« bullet train to murder »

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It was supposed to be a quick business trip, a bullet train ride from New York to Chicago. But the minute the train pulled out of the station, things started to go wrong. A person was murdered in the sleeper cabin, and everyone on the train was a suspect.

Detective Molly Rayne, a tough-as-nails veteran with a dark past, was on board and found herself drawn into the investigation. With every mile that passed, the mystery deepened.

As she uncovered secrets and motives among the passengers, Molly realized that the killer was more cunning and ruthless than anyone could have imagined. It was like something out of an Agatha Christie novel, only with a lot more blood and sarcasm.

When the train arrived in Chicago, Molly was left with a body count, a trail of clues, and a nagging suspicion that one of her fellow passengers was more than they seemed.


so excited to take part in this open novella challenge this year! yes, its my first time, and no, i am not sure if i will make it past the first few chapters xD

but, rest assured, i look forward to this story and the suspense.

if you're participating in this open novella contest too, drop your stories here, i would love to read them! (hopefully i do find enough time for it xD)

the prompt used:

20. Three strangers. Two secrets. One key.

i hope you enjoy the story!


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