16 | dark truths

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Lena and Jasper sat in the dimly lit study, surrounded by the haunting remnants of Jasper's family history. The photographs and letters from the ornate wooden box lay spread out before them, each one a silent testament to the secrets that had been hidden for far too long.

"We need to start from the beginning," Lena said, her voice resolute. "We have to understand every detail, every connection that led us to this point."

Jasper nodded, his eyes fixed on a faded photograph of a young woman with striking blue eyes. "This is my great-grandmother, Eliza," he said softly. "She was the one who started it all. The one who made a deal with dark forces in exchange for power and wealth."

Lena listened to the story of Eliza's pact and the generations of turmoil that followed, she felt a chill creep up her spine. The weight of their family's dark legacy seemed to press down on them, suffocating in its intensity.

"We have to break this cycle," she said firmly after Jasper finished his recount. "We can't let these secrets control us anymore."

He looked at her with a shine glimmering in his eyes. Maybe, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to break free from the shadows of the past and forge a new future together.

Jasper knew the truth. He had always heard hushed whispers about it. But he felt too powerless to do anything. But it was time to change that.

They spent hours poring over the old letters and documents, piecing together the intricate web of family history that had been shrouded in mystery for so long.

Each revelation brought them closer to understanding the true nature of the pact Eliza had made and the consequences that had rippled through time.

It was a stormy night. Lena and Jasper were reading about a particularly ominous chapter of their family chronicles when a sudden knock echoed through the empty house. Startled, they exchanged a nervous glance before Jasper cautiously made his way to the front door. The wind howled outside, rattling the windows ominously as he turned the creaking doorknob.

Standing on the threshold was a figure cloaked in shadows, their features shrouded by darkness. "You shouldn't be digging into things that are better left buried," a low voice warned, sending shivers down their spines. Jasper squared his shoulders in defiance.

"We won't be intimidated," he declared with a steady voice. "We're done running from the past. It's time to face the truth, no matter how dark it may be."

The cloaked figure chuckled, the chilling sound filled the room with an icy presence. "Very well," they said cryptically. "But remember, some secrets are best kept hidden for a reason."

The secrets of their family's dark past beckoned to them like ghosts whispering from beyond the grave but they were undeterred.

The flickering light from the lantern cast eerie shadows on the walls as Lena and Jasper resumed their investigation. The howling wind outside seemed to echo the turmoil within their hearts as they delved deeper into the mysteries that surrounded them.

Lena stumbled upon a hidden compartment in the old oak desk. Inside, she found a tattered journal, its pages yellowed with age and fragile to the touch. As she carefully turned the pages, her eyes widened in astonishment at the revelations written within.

There were hints of a malicious force at play, a shadowy figure manipulating events from behind the scenes. But the identity of this malevolent presence remained shrouded in mystery, leaving them with a sense of unease and foreboding.

"This journal belonged to Eliza," she whispered, her voice filled with awe. "It seems to chronicle  her descent into darkness and the pact she made all those years ago."

Jasper peered over her shoulder, his breath catching as he read the words penned by his great-grandmother's hand. The journal told a tale of forbidden desires, of power sought at any cost, and of a curse that bound their family for generations.

"Okay," Lena said, "your family did fall through a lot of dark holes due to her actions. But.. could she be truly the only one behind this all? She started it, but who are these forces? And how do we end this?"

Jasper scratched the back of his head, "Its a tough call because I heard most of these things through hushed whispers. What I know now may not even be the full truth. We have to do something soon enough though, Paige's life is at risk. We did find some clues. How do we connect them?"

"The answer could well be linked to clues we haven't discovered yet." she concluded with a deep sigh, contemplating the clues, connections and the short amount of time they had. It felt too overbearing to go on despite the spilled secrets. But they knew they had to do this. For themselves, their family, the world, but most importantly, for Paige, who was probably still out in the darkness of the night.

At the corner of the pile of papers on their desk, an unopened letter was signed with EOS on its seal. Lena fetched the letter and opened it. What they found inside was about to turn their lives even more sinister.

Word Count: 863

Hello hello hello! I wrote quite the short chapter today because I couldn't write more and I really needed to write some words.

The updates are going to be a little more frequent but the chapters will be shorter again. I am trying to reach the 20k goal and I have just crossed 13k now. Sigh, life keeps me busy.

On another note, my book Bullet Train to Murder was selected for Ambassador's pick. I can't believe that happened!!! I AM SO SO SOO SUPER SUPER SUPER HAPPY!!!

I never even imagined getting past the first round, but, getting picked for Ambassador's Pick? Now, that's revolutionary! I hope I can continue to weave this story to the best of my ability and bring the best to the table.

I am truly thankful to each and every single vote, comment and appreciation, I never imagined getting this far, let alone begin. SO THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU, YOU WONDERFUL MUNCHKINS ❤️❤️❤️

Alright, catch ya on the other side,
Sara <3

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