In my Dreams

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Starry's POV:

I was having a pleasant dream until a thought hit me. Hmm, sunrise... I stretched before pulling the blinds up to check the time of day. Right! I was going to meet with Selene today. Something felt odd as I looked out the window and saw the setting sun, a stark reminder of the time that had passed.

How long was I out for? Did I sleep the whole day? Getting out of bed, I went to the shower and used some of Mia's fancy shampoo; she wouldn't mind either way.

The steam accumulated on the shower door as I wiped it before checking the city's surroundings. Still, the eerie feeling persisted, a feeling I couldn't put my finger on. After drying my hair and rushing not to be late, I decided not to blow dry my hair, leaving it unkempt. A state it would always be in because being on time wasn't a thing for me.

The smell of vanilla drafted into my nose as I continued getting ready. Some causal clothes had already been laid out for me on a hook beside the door, which I still don't remember putting there.

My attention was turned to my naked chest in the mirror, honey-white skin in the mirrors. I looked closer at my shining hazel eyes as those same eyes looked back. I smiled at myself. Reaching for more hygiene products, my hand falls onto a smooth glossed object. Turning to look at it, my butterfly clip? When did I take this off?

Shrugging off the fact, I attached it back soundly in the ruffles of my hair. I checked the mirror and saw the white glow coming from it. Once all my hygiene products were on, I slipped on a casual pair of sweats and a t-shirt with a print of my favorite band, now ready to go.

Almost ready to head out the front door, I put on some white sneakers with a light purple and blue color on their souls to complete my casual wear. "Mia, I'm stepping out." But there was no response. Usually, she would have asked me a million and one question by now, but her soft voice didn't carry through the room.

Checking where she was.  Her bedroom. Empty. Living room? Nope. She wasn't in the kitchen since I just got my shoes there. I guess she stepped out.

Leaving the apartment and grabbing my keys was even weirder. Mia would never leave home without them. She's too responsible to do something like that. The elevator down to the lobby felt like a ghost town. Not only the cold breeze that pricked my arms, but also the residents were all missing for some reason. Usually, the lounge area would have been bustling with people relaxing, and the restaurant area would have been illuminated and opened for business, but it was lonely.

Leaving the complex, I decided to walk instead of taking the bus, which would have taken no time to reach the city's center, considering how empty it looked. Walking the usual route, people started to come into view as they were all dressed in fancy clothes, from dresses to skirts for the girls and suits and blazers for the men. They all held masks, looking up at the moon. The moon covered the sun as they all stared. As I ran into the crowd, a bright light came from my butterfly clip; each step made my clothes change again.

Squeezing past everyone, my clothes had changed again as I looked at my new attire, from my white boots and cape that glistened with stars on the inside; the feeling of warmth overcame my body, and color returned to the world around me. The sun had shifted its position, allowing its bright rays to shine over the city. Selene's face was just as colorful as she smiled down at me. My body was fit snuggly in her curves as she hugged me. Hmm, who knew girls could feel so squishy? Wait. Is this what curves feel like? I caught my mind before it wandered back to more dangerous places.

"Come on, little prince." The city surrounding us and the people in the world disappeared as a vibrant field of flowers blossomed around us. Cherry blossoms fell from the trees as they mixed with the vibrant color of the grass field. Her hand went up to my neck and chin as our eyes locked. "Here's something I should've given you a long time, my prince."

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