for answers.

“Come on, accompany me to my house?” Madison said with a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

“Your house? Isn't it the one you just left?” Morrison asked.

“No, silly. My husband's house. I promise to explain everything on the way” Madison said. She didn't wait for him to answer as she started walking away while looking into the darkness of the night and feeling the cold air on her skin. It was as if she knew he would follow her.

Few seconds later, just like she predicted, Morrison came to catch up with her. She chuckled, she knew him too well, they were best friends after all.
“Tell me everything” he said.

Morrison went ahead to tell him about her sister's critical condition and the contract marriage with Robert, Robert rebellious character and the anonymous payment, everything. He listened with rapt attention and couldn't help but feel pity for her, she had to go through so much so that she could treat her sister. He also felt guilty for getting angry at her while she was struggled with so much, being forced to marry a heartless man wasn't anyone's dream.

“Why didn't you come to me, why did you carry this burden alone huh? I could have taken a loan or something” Morrison said with a strained voice.

“And put you in debt, or how do we even pay back? Heck, we don't even have enough collateral to request for that kind of money in the bank”

Morrison was about to say something but Madison cut him off with a sigh instead, “It's no use now crying over spilled milk, what's done is done. I'm a married woman now so get used to it” She said and ended with a dry chuckle.

Morrison didn't reply and they just walked in silence, he wanted to comfort her but didn't know how to when he was heartbroken with the news as well. He has been practicing on how to confess his feelings to her, he was in love with her and wanted her to be more than a friend to him but he was not confident enough. He was sad that his delay had cause him to lose her to an asshole who didn't deserve her at all. He was going to have to hold back his confession for now and continue to be by her side.


Heyyyy! It's 8:45pm here, I'm updating twice today for you guys 😁 Enjoy...

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