Part 2-(ch-3 - The first closure)

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Hynjuin:Really It's been years since,and john would-be jus-st never done that!
Rylie:No,no.I didn't mean tha-
Hynjuin:you also think that he did it dont you,he said with rage and glaring eyes,it looked as if he would grab her neck anytime now.
Rylie:you see, I actually don't umm believe in that theory actually -
Hynjuin: you don-t(he said with his face slowly melting into a slight twitched smile)
Rylie: notably,I actually believe that there was a third party involved.
Hynjuin: Really,you would do that for me?he said with a hopeful face.
Rylie:yess,she told herself that she would do this for her mom and never for him,he never deserved anything good and he was just a key that would lead me to the real truth and Verity.
Rylie: Now can we get started.she asked reluctantly.
Hynjuin:yeah-yeah shure umm let's um start.

(The interview ended after 44 minutes and 30.3 seconds, the important keys will be listed in the transcript.)

Transcript - 1(Interview recap)
'I was filled with rage the entire time I was interviewing him., to be honest I whenever I thought about leaving and not doin what I was SUPPOSED to do the thought of my mum had me getting to the point I actually ended up finding out a lot of things that might help me alongside with my mother's letters . I managed to get a photograph.

I wasn't able to really identify a lot but I did find out that these were his teammates and he quit football just a few days before the deaths occurred 10 days after to be precise

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I wasn't able to really identify a lot but I did find out that these were his teammates and he quit football just a few days before the deaths occurred 10 days after to be precise. While I'm not completely shure if the 10 day gap could have a relation with my case though it certainly would've caused something,'.I just do know what. I also found out from Hynjuin that he is actually not in the photo , 'and that the guy with a bandage on his index is philip ,'and he was the closest to john at the time.Other than that I found out that he actually used to get in many relationships and that he also used to go for training almost every sunday.he used to be there for training for their michigan match.

It was 8 in the night and the moon was shining brighter than her mom's smile . Though that thought might've sounded abrupt and weird it was actually just the way Rylie would go on describing things. She was sitting in her bedroom rummaging through all th letters, Bingo! She shouted, she had found the third note . But this one was different very different from the others. It had a bird sign with a plus . She was confused and after reading the note she felt a bit concerned about it. The letter had indicated her to visit the bakes and burn bakery on Tuesday it had also said that that would help her uncover the next step towards her mysterious case.

The days flew by so quickly she couldn't believe her eyes when it was already Tuesday. She drove to the place at about six. All the doors were locked and shut down.all the windows were boarded and there was no one neary who Rylie could ask for help.'she tried to open the door and in her last failed attempt to open the boarded doors,' she saw a note fall down , when she was feeling confused she asked herself ' what would my mum do in this situation ' the answer would be to read the note and solve the freakin she did just that whatever her mum inside her head told her to do is what she did, she picked up the note and read it.
"Go to the back door" is all that the note had read, her hands formed a fist, her blood went still in a brave and ready sort of way ,her coping mechanism was becoming bossy and posh, she went behind and back towards the door,the door had some weird and stale smell coming from the inside. She slid the door open and there was "A muffin"? She didn't know what to do . So she picked up the muffins and roamed around the room looking for something that might be helpful to her and , there it was staring at her from the other side .a picture a tall longe and a blurry picture? Who was this there was a bookshelf beside it filled with , books about psychology and science, she wanted to see one of the books so she picked up one of them and she heard a thud had someone come in ? No it was just the wardrobe door . She dropped the book and walked towards it she opened it and found that there was. A hole behind the door.she put her pinky inside of it and out came a ripped picture of a girl with grey hair with green highlights along with a reassureing smile.she took the photo and took pictures of all the things that she had noticed. But as she was leaving something felt weird like it was set up especially the muffin the way it had been placed right there in the middle of the room. It all seemed too easy too convenient like it had been kept there,she ignored it ,it must've been her overthinking and maybe she was right . And the muffins wasn't that convenient to find acctualy it had been sort of towards the right not fully in the middle and it had been covered by a flower maybe she was just amazing at finding things (she wa also arrogant)

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