20 | the reunion

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Present Timeline:

It had been a year after the event and everything appeared to be going well. Paige was a lot happier, more confident, and alert about everything. He also met Beatrice with Mr. Thompson; the note wasn't from her but it was nice to finally see her after all those years.

He missed his dad's presence all the same. The tragic news of his demise still hurt him. He sobbed occasionally while hiding himself in his room, hoping no one would notice.

Mr. Thompson stepped up to be his full-time caretaker and routinely took him for a walk to help them both take their minds off the stress and the lingering grief.

It was a bright afternoon and Mr. Thompson headed for grocery shopping. He advised Paige to be cautious about who was at the door and to always pose questions if he was uncertain. He also promised to contact him when he returned so he wouldn't be misled again. Paige listened closely and followed his instructions.

Around half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Paige checked his phone, but there was no call from Mr. Thompson. He wondered who was at the door.

"Who's it?" Paige called out cautiously.

"Nick," The person on the other side of the door answered, "Remember me?"

A rush of excitement flowed through Paige but he knew he had to be cautious and alert. It could be anyone pretending to be him.

"Tell me something that only Nick would know."

"Remember the time we went to an amusement park when you were five, you were sitting atop of the water ride and I pushed you when you weren't ready?"

"Yeah, it was quite the surprise. But, it was worth the thrill though" Paige recalled, smiling at the memory.

Upon confirming that it was indeed Nick and not someone pretending to be him. Gosh, how he missed Nick and their time together. He promptly opened the door with excitement.

In front of him stood a tall and recognizable figure with a face weathered from time and hard effort. Paige smiled at him as pride flowed through his veins. Finally, a family reunion. But he realized that his father was not around to see the event, and he felt crushed by it. However he set his thoughts aside and beckoned his brother inside.

"Hey champ!" Nick said as he entered and patted Paige on the back.

"Hey," Paige said, his face beaming with excitement at having finally reunited with his brother. He felt comforted by his presence.

"What were you up to?" Nick asked as he set his bag in the living room and settled on the couch.

"Teaching the fish how to swim and folding the dishes – you know, the usual" Paige said with a teasing smile.

"What?" Nick said, his voice dragging due to intrigue, "Oh you're in trouble, come here"

Nick chased him around the house when a stern voice was heard outside, halting them in their tracks.

They exchanged glances before turning their attention to the door. There was a knock on the door, followed by a call on Paige's phone. When he checked, relief swept over him as he understood that Mr. Thompson had returned home.

Paige nevertheless picked up the phone to confirm the facts and it was certainly Mr. Thompson.

He swiftly opened the door, eager to tell him about Nick's return to their hometown.

"Who are you, young man?" Mr. Thompson entered the apartment and spotted a strange individual seated on the couch. His hands brushed against his back pocket where he had placed his firearm.

"No need to panic, Mr. Thompson," Nick calmly said. "It's Nicole. It's wonderful to meet you at last."

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