Chapter 21

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Prince Edgar threw away the papers on his desk. He swiped out a sword from its holder and directed it at the nearest victim.
"So you are saying, that low life got away?"

The masked face looked up to him in fear, "Yes, your majesty. We deserve death."

"Indeed you do, why are you even the chasing spies if you can't get this simple job done."

He swung the sword angrily as blood splattered to his coat. He went out of the dark chamber and walked up the attic to his study. Banging the table he tried to contain his fury, 'That girl...' he thought 'why does she like him? I am the crown Prince... What do I lack? Wait a while... I will teach you a lesson soon.'

His mind flooded with the images of Pam's beautiful cold gaze lighting up at the flowers blooming in the Palace garden. It was the day after he met her first at the academy. He was still angry but seeing her lovely face and graceful figure standing by the rose bushes while her usually cold gaze softened to a warm smile caught him in a daze. He stared at her, he wanted her. All of her should be his and he would make sure of it so she would give him such a smile. But why now she smiles at another man and her eyes never light up nor show warmth to him, whenever they are on him. He felt she despised him and no matter what, he could not get her affection. No way... She will definitely be his.
Making up his mind he went to meet his majesty.

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"You look beautiful Edith," he whispered near my ear. I wore a simple wedding gown of light amber with sequins. Derek wore a black suit and a carnation pinned on his coat.
I blushed and grabbed his hand tightly, I couldn't yet comprehend I was getting married. The preparation week had passed like it was yesterday.

Pam continously reminded me it was real just an hour ago and it really was, my mother wiped a tear and "father" stood next to her not bothering to hide his cold stare.

Countess Tori was present as well and yeah, there was a good reason to have a simple wedding first because this was a premise to showcase something bigger.
Derek looked too dashing, his sharp dark eyes stared right into mine and I could feel a blush rising.
We said our vows and then Derek leant into a kiss. I don't know why I wanted to shrink back, feeling the eyes watching us. Well...honestly it was our first lip kiss and he didn't waver at all but just swooped in and I almost felt my breath blocking in my airways as he took a long time to end it.

I gave him a reddened glare as he chuckled and brushed a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. He certainly enjoyed it. Hmph.

We went to greet the guests, Penny cried a little saying I wasn't hers anymore quite jokingly and Hans unexpectedly soothed her.
Reggie congratulated us politely and the hand he offered was shaken by Derek as he strongly held onto my own with his other hand.
I smiled at Reggie and thanked him for coming but he gave a sad smile and quickly excused himself.
It felt odd a little. Anyway I didn't have time to think about it when Wendy and the Prince arrived.

The King and Queen also came with them.
I didn't expect their presence but Derek didn't show any surprise meaning he knew about it.

My mother and father went to greet them and all the guests curtseyed respectfully to them.

Derek led me to them and the Queen smiled at me gently. The King's smile was cold and I looked away.
Wendy congratulated but she kept looking at Derek and trying to act all cute. Like giving smiles and being pouty. She even tried to grab his hand which he smoothly withdrew by lifting it up.
Was a Prince not enough for her? But I could see Prince Edgar's mind and eyes were elsewhere, they were on Pam who was talking with Penny quite happily. Tough luck, bro, I mean you should have treated her well when you had her and I am never letting you have her in this life.

Derek stopped while we were standing near the refreshments table and leaned to my ear "Shall we dance first or do you..."

"Let's dance first," I said hastily knowing I wouldn't be able to after eating.

He took my hand and then we both swirled in the music and near the end he swooped in for another kiss, really Derek.

Then the lights went off, I knew it was time now. The hologram appeared in the center while all the dancing stopped.

The evidence was clear, "father" or that man was sitting with Countess Tori and talking in the bar. He had his arm around her and the camera even caught their closeness.
Count Tori sucked in a sharp breath while Countess Tori stuttered "No... No that isn't me. Its a lie."

"Really... Kera..." the Count was at a loss for words and the whispers didn't cease. The man knelt in front of the Countess, "My lady you must save me. You said you would."

Her eyes widened in horror and I saw my mom sitting on a chair with confusion. But she was quite composed. After all I remember our talk yesterday.

"Mom," I said watching my mother arranging a flower bouquet "There is something I need to tell you."

"Your father... He is cheating on me, isn't he?" I was shocked. How did she figure it out no wait... Why wouldn't she? She is smart and she must know her husband of 20 something years.

"The thing is... He is not out father."

Her eyes which were downcast, lifted and studied mine "What do you mean dear?"

I told her about Derek's theory and also pointed out some clues. After all no man could impersonate 100% perfectly. My father hated brocolli but this man eats it like no problem and another important thing my father is allergic to peanuts while he showed no signs of allergy to the peanut cupcake I had offered him the other day.

Tears drifted from her eyes. She came near and hugged me. "For a moment... For a moment I really..." she sobbed and I patted her "I know mom. Our father didn't betray us. This man is someone sent to destroy us."

Now my mother was quite calm. She looked hurt but now she knows what is really going on.
"Tell me, is this true?" the King asked from the Countess who was on her knees as well.
"No... No your majesty... Estra..." she pleaded to her husband who saw the scene with despise.

It was obvious the scene was not fake. Only Countess Tori had a mole behind her neck and it was pretty clear.

She also didn't know how to say otherwise. She couldn't admit to it but the King made an unexpected move "Lock them up. Investigate the matter Duke Basilisk."

Countess Tori's face became horrified and changed soon to anger. "You... How dare you? I did this for your..."

Her throat was slit, Duke Basilisk held the bloodied sword and bowed to the King. It was clear she was talking about either King or Duke Basilisk, both who stood in the same direction and nearby.. Someone wanted her gone, before she said anymore.

The Queen took a step forward "Duke Basilisk why did you kill the prisoner? How can you try the case?"

"Don't worry my dear Queen," answered his majesty "Basilisk know what he is doing."

She became quiet but gave me an apologetic glance. The man was dragged away and Derek managed to use magic to bring out his original face so he no longer had my father's face.

His majesty didn't waste much time to return to the palace. The restless guests went to the waiting rooms to get some rest. 

I stared at the beautiful woman in front me extending her hand "So you are Lady Edith Whittling?"

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