Chapter 7: Act professional

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2022, June 19 (Piltover&Zaun): Mercure Grand Inn


It's Been a Day or 2 now where I have started working in this Job for Idols by my Aunt. My study life went into dust as Aunt had basically signed all of my resignation papers which means that now I am stuck Uneducated and Working this Hell of a Job ..... I really miss slacking off in classes now.

Malphite: Please wake up rookie.

I groaned and grumbled from the tiredness I had with the combination of This Giant mountain of a man who by no means trying to squash me, is doing that to me.

[Y/N]: Stop ... I just wanna sleep.

Malphite: Get up before I sit on you.

His threat worked as I didn't want my back snapped in 2 with a yawn but a quick get up and standing straight out of my bed.

Malphite: Good. Now we have work to do.

[Y/N]: Okay *Standing still* W-What are we doing though?

Maplhite: Job.

Samira: You mean to say Care taking.

I turned to See Samira or my Boss alongside the Idols that are my employers. She just gave a pat on Malphite while I was still trying to wake up a bit from all of this. (was there suppose to be a transition here? Or were they just standing there waiting for y/n?)

Samira: It's about time you get up. We got some work to do, you know?

[Y/N]: Uhhhh no?

Samira: Ah Yea you're new to all of this even the working part. Well, let's start with Something first ... clothes.

Talking with the stone of a man I once spoke about before back at the Venue show being that guy taking care of the entrance now knowing his name is Malphite, and my boss Who is Samira. There is actually someone else being Sion, out doing something else, another hulking man like Malphite but not stoney.

For what I could tell about him, his Jaw seems em, lost but he has an Iron one in replacement and kinda creepy and terrifying which checks the job application but didn't come as its only them 2 that would be free to help me find this new clothes for the job while he is working guard shift this time for the KDA ladies.

Samira: You're definitely gonna need to look more... Dark or more like Serious you know. invokes fear and authority off some that just don't wanna move and all. hmhmhm

I guess that makes sense but looking at myself and how I am, even after the whole change of .... Body, I don't think I would know how to invoke such now. Was about to say that as so But suddenly Malphite stopped me.

Malphite: Just act.

[Y/N]: uhhhhhhhhhhh

Samira: I think he means to answer what questioning you have.

[Y/N]: H-How did you know?

Malphite: Face shows alot

That doesn't make sense but not questioning anymore then so. Wonder if my Friends are worried .... Then again only Yone knows I'm alive for now, the rest must still mourn over me. At least the guys went to check on Yone lately. I kinda miss chatting with them when I chat with Samira and Malphite. Also along with missing them And school I also miss the apartment bed. It's not that the place is bad but if anything that night time is a nightmare seeing I had to sleep in a room with all 4. Not literally we all had separate rooms but hell, Sion and Malphite Snoors and I don't want to be bad to Samira who for some reason would sleep walk around the place to sling guns, never loaded but still all the more scary around these peoples .... How did they all even get jobs as body guards for Idols?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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