Part-2( ch- 2 Conflicted meetings)

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There was a song in her.A sickly beat troubling the skin on her wrists and neck, a cackling chord as she cleared her throat and the jagged trill of her breath.
Next, the terrible realisation that once she noticed her breathing she couldn't, for the life of her, un-notice it.
  She stood before the front door and willed it open. Every second grew syrupy and thick as the door stared her down,the minutes unrolling themselves into forever. How long had it been since she'd knocked? When Rylie could stand it no longer, she picked the sweaty Tupperware of fresh muffins out from under her arm and turned to walk away.
Only a few steps away, she heard the sound of scraping and clicking and turned back to see Hynjuin in the doorway, his hair ruffled and his face tight in confusion.
'Oh', Rylie said in a high-pitched voice that wasn't her own,'Sorry, I thought you told me that I could talk to you on Friday.Today's Friday.' she had emailed him yesterday(very reluctantly)
'Um, yeah, I did,' Hynjuin said, scratching his head with his eyes somewhere around Rylie's ankles.'But honestly, though........I thought you were just talking a piss.A prank.I wasn't expecting you to actually come.'
' that's,um, unfortunate.' Rylie tried her best to not look hurt.'No prank, I promise.I'm serious.'
'Yeah ,you seem like the serious type.'The back of his head must've been exceptionally itchy.Or maybe Hynjuin's itchy head was the equivalent of Rylie's useless riddles and facts: armour and swords when the soldier inside was screaming.
I'm irrationally serious, ' Rylie forced a smile, holding the Tupperware box out to him.' And I made muffins.' she wished that she could poison the muffins somehow and burn him to ashes but she knew that she couldn't.
' Like loveria muffins?
' Thats what the recipe said,yeah, '
Hynjuin's mouth twitched, not quite a smile. Rylie only then realised that she was looking at him like a devil she switched to a smile again.Maybe he is still a jerk just a more mature version who couldn't even force a smile.
'So can I come in?'Rylie said, tucking up her bottom lip and over-stretching her eyes in her best pleading expression,the one her dad said made her look constipated.
'Yes,fine,'he said after making an almost devastating pause.'Only if you stop making that face.' He stepped back to let her in the house.
' Thankyou, Thankyou,Thank you,'Rylie said quickly and tripped over the front step in her eagerness.
  Raising an eyebrow,Ravi shut the door and asked if she'd like a cup of tea.
  ' Yes please.' Rylie stood awkwardly in the hallway, trying to take up as little space as possible.' Black please. ,
' I've never trusted someone who takes their tea black.'
He gestured for her to follow him through into the kitchen. I shouldn't have trusted you' Rylie told herself '
He gestured for her to follow him through into the kitchen. The room was lit with yellow lights he also had a white couch and a few luxurious paintings,he must've been living in a rich family. Rylie had faked her identity, afterall she didn't want HYNJUIN to know that it was her! She was suprised he hadn't noticed her.had she really changed so much?
They both sat down across eachother on the tea table with wooden yield chairs.
'He didn't slurp,' so umm.. what's with the mic and speakers!?
'These are for the recording,' speaking of which we should probably start.
Start what?
' the recording,'duh?
Ok,jezz,chill I was just asking.
     Transcript of interview with age old enemy(Hynjuin)
Rylie: So,how old are you?
Hynjuin: why?
Rylie: just trying to get all the facts straight.
Hynjuin:Ok, Snoopy miss, I just turned twenty.
And how old were you when the murder took place
Hynjuin: wait- wait,what!you were here to talk about that! I thought this was an Arabian perfume thingo.wth?

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