Chapter 2

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I stood by the window clenching my fist near my heart to stop the incessant pounding of my heart as I watched him step down from the carriage. 

Derek Manor, the heir of the Grand Duke of Basilisk and closest allies of the Imperial family. He was the serious diligent warrior 'prince' as everyone called him. He excelled in all subjects and martial arts and had a serious but sensible demeanor and also a hidden gentle side. 

In the novel he was one of the prominent second male leads who was killed and in my past life he wasn't killed with the others because instead of falling for the female lead he fell for me. We both were engaged and did like each other but when my illness grew serious, I longed to avoid him knowing he would suffer too much. In the end however, I couldn't see him for some time because he was out in an expedition to quell the rebels. I was happy for him to not experience my death and also hoped he would forget me. But just seeing him now, I knew it was going to be very hard. My eyes were fixed on him though I wanted to look away. This is why I tried to avoid meeting him here so I even came to the academy two years earlier so I would be gone next year, when he was supposed to come.

Yet to my surprise maybe my action had changed the plot and now he had come to the academy a year earlier while I was still in the midst of completing my studies.

He suddenly looked up to the window which I stood by and I abruptly stepped back to avoid his gaze. Without waiting for anything else I quickly turned and went to the class planning to make sure to avoid him. I didn't want to see him suffer because of my illness and maybe, he will still be able to avoid being killed by the crown prince if I can impact Wendy to fall in love with the crown prince at first sight.

Hans, Penny and I were discussing about the recent calculation problem given by the Professor when the clamor in the class died with the entrance of the Head Master and the new students. My eyes widened in surprise recognizing Derek and Cory who were actually supposed to be in the Senior class as they were two years older than us. Coming to the academy was a mere formality to such high ranking nobles so they could choose a class suiting their age and spend a year there.

I diverted my eyes to the book in my hand. Not like Derek would recognize me since we haven't met much except for a short greeting during the family tea parties.

"Ok students, welcome your new friends. This is Derek Manor and Cory Wafer." Head Master gave a smile and then hurried out, leaving the rest for the students to take care of as he was quite an absent minded man. Penny leant near and whispered "Hey, Derek is looking this way. do you know him?"

"Of-of course not," I said it a little loudly and felt a few eyes watching me. To add to this Derek walked to my desk and gave a side smile as I looked up to his face reminding myself to act composed. "Lady Edith, it can't be you've forgotten me after I helped you get your cat down."

I laughed awkwardly "Indeed not Sir Derek, thank you again for your help." I looked to him wondering how he knew my cat got stuck on the tree. It surely was not him who helped, me and my butler somehow managed to get it down but this means he had been observing me and now saying this in front of everyone - if I denied I would have been made to seem ungrateful.

Without invitation he took the seat next to me "Then Lady Edith shouldn't mind if I sit with you? After all I am new here."

Hardly able to let out a word I gave a short nod feeling the gazes piercing my back and heard a few sighs of the girls who had hoped this handsome powerful boy would sit next to them.

My head was reverting to a blank as I tried to find reasons for his behavior. The Derek I knew would never act like this. He was a very serious and gentle type. He even became a prefect who cared about strong discipline from the students and also hated lying but now he lied to my face and sneakily managed to sit next to me as if by my approval. Just what exactly does this mean.

Hans who had stepped out for a moment came in and yelled with a red face at Derek. I had forgotten him and Derek was currently occupying his seat.

"Hey that is my seat. Who are you anyway?"

Calmly Derek leant back "I got permission from this lady to sit here."

Hans gave me a look of a betrayed puppy as I smiled "Sorry Hans, it just... happened. He is a newcomer Derek Manor."

At this Derek chuckled "I am sorry for letting a lady introduce me." He reached out a hand and touched a long strand of my hair making me blush in surprise. Quickly I grabbed my hair back and stuttered "Wh-what are you-you doing?"

"Pardon, I couldn't help it. You are very beautiful, my lady."

Now I was sure Derek would rarely say something like this and definitely not in public. But I heard the whispers of the other girls as soon as the words left his mouth and Penny nudged me while trying to curb a giggle. Regaining my composure, I addressed him coldly "Your compliment is very generous. But I do not think you should do such a thing again."

Promptly Professor Merton entered and I was glad the interaction ended. I wasn't used to being cold to him but I felt like he was too different. Was he someone else with Derek's appearance or something? Or has Derek's personality changed because the plot changed. From what I remember he rarely associated with Cory who had connections with the underworld but now he enrolled to the academy with him. From their attitude the two seem to get along as well and this surprised me. Past Derek would never become friends with someone from the underworld it would almost seemed like a stab to the Imperial family's trust.

Class ended and Wendy came to me with a bunch of papers. "Edith, I have brought the papers to revise. Professor Merton said he needed them tomorrow."

I raised an eyebrow "But I am not in charge of them."

"Oh well, I really need to go out to find some materials for the project. Can you do this for me? I'll bring you something nice."

Before I could answer Derek whom I thought was napping with his head leaning against the window interrupted lazily "Why should she do your work?"

Wendy seemed to have noticed him then. Her eyes were fixed on him for a while and then she answered "Oh well, you must be new. Edith and I are good friends aren't we Edith?"

I opened my mouth again but he spoke "Really? Since when can a poor forgotten noble, address a lady by her name." His voice was cold and I looked at him stunned. Seeing me, he smiled cheekily "Come now Lady Edith. You promised to show me around, if you get busy now, it means you are breaking the promise."

"What-" I paused then heard Wendy's voice "I am sorry my lady." The tone had changed from her initial coyness "I will take care of my work." Abruptly she turned and left and I looked at Derek with a reprimanding gaze "Why did you do that? It's not like she asked something hard."

He closed one eye and gave me a furtive look "So you really would have taken the work had I not stopped."

"What is it to you anyway?"

He smiled "Of course I want Lady Edith to accompany me to see the academy. It is better than doing others work for them."

I closed my eyes for a second to calm my anger. Then he followed me as I got up and went outside.

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