Prologue: Unknown Futures

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The Wind was cold in a rather Soothing and nice way. It's Cold yet Warming, like a Grasp of motherly Touch as you slept on her thigh in a field of golf. Eyes Blurry visioning of how you would be in the Future of how far may be.

???: ... I Wish we could Be like that again ...

Staring As Someone stood Over Him as the Light Shines Behind Shadowing The Face of the man or warrior that stood In Front, the voice Breathing so Weakly and So tiredly as He lay down from where the man stood over him as all he could was Stare up.

???: *Chuckle* heh, I really wish we could have been like that again huh brother ...

Tears slowly form as They slide down the Face of the man slowly as It Soon touches the ground soils of the land under him.

???: One day I hope that we Aren't Born as This separated way we are .... Both of you .... And I ... Together .....

His last breath uttered as He lost his life Seeping slowly as is, his eyes Dimmed without light and The man he called brother stood over him not a word Spoken But feelings Felt.

Some day


2022, June 12 (Piltover&Zaun): University of Piltover

??? POV

Lecturer: Now To understand the Idea of How hextech works you need to *blah blah blah blah blah*

Ughh I really can't sometimes in some of these Course Studies. It's Not boring But the cobbles of Words and Mind fuck of formula is Killer.


I just wanna Sleep or go back home, I just wanna just be gaming or watching Some shounen like anime for my brain to-

Lecturer: Ahem!

I suddenly got out of my lil head in the clouds as the group of Fellow students looked at me right after the Lecturer had Hit Me in the head using His Powers as everyone looked at me annoyed that like usual a student doesn't silent to the abundant of ear raping explanation.

Lecturer: Mr. [Y/N] (if you want a third pov instead of Yourself Use 'Noah' the given protag name) I see your overlooking class Again when I'm here teaching Now.

[Y/N]: N-Not at all Lecturer just Trying to take in the Words Spewed out ...

He looked at me with a Frown a bit cause my Damn mouth just had to spit some bad i should Keep to myself. A face palm and Looking back I already know he has some things to say.

Lecturer: If you think it that way you're only bound to fail In life as a student here. We are a Prestigious school of only Students that wanna Learn if you are so lethargic what do you have in an outside world?

God I hate the Second hand Embarrassment of this Bullshit, I know times they mean good or times it's to berated but it's the Fact that others watch that makes this bullshit worse than it is as I hide myself a Bit from it covering my face and Head flopped down on the table.

Friend: I think that's Enough as is Mr. Preizekter may we go back to Our Classes? If any, I'll help my friend out here.

Hearing His word as I turned to Him Yone Once again like a Freaking Saint Save me from this Chaos as I hear the sigh of the Lecturer and His Continuation back into the Studies which lead the Students all back to focus.

[Y/N]: *Whisper* thank you

Yone: *Whisper* just focus on class You moron or You'll get caught again and the gang will have to cancel the hangout again.

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