Chapter 9

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Cory stretched his arms and looked about the towering endless array of trees. Derek was thoughtfully gazing at the fire.

"What is it?" Cory asked.

"Nothing, anyway someone seems to actually know more than we thought."

"What do you mean?"

"Someone knew how to imitate my handwriting, quite enough to make Edith believe at least."

"Yeah, someone seems to be watching us much closer than we thought. Do you think it's Edgar?"

"Don't know. But it must be someone from the academy."

"I guess so, by the way what about Edith?"

"She seems OK. But I feel like she isn't telling me something. Someone wanted her dead and I don't think Edgar planned that."

"I don't think Edith keeps any relationships with those of the regal family. Her parents are quite neutral politically."

"Yes... But I feel like we may have missed something. For now we should focus on the diamond. Tell your fellows to guard her well."

"Don't worry, the Principal has tightened the security as well. Alf told me he will keep us updated through Koora."

His hawk flew down from a branch above hearing its name and Cory chuckled. He tapped its beak as it went back to its resting place. Derek scanned the map he had brought and marked the route nearest to the Bleak mountain.


Pam was giving me an inquiring gaze and I knew I would not escape her without answers.

"So my dear cousin, you got kidnapped and almost killed and you are only letting me know it now."

"Well I... I am sorry Pam but I am not even sure of what happened. I don't know why anyone would kidnap me."

"You have no idea?"

I hesitated wondering if it was OK to tell her that maybe Derek was a part of the reason for me being kidnapped. But Pam was strong minded I knew she might blame Derek and keep him away from me. And Derek being of a strong mind as well would not budge causing a feud between the two.
I nodded "Yes, specially why someone wanted to kill me?"

"Do you want me to use my resources to find out?"

"Well... Pam I want you to find someone to keep an eye on Countess Tori."

"You suspect her?"

"Kind of and well..."

"What is it?" Pam raised an eyebrow "You want to ask about something else."

"Do you happen to know where people buy... You know... things like portions, magic items and things. The 'illegal' stuff."

A slow smile appeared enhancing her lovely sharp features. "What are you up to? My little innocent Edith is up to something."

I frowned "I never said I am innocent. Don't make it seem like I have never done any mischief."

She laughed "Alright, I should go back. I'll send you a letter when I get to know something."

I was surprised "But aren't you planning to come visit me next week?"

Her face darkened "Oh... I forgot to tell..." she paused and took a deep breath "My father is planning to marry me off to that damn Crown Prince. Its his majesty's idea. I am soon going to be busy."

I was shocked and worried "Pam are you really going to agree to the marriage?"

She lowered her head "Not much of a choice. Let's wait and see."
She came over to me and hugged me. Then she went out of my room and I could see she was biting her lip to prevent a torrent of tears.


Wendy came to me after class and handed me a note."Prince Edgar asked me to give this to you." Her eyes held some curiosity while her tone was cold.
I took it from her with a thanks and came to the corridor without bothering to read it. To my surprise I found him standing in front of the girls dorm and when he walked towards me, a few girls in front of me got excited and giggled hoping he would notice them.

I didn't want to talk to him but there was not much of an escape.
"Edith, I would like to talk to you about something important. I see you got my note but I knew you might not read it so I came myself."

'I am honored' I thought but said "OK you may tell what it is, your highness."

He indicated the way to the students lounge which was bare possibly by his order and I followed.

"I heard about the recent incident. If you think it is me then I should say you are wrong."

"Why would I think it was you, your highness?"

He leant forward in his chair and gave a sardonic laugh "Why would you not, when you are Derek's fiancee?"

His words puzzled me "Fiancee? Who told you I am his fiancee?"

"He had told that to my father when he wanted to include you in the prospective list of candidates for-for the position of Crown princess."

I didn't know what to make of this. Edgar noticed my confusion "So you didn't know?"

"No... Anyway your highness if you had no hand in the incident then you need not worry. I also do not think it was done by you."

His face cleared and he was quite polite when he offered to escort me outside which I refused.

Wendy was inside the room when I went and kept my books on the table. "Why did Edgar want to meet you?"

I stared at her "Just for a talk. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," she flashed me her sweet smile which makes the Male leads fall for her and then turned her back to me.

I felt a little odd and decided not to bother about it. She can have all the Male leads she wants and Derek was enough for me. Anyway, all I hope is for him to come back safely and not injured or haggard like last time.

I blamed myself for not forcing him to send me a letter at least but I knew communication was quite difficult in the Bleak mountains and even the creatures with powers go missing there. It meant I could only wait to get one of the items of protection, till then I could only keep hoping.

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