« epilogue »

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Molly and Nick found themselves in a room unlike any they had ever experienced.

At first, they exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of their surroundings.

The room was small and windowless, with walls lined in thick padding that seemed to swallow up any sound. The air felt stagnant and oppressive, as if the room itself was holding its breath, waiting for something to break the silence.

They spoke in hushed tones, their voices seemed to disappear into the void, swallowed up by the dense padding that lined the walls. Even the softest whisper felt loud and intrusive in this stifling atmosphere.

With each passing moment, the silence became more pronounced, pressing down on them like a physical weight.

The only sound was the faint echo of their own breathing, amplified to an almost unbearable intensity by the absence of any other noise.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each minute dragging by with excruciating slowness. Without the natural rhythm of sound to mark its passage, it felt as if they were suspended in time, adrift in a sea of silence with no shore in sight.

The hours dragged on and the silence began to take its toll. It weighed heavily on their minds, gnawing away at their sanity with each passing moment. They longed for the sound of voices, the hum of traffic, anything to break the oppressive stillness that surrounded them.

The room was bathed in a soft yellow light, but given the oppressive stillness that haunted their minds, it felt too loud and bright.

Molly was staring at the wall when something odd caught her eyes.

There was a section of the room that was seemingly blended well into its surroundings but something felt inadvertently wrong with it.

She got up from her seat and started to head towards that spot but Nick stopped her, "Where are you going?"

He whispered yet his voice was magnified, as if he were yelling.

"Look there," she pointed out, "There seems to be something hidden behind it."

He observed and sure enough, something seemed to be shrouded and out of place.

It could even be a key to their escape or something that breaks this silence. They were ready to try and find it out for themselves lest the silence consumed them whole.

Their eyes widened as they stared at the seemingly innocuous section of the wall. It was as if a puzzle piece had suddenly clicked into place, revealing a hidden compartment that had been cleverly concealed from view.

With newfound determination, they approached the spot, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpeting that lined the floor. Each movement felt like a betrayal of the silence that enveloped them but they pressed on to find the truth.

Molly's fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the wall, searching for any sign of a hidden latch or mechanism. Nick joined in, his movements careful and deliberate as they worked together to uncover the secrets hidden within.

After what felt like an eternity, her hands grazed something small and metallic — a concealed button, cleverly disguised to blend in with the surrounding wall. With a quick glance at each other, they pressed it simultaneously, holding their breath as they waited to see what would happen.

The wall slid open with a soft whoosh, revealing a hidden passageway beyond. The air seemed to shift, the silence broken by the faint sound of rushing air as they peered into the darkness ahead.

Molly took the lead, her footsteps echoing off the walls as they ventured further into the unknown. Nick followed close behind, his senses on high alert as they navigated the winding corridors of the hidden passageway.

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