Chapter 15

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"Edith, darling" my mother came running to me and gave me a hug, full of her familiar scent of rose.

My father was quite busy and she tried to give excuses to his lack of appearance to welcome me. I wasn't sure why but he seemed to be avoiding me and mom for the last two years.

My mother's pink hair was tied up to a stylish bun and a small floral tiara decorated her head. Her yellow dress made me feel cozy in her presence.

"Edith, you must try these cakes. Mom brought them for you after visiting the famous bakery 'Goldilocks'." she laid a crimson iced white cake on my plate and seeing her smile brought me some memories of the past life. Her leaving and being ill. I wondered if I would be able to live without her if I had not died before her.
She reached a hand to my cheek and wiped the tears running out unbeknownst to me.
"Don't cry my dear, your mom is with you. If you have any problem, you can tell me."

I sobbed, before I knew it I was crying in her embrace. I didn't want her to leave me again. No... I will not let her fall sick again.

It took me quite some time to convince my mother that I was not bullied at school and the happiness of being back at home was what had made me cry.

My father appeared for dinner. He was a tall quiet dark handsome man who has aged quite slowly though he was already 40. He gave me a short smile and asked if everything was OK.
I nodded with a smile and inquired his wellbeing.
But I couldn't unsee his unusually cold eyes which were warm before making me quite suspicious.
Mom asked a few questions from him and left at that as if he did not like being bothered to talk. His attitude has really seemed to change.

Tired from the journey, I was lying on my bed after a nice warm bath. My thoughts went to Derek wondering what he might be doing at the moment.

Just then a voice called my name "Edith, are you asleep?"

I got up startled to see him standing by the window in my room. "Yo-You, how did you get in here?"

He chuckled and came near me. He was about to reach a hand to my face when I slapped at it.
"No you don't, tell me how did you get here?"

"You've become more like my snappy cat, my lady."

I frowned and he grinned "Alright, it's because of the necklace I gave you. I can teleport to meet you wherever you are."

"What about that Master of yours?"

"We've both done with our work for the day. Master is busy with preparing some work for tomorrow."

He sat down beside my bed. I felt a little awkward. But he seemed completely at ease making me feel jealous of his guts.

"Is something bothering you? Did you cry?"

His question was quite unexpected but I realized he was quite near my face and watching it closely. I pushed him back and turned away "I was just crying because-I was happy to be home."

I don't know if he believed me but he didn't continue to press on it. He offered me his hand and I took it.
Then there was a sudden rush of wind and I opened my eyes to find myself standing at the top of a mountain under the wide sky full of stars.
The scene was breathtaking, I was holding my breath for a minute. "It's beautiful... Enchanting..." I murmured and he smiled.

The next morning, I blushed. I woke up to remember an embarrassing act. After watching the sky full of stars he brought me back home. I had boldly given him a hug in return for the gift. He was quite surprised and after I realized my action I could only avoid his eyes. I was promptly glad when his master called him back for some urgent work.

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Derek stood in front of the man whose tanned skin added to the strength of his muscles in his arms as he held a large spear. He smiled "So... You must be the hidden 'Prince' of Zeda."

The man smiled, he may be good-looking with flowy green hair but his eyes held some shrewd intent "Then you must be the 'lackey' of Waze."

Derek didn't lose his calm though he internally wanted to grab the guy by his throat and send him flying to sea.
"Do you want to fight it out or can we talk?"

"Well... I-" a huge force of wind rushed at Derek who flew back but managed to land on his feet. He touched his cheek and felt the blood on his face.

He smirked "You want to do it dirty huh," he murmured as he gripped on to his sword and cast a spell causing an internal rumble underneath the ground. "Well, Jock, how do you like that!"

Jock gritted his teeth and stepped back just as the floor underneath his feet gave way. He had to keep changing his position till the cracks stopped.

Derek was about to land another blow when he was stopped by his master.
"I think we have done enough to announce our presence."

The forest guarding the boundary to the Zeda Kingdom was ensconced with the pattering of the hooves of the rushing horses.
The sound grew closer and Derek saw the woman who jumped off from her horse and held a sword to his throat.
"Intruders, what do you want?"

Sage of Illusion laughed and pointed at Derek "He is the one to answer."

This made Derek surprised. He stared at the old man who was still shivering in silent laughter. He knew his master played pranks but he didn't expect such a huge one and he had no answers to give this young capable commander of sorts who was holding a sword to his throat.

His master then gave a loud thump to his shoulder and answered "Fine, fine I had my fun. We are here to meet King Bolta. Tell him the Sage of Illusion is here to visit to hand him a present."

The woman raised an eyebrow but she sent a message through the pigeon and asked her subordinates to guard the visitors. Meanwhile Jock gave Derek a glare and went to find his horse.

The Zeda Castle was quite grand but not as much as the castle of Waze which was already overly glamorous. Zeda Kingdom had a precious asset none of the other neighboring kingdoms had and it was the iron ore to make mystical weapons. They were led to the grand court where the King sat in his throne looking at the entering visitors with much interest. He was a thin elderly man but though he was slender and had similar sharp features to Jock his hands held the strength he had accumulated from years of patient practice yet to diminish with time.

Derek could only be surprised when the Sage of Illusion yelled at the man on the throne "Well, you've had your fun now. Get down from there."

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