Chapter six

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One day in September, Allie was walking to her office when her boss stopped her. "Sullivan!"

"What's up, Mike?" Allie asked.

"New case for you" Mike said. "7 year old boy, removed today from his parents' custody. Cops are bringing him here so you need to meet them downstairs"

"Ok" Allie said. She went downstairs and after briefly speaking with the cops, she turned her full attention to the child in front of her. "Hi" she said as she crouched down in front of him. "My name's Allie, can you tell me yours?"

The kid just stared at her.

"What's that you're holding?" She asked and gestured to the stuffed monkey in the kids hands.

"Peter" the kid whispered.

"That's his name?" Allie asked. The kid shook his head. "Is that your name?"

He nodded.

"Ok" Allie smiled. "Peter, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Peter didn't say anything.

"Ok. Well, right now we have to up to my office, and when we get there you can pick out a snack if you want, and a drink, or if you want we can go down to the cafeteria and I think it's pizza day. Do you like pizza?"

Peter nodded.

"So maybe we'll go get some soon. Does that sound good?"

Peter nodded.



"Did I hear right that the baby Huntzberger got engaged?" Brian asked as Nicky walked past his desk. One downside that Nicky found came with working for his parents was that a lot of the people he was working with had known him since he was born.

"You did" Nicky smiled.

"Congratulations" Brian said. "You're making us all feel old"

Nicky chuckled. "Thank you"

"Man, it's weird. I mean, I remember your parents bringing you here as a baby" Brian said.

"Just wait until he has kids of his own" Sheila chimed in. "Then you'll really feel old"

"Yeah, we're not quite yet" Nicky said.

"Yet" Brian said. "And when you do get there, everyone who's been working here since before your parents took over is gonna feel so old"

"Yeah...I don't know what to say to that"

"Have you started planning the wedding yet?" Sheila asked.

"Not really" Nicky said. "Not at all, actually. The only thing we know is that we wanna get married in May"


"Do you like the pizza?" Allie asked. Peter nodded. Other than telling Allie his name, he hadn't said a single word. Instead of taking Peter down to the cafeteria she had someone bring food up to her office since she thought that the loud, crowded cafeteria might be overwhelming for him. "Good"

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Allie said and one of her coworkers, Violet, walked in. "What's up?"

"Do you have the contact list for foster homes?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually looking at right now. I'll send it to you"

"Thanks" Violet said and left the office.

"Ok, Peter, I have to go get something and make a quick phone call. Are you gonna be ok here?" Allie asked. Peter nodded. Allie walked out of the office and a few feet down the hall to where she could still see her office door but could also be sure that Peter wouldn't hear. Then she started calling foster parents. "Hi, Jean. This is Allie with DCFS. We have a 7 year old boy that we need to place. Removed for general neglect"

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