Loving in your arms

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Starry's POV:

I remember falling into a deep sleep and feeling cold. I tried to open my eyes, but nothing happened. It was weird, like trying to cling to consciousness but consumed by the coldness.

The only thing I could do was fall deeper into my sleep. It's so cold. Is this how it's going to end? My life is slowly slipping away into the depths of darkness. This can't be the way it's meant to end. There's still so much to do. Someday, I'll see the moon again.

Even so, at that moment, as I felt everything slow down, I faintly smiled, remembering my moments on the moon and the fairytale of the moon. I used to be a prince, and Selene is a goddess? What a dream...



Selene's POV:

"Hi, I'm Selene.." I have to make something up, and I can't tell her about this. I don't think she would believe me even if I told the truth. No one would believe us. "I found him passed out on the ground while walking home; it must have been from the cold."

There's a brief silence on the phone, followed by a panicked voice on the other side, "Oh my gosh, is he alright? What street is he on, and why is he out there?" She starts to sound more like a worried mom, still not knowing her exact age; she seems young, and it causes me to laugh internally to myself, looking down at the unconscious boy in my grasp.

"I think I'm at 5th Street because he's out so late; I'm not exactly sure why myself. I kinda just found him down here." I say, holding my breath and looking at the phone with a nervous expression as a nervous smile appeared, ready for her following words.

"We live at the complexes only three blocks from here. Do you mind dropping him off? Please miss?" Still, with a hint of panic in her voice, she seemed to have calmed down a little as I accepted her request.

"Sure, I don't mind; it's not far from where I'm going anyway." I sighed mentally as I held Starry's body in an attempt to keep his body warm in the harsh winter conditions.

"Thank you, miss."I hang up and put his phone in my pocket.

Well, it's time to go home, Starry. I smile as I start my journey to Starry's home.

"You're surprisingly light." I laughed slightly at his sleeping body resting on my arms." I took in the city lights and snow covering everything. Even the restless city seemed to be resting as I made my way.

"I knew you were special..."




Starry's POV:

My eyes still won't open, but I'm met with a warm presence. My body refused to move much, but I moved closer to the warmth. A smile subconsciously forms on my face, hugging closer to the warmth.

In my deep rest, I heard a heartbeat. It was soft and comforting. A sound that sent me deeper into my slumber. This was a heartbeat that I faintly remember. Yet hugging into this person felt so right. This moment was perfect.

My breathing slightly increased as realization hit me. For the first time in forever, I felt so loved and comforted. It felt so good to be loved in someone's arms for getting that memory.

I just want to open my eyes and see who or what this warm presence is. Try as I might, I couldn't.

I just want to see you...

Selene's POV:

Making my way closer to the apartment complexes. Starry gets closer to my body. He gets more comfortable in my arms, resting his head closer to my chest. "I won't let you go. Just stay right with me." I bundled him closer to my winter coat as his shivers eventually ended.

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