Chapter 5: Deaths Glares

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(Piltover&Zaun): Brobdingnagian Gondola: In the Danger Zone


Devil: no one will hurt my friends

Staring at him who stood above us. I was just petrified from the scene of whatever happened when I accepted my fate.

Yone: W-What the.

Holding him close as the Guy who stood there stared holes down my souls I just Shivered in fear scared of the View even when his Looks weren't as demonic as I vision earlier there was still this immense Aura or feel that did give such emotion.

Akali: Hck! Y-Yone... 

Scared and Well overwhelmed as is even if those things didn't kill us with guns I don't know if this 'Guy' is any better. holding Yone closer and Almost trying to move away cracking back Between rubbles i felt some cuts hurting me as i made an 'ouch' noise that caught his attention.

Yone: Y-Your

Akali: Y-Yone get up we n-

I was cut off when those Guys in Guns shot again. Making me duck alongside Yone While the person took most of it To his back as He stood there almost unfazed. 

Akali: *Getting Yone Up on his Legs* C-Come on! Run!

The 2 crazy Monsters and psychopaths going at each other when Shoots was Done all was A White Mess that I used To help Me and Yone escaped Limping though as Yone Still hurt in the leg. Yone also Kept turning around Almost as if Watching But without too much in mind we Just got further and further away from the scene to a more secluded area away from those things.  

Akali: J-Just w-we should b-be safe here right? right? *seeing his injured leg* s-Shit y-your 

Yone: *Grunt* i-its Nothing t-to bad ngh! W-We should b-be safe here but that ..... 

Akali: Don't think about whatever it is back there we just have to B- 

A Sudden Explosion came as I ducked my head with a loud scream of terror. Those fights were getting even more chaotic as the ground quaked Under us. Even Things Starting to Fall as Buildings Collapse.  While some were Almost hitting us Something blocked them. 


???: no one will hurt my friends

He Reached His arm out as if Guiding something that soon Crawled out of the Voids of The air and Reality an Arm, large in size by alot made of What seems of Flesh and Iron, Hand grasping As in need of Air with its Mouth on its palm opening and in it nothing but Pitch darkness. 

???: And I Will Be your Deathless 'Void'

Crushing and balling his Fist he soon raised his hand Up and slammed it down as Soon followed 'flesh' demon which crushed a few under it. Those some not Of dead, continued to fire at him thou which even to so was No avail as He would swipe His hand swiping them all into a Building squishing them like ants even to some that was Devoured and Crunched to The Mouth full that the Demon hand Has. And All of this to the wittiness of none yet to the fear of Many. 

???: .......

Looking around though he seems Concerned a bit, though not of Shown face Under shadows he Harboured emotions that to none would see and it would only of so shown as Is of the moment.



What Am I seeing. 

Akali: *Gasping looking in shock* a-Ahh

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