Haerin - Sleepover

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'Wanna have a sleepover tonight?' Was what was written on a piece of paper Haerin slid over on to my desk. 

We had been friends for a couple of weeks as we had to do a project together, but I had never been to her house before. 

She was different from my other friends, she always wanted to be around me, and always showered me with love and adored me. 

I wrote on the back of the paper 'Sure! <3", before sliding it back. 

I saw her eyes light up and a soft smile form on her lips as she read my answer. 

She slid it into her pocket and we continued with the rest of the school day.

The final school bell finally rang and I made way to the spot Haerin told me to meet her at.

I saw her waiting, looking down at the ground and twiddling her fingers. 

I jumped up behind her, making her squeal before she turned around and jumped in to hug me. 

"Y/n-ah! I thought you forgot?" She said.

"How could I?" I answered while laughing. 

We made our way to he house as she linked her arms onto mine. 

After about a 30 minute walk, we finally arrived. Her house wasn't anything special; just an average Korean house.

We entered and I greeted her parents who were very kind and we talked for a while before Haerin dragged my upstairs.

When I entered I was shocked at how big and how nicely decorated her room was.

"OMG!! HAERIN!! YOUR ROOM IS SO NICE!!" I exclaimed.

She chuckled and nodded, getting changed and then slumping down onto the bed.

We talked and laughed until night fell and then we decided to have some fun..

"Hey, y/n, have you ever drank before?" She asked. 

"U-uh, no..?" I answered confused. 

"Good! Your first time drinking can be with me then!" She said as she slipped a bottle of vodka from under her bed and began opening it. 

"Hey Haerin, I-i don't know about this." I said, worried my parents would find out.

"Haha. Don't worry, it'll be fine. Just relax!!"

I guess she was right. 

A little sip wouldn't hurt would it?


The bottle was almost finished as me and Haerin were completely wasted, dancing and singing to the music playing from her speakers. 

That's when I felt something in my stomach. 

I immediately rushed over to her bathroom,  only to throw up in her toilet. 

She rushed after me, lifting my hair and rubbing my back.

"HAHA! Y/N's THROWING UP!!" She laughed. 

I started laughing as well, clearing myself up and then heading back to her bed.

She followed and we both sat there, unsure of what to do next.

At this point I was slightly drunk and slightly sober - an unusual feeling. 

"Y/n, do you wanna play a game?" She questioned.

I nodded and she went over to her drawer, pulling out some candy and returning back to the bed, sitting directly opposite me.

"So, one of us will cover our lips in the lollipop and the other person has to guess what it is. Got it?" 

I nodded, unaware of what was going to happen due to my drunken state. 

"You go first then." She ordered.

I picked out a lollipop from the bag and began unwrapping it, sucking on it and swiping it over my lips. 

"Done. Now how are you going to guess?" I asked genuinely unsure. 

She chuckled before grabbing onto the back of my head, pulling me in so our lips collided as she began to lick my lips and suck them, trying her best to guess the flavour.

I sat there completely frozen, shocked by her actions. 

She carried on for a few minutes, muttering against my lips.

She finally pulled away, a confused expression on her face. 

"Bubblegum?" She asked. 

I gulped and nodded, still shocked about what happened. 

She then told me to close my eyes as it was her turn. 

After a few seconds she said she was done and I hesitantly inched closer to her. 

I wrapped one of my hands around her waist whilst the other held onto the back of her head for stability. 

I moved closer and closer before our lips finally touched and all other sounds were blocked out as I was completely entranced by the feeling of her lips against mine. 

I was still unsure of the taste after a while so I slid my tongue into her mouth, sliding against her tongue, trying my best to guess the flavour. 

I pulled away whilst breathing heavily, finally guessing. 


She chuckled and nodded, before her eyes met mine. 

"Eh? Why have you gone so red y/n." She laughed before jumping on top of me and hugging me tightly. 

"So cute." She muttered against my neck.

Drunk and tired, we both fell asleep in that position as I gently caressed her and played with her hair, immediately putting her to sleep. 

I can't wait to have another sleepover. 

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