Butterfly and the Star

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Selene's POV:

The soft love bed lulled me deep into a slumber. As I thought back to that night, my dream became familiar again, much like my hazy mind in the days before. The train station, the wedding dress, the moon—all these strange occurrences happened to me at once. My dreams felt so vivid, as if reality was one.

Everything felt so dark, but from that darkness came a light. Looking upwards, I see a reflection of myself. I looked different, dressed in that white wedding dress and those purple eyes. My lips parted. There was nothing in sight except someone who looked like me but was different.

Mustering strength, I speak. "Who are you?" Smiling back at me, her velvet lips glisten, and she shakes her head. Holding her chest, a glow emanates from it. Slowly, she reveals the star pedant Kai had gotten. Her hands took the pendant from her chest, approaching me. Gently pushing into my chest, That same smile played on her lips. She waved at me before disappearing.

It was dark momentarily, but the pendant glowed brightly as I held it close to my heart. "I wish I could see something, anything, just please..." Nothing.

Until a light surrounds me. I looked around and saw an endless, luminescent sky. It was hard to see, but it got clearer. The faint sound of people clapping and celebrating started to fill the air. Their faces were barely visible. That's when a wedding altar appeared not too far in the distance. Flowers blew in the wind, and watching their movements, they fell to my body as a pink dress appeared, spreading onto me. The same flowers fall all over my shoulder and chest as two women in short, flowy dresses help me up. As I stood, the aisle was covered in more flowers, and the view of the earth glistened brightly. Behind me a familiar palace with a long entryway covered in velvet silk. But that's when I saw someone walk towards me. Their faces were still a blur, but that suit... It looked so familiar...

Something felt off. I remember this: I had a sacrificial knife in my hand, and this person was getting closer to me as I started holding it closer to my chest, where the star pendant glowed. Then...

I jolted awake, holding my hand close to my heart. It beat through my chest, and sweat ran down my forehead. It must've been a dream. Gauging my surroundings, still in my room, excellent. Looking at my phone: 3:05.. No older notifications. "It is just a dream."

I lifted my shirt forward and saw the star pendant safely around my neck, hanging on my chest. Breathing a sigh of relief, it was all a dream. I groaned loudly, stretching before getting up to use the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I get closer, seeing the tea bags under my eyes. Those eyes looked back at me; that white wedding dress was stained red like wine in the chest area.

I blinked a few times, trying to wake myself up. I must still be dreaming., I quickly washed my face before stumbling back into the dark room and slipping into the bed. Memories of Kai and me in the bed linger in my mind as I sit on the edge of the bed. Yet, I feel a tiny pit in my stomach as I reminisce about our night together.

My stomach soon started to rumble, causing me to sigh as I slipped out of bed to the kitchen and reached the fridge. Opening the door, the light illuminated the kitchen, peeping into the refrigerator to see if anything was there. Barren. "That good for nothing..." I closed the door and got ready to leave the hotel, searching for something to eat. I grabbed my hoodie to cover my nearly nude body, only being left in underwear; I slipped on my pants and then my hoodie, shivering at the draft coming through the hotel corridor when I opened the door. Taking the elevator down to the lobby, I check each corner and look for stalls open at three in the morning.

One stand was opened, selling snacks, blankets, and various things. I rubbed my puffy eyes as I started to stuff away some instant meals, snacks, and juice into the crook of my arm. While scuddling to the counter, one of my drinks rolls out of my arms, ready to make an impact before someone catches it. My eyes are drawn to a shiny bald head as it slowly rises. Holding the dropped apple juice, he handed it to me. Our eyes met. He looked old, with wrinkles and big hooped earrings on both sides of his head. Despite his age, he looked handsome and well-kept and probably got a lot of attention in the prime of his years. His voice was soft in a whisper, "Don't you go losing this now."

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