Chapter fourteen

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"So it's cancer" Allie said. "Again"

"They're gonna do a biopsy, but's cancer"

"What does that mean, then? Chemo? Radiation?"

"I really don't know" Nicky said. "Since they have to completely open my chest to get a biopsy anyway, we decided that they should just take the whole tumor out. As much as they can, anyway. That way if it is cancer then there's as little as possible and that could make the treatment a little easier"

"Fuck, Nicky" Allie sighed.

"I know"

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Damn it, I forgot they were coming" Nicky said. The people on the other side of the door were Rory and Logan who Nicky had invited for dinner. Kate was invited too but apparently was also invited to a sleepover party.

"Yeah, me too"

Nicky figured there was no point in waiting to teeth then so once Rory and Logan were sitting down, Nicky told them what was going on.

"I saw my oncologist today, just for a usual checkup. To make sure everything's still ok" Nicky said. "Um...turns out everything is not still ok"

"What are you talking about?" Logan asked.

"There's a tumor in my chest" Nicky said. "They can't say for sure if it's cancer until they test it but you know..."

"It's probably cancer" Rory said.

"Yeah" Nicky nodded. "I'm gonna have surgery next week. They'll remove as much of it as possible that way if it does turn out to be cancer, there's less of it still in my body"


The following Wednesday morning, Nicky and Allie found themselves getting ready to go to the hospital. Not only was Allie worried about Nicky but this would also be the first time since Jenna was born that she wasn't with her so she was nervous about that.

Around 10, Grace knocked on the door. "Hey" Allie said as she opened the door.

"Hi" Grace said.

"Ok, so she just woke up from a nap and I fed her. Her next nap is at 11:30 but you can put her down a little earlier if she's cranky and I'll be back by 12:30 which should be before she wakes up" Allie said. "Diapers and wipes are on the changing table and pacifiers are in the top left drawer of her dresser. She doesn't take the round ones for whatever reason she only likes the ones that are like shaped to fit against her mouth"

"I don't know what that means"

"There are two kinds in there. Round and not round. She does not like the round ones"

"Got it" Grace said

"Thanks" Allie said.

Once Nicky was ready, they headed to the hospital.

"Alright, once we start it'll be about 7 hours" the doctor said. "The hope is to remove the entire tumor but that may not be possible and we won't know until we get in there and see"

"Ok" Nicky said.

Allie was allowed to walk with the doctors until a certain point. "This is where you say goodbye"

"Good luck" Allie said and leaned down to kiss him. "I love you"

"Hey" Nicky said and wiped the tears out of her eyes. "It's gonna be fine, ok?"

Allie nodded.

"Come here" Nicky said and hugged her. "I love you so much. Kiss Jenna for me"

"I will"

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