Chapter 8

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I coughed and desperately hoped for some warmth as the coldness of the place was slowly choking my breathing. I wasn't sure why but there was an unusually freezing coldness as if it was some unremoveable poison.
The ropes were cutting into my flesh as my hands numbed to the cold.
The door opened and then amidst the bright background I could see the shadow of the tall silhouette of a man. Though I opened my mouth to speak, no words came out.

Some familiarity struck me but my conscious was slowly weakening and all I could remember was someone's soft tone calling my name.


(Derek's pov)

Coming across the tunnel I took out my secret weapon. It was the Mastral crystal ball which was one of the famously hunted treasures of the Waze Kingdom.
I knew where she could be but I still needed to find a way to avoid the Chasing spies of the Regal family.
The crystal ball was going to be the bait. And I knew it would also promote Edgar to find the diamond on his own. Corey can blame me later but I have to save her first.

I opened the blocked door and there was only a freezing cold and darkness waiting to greet me. My eyes needed some time to adjust and for a moment I thought I had gotten the wrong place.
But as light entered I was shocked by what my eyes could see. She was almost frozen and I rushed to her quickly blaming myself for being so late.
I lifted her up and she was so cold and light. I cursed at the men who had her hands tied and realized someone had wanted her dead.

( Back to Edith's pov)

I opened my eyes to the lovely Amber glow rising from the hearth. Hearing the footsteps I raised my head lightly and tears came when I saw him.

Derek came and clasped my hand and I saw how relief overcame his usually indifferent face which had the unhidden worry written all over it.

He buried his face to my hand he was holding and then looked up to me after a few minutes had passed.
"Edith, are you alright?"

I nodded and smiled a little "How... How did you find me?"

He sighed "I 'll tell you slowly. First get some rest."

Though he told me to rest I saw he was still sitting by my bed and holding to my hand. It seemed to ease his worry a little so I let it be and closed my eyes.

The next day I was better enough to sit up straight and look about my surrounding. It was not a familiar place and Derek came to tell me that he was keeping me in one of his private estates.
I was surprised "Are you allowed to have private estates?"

He grinned "It is a special favour granted by his majesty."

"No one protested?"

His dark eyes glinted, amused by my surprise as he came closer and smiled "How is it? Aren't I impressive my lady as a suitable prospective partner for you?"

I ignored the tease "Did your father allow it?" I asked again knowing how well his father hated Derek getting ahead of himself and private estates were not allowed to any Dukes son as the regal family considered it a threat.

He leant back and smiled "Don't worry my lady, at most you will only end up being my accomplice. But it won't be any time soon till anyone catches me here."

I frowned, at this point I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. The Derek I knew was always quite serious so it was easy o know where I stood with him but the Derek in front of me now keeps confusing me. I didn't feel sure anymore. For some reason I felt like I missed Derek and I lowered my head fearing another surge of tears.

"Edith," he called my name as I tried to control my mind "What's wrong? Should I call the doctor?"

I shook my head "I... I just want some rest... Alone..."

I couldn't see his expression but I knew he wanted to ask me what was wrong. But it wasn't something I could explain and I am grateful he saved me whether he is the real Derek or not. And his bias to me felt touching but I always felt there was some sort of gap and I couldn't really understand it.

He stood up slowly and left the room. I watched his retreating back and my confused mind cleared with the familiarity. His walk was just the same as the Derek I knew. Then again, lots of people and situations were now different from the novel and my previous experience so maybe I was just thinking too much.

I saw the marks on my wrists from the ropes that had bound me. I wondered who wanted me gone and I really had no options. Have I offended anyone to the point of wanting me dead? And how did Derek find me?
Then I also remembered another thing, Derek was supposed to go to the Bleak mountains the day after I was kidnapped. It looks like he had stopped his plans.

He came back in the evening with my tea. There was my favourite strawberry cake and I looked at him in surprise.
"How do you know I like this?"
He grinned "I asked your friend. That bakery had a long waiting line."

I smiled "Well... So how did you find me?"

"The person who kidnapped you sent me a threat. Then I did my best to find you."

"He kidnapped me to threaten you? But... Why?"

He leant forward and patted my head "Don't you know silly, I have already clearly shown my interest to you. It's a pity the kidnapper didn't know you have rejected me."

"I didn't..." I was about to protest indignantly when I stopped quickly but it wasn't quick enough "You didn't?" his eyes sparkled "Then are you accepting me, my lady."

"That's not... I mean... I need to think about it." I managed to say quickly and lowered my head.

He leant back and smiled "At least it's an improvement. You didn't say no... Eat up, tomorrow you will go back to school."

He turned to leave but I held his jacket "Me? Am I the only one going back?"

This time he didn't smile instead he became serious "Yes, don't worry, I have prepared everything. The Principal will excuse you."

"Where are you going then?"

"I can't tell you. Don't worry about it and rest early."

"Wait..." I got down from the bed "Are you going to the Bleak mountains? You are going there, aren't you?"

He was silent and he tried to gently remove my hand clinging to his jacket. I held on "Take me with you. I want to go there too."

He looked at me with surprise and concern "Edith, it's a dangerous journey. Quit that idea."

"No, if it's dangerous then you shouldn't be going alone."

"Enough Edith," his voice was stern this time and he had managed to remove his jacket from my hand.

I still didn't want to back down especially since I was worried he could get into a near death experience as last time. Even now, memories of his painful time with the slow poison invading his whole body, came to my mind. If it were not for the indigenous doctor my mother was able to find then he would not have survived. I didn't want to see him go through that again and the Bleak mountains were still a dangerous place. Be it the previous life or now.

"Derek please, do you have to go there? Can you stay without going?"

His eyes softened for a moment then he calmly held my hand and knelt down on one knee in front of me "I promise, I will come back. So promise me you will take care of yourself till then."

I nodded knowing he wouldn't change his mind. He got up with a smile "So... if I can come back in one piece, will you grant me a wish?"

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